
object Companion : Parceler<Signature>


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const val ID_NOT_SET: Long

Indicates that the id has not been set.


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open override fun create(parcel: Parcel): Signature
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fun createInkSignature(@ColorInt inkColor: Int, lineWidthPdf: Float, lines: List<List<PointF>>, biometricSignatureData: BiometricSignatureData? = null, drawWidthRatio: Float = 1.0f): Signature

Helper method to create an ink signature. See Signature constructor for details on parameters.

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fun createStampSignature(bitmap: Bitmap, stampRect: RectF, biometricSignatureData: BiometricSignatureData? = null, drawWidthRatio: Float = 1.0f): Signature

Helper method to create a stamp signature. See Signature constructor for details on parameters.

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fun fromJson(signatureJson: JSONObject): Signature

Creates a signature object by parsing the provided JSON object. The JSON object you provide should be initially obtained via toJson.

fun fromJson(id: Long, signatureJson: JSONObject): Signature

Creates a signature object by parsing the provided JSON object. The JSON object you provide should be initially obtained via toJson. This method also allows you to specify an id which will be assigned to the signature created from the given JSON. This id will also be assigned by the framework when retrieving the signatures from the default storage.

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fun textToBitmap(text: String, font: Font, @ColorInt color: Int, @FloatRange(from = 0.0) scaleFactor: Float, displayMetrics: DisplayMetrics): Bitmap

Creates a bitmap from text that the user typed and a font the user chose.

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open override fun Signature.write(parcel: Parcel, flags: Int)