
Handles all annotation related operations on the owning document. Retrieve it with getAnnotationProvider.



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Listener for annotation update events inside AnnotationProvider.


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All annotation types that can displayed in the annotation list.


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abstract fun addAnnotationToPage(@NonNull annotation: Annotation)
Adds annotation to the owner PDF document.
abstract fun addAnnotationToPage(@NonNull annotation: Annotation, zIndex: Int)
Adds annotation to the owner PDF document at the specified z-index.
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abstract fun addAnnotationToPageAsync(@NonNull annotation: Annotation): Completable
Adds annotation to the owner PDF document asynchronously.
abstract fun addAnnotationToPageAsync(@NonNull annotation: Annotation, zIndex: Int): Completable
Adds annotation to the owner PDF document asynchronously, at the specified z-index.
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abstract fun addAppearanceStreamGenerator(@NonNull appearanceStreamGenerator: AppearanceStreamGenerator)
abstract fun addAppearanceStreamGenerator(@NonNull appearanceStreamGenerator: AppearanceStreamGenerator, addFirst: Boolean)
Adds appearance stream generator to the list of global appearance stream generators.
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Adds an OnAnnotationUpdatedListener for being notified of updates to annotations.
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abstract fun appendAnnotationState(@NonNull annotation: Annotation, @NonNull annotationStateChange: AnnotationStateChange)
Appends a new annotation state for the given annotation (adds it to the review history).
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abstract fun appendAnnotationStateAsync(@NonNull annotation: Annotation, @NonNull annotationStateChange: AnnotationStateChange): Completable
Appends a new annotation state for the given annotation asynchronously (adds it to the review history).
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Creates an annotation from the Instant JSON annotation format.
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abstract fun createAnnotationFromInstantJsonAsync(@NonNull annotationJson: String): Single<Annotation>
Creates an annotation from the Instant JSON annotation format asynchronously.
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Returns all annotations of passed types in this document.
abstract fun getAllAnnotationsOfType(@NonNull types: EnumSet<AnnotationType>, startIndex: Int, pageCount: Int): List<Annotation>
Returns all annotations of passed types in the specified page index range.
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Returns all annotations of passed types in this document.
abstract fun getAllAnnotationsOfTypeAsync(@NonNull types: EnumSet<AnnotationType>, startIndex: Int, pageCount: Int): Observable<Annotation>
Returns all annotations of passed types in the specified page index range.
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abstract fun getAnnotation(@IntRange(from = 0) pageIndex: Int, objectNumber: Int): Annotation
Returns annotation with certain object ID on the page if it exists.
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abstract fun getAnnotationAsync(@IntRange(from = 0) pageIndex: Int, objectNumber: Int): Maybe<Annotation>
Returns annotation with certain object ID on the page if it exists, asynchronously.
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Gets all first-level replies to a particular annotation.
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abstract fun getAnnotationRepliesAsync(@NonNull annotation: Annotation): Single<List<Annotation>>
Gets all first-level replies to a particular annotation asynchronously.
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abstract fun getAnnotations(@IntRange(from = 0) pageIndex: Int): List<Annotation>
Returns a list of annotations on the page.
abstract fun getAnnotations(@NonNull objectNumbers: Collection<Integer>): List<Annotation>
Returns annotations with given object numbers.
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abstract fun getAnnotationsAsync(@IntRange(from = 0) pageIndex: Int): Observable<List<Annotation>>
Returns list of annotations on the page.
abstract fun getAnnotationsAsync(@NonNull objectNumbers: Collection<Integer>): Observable<List<Annotation>>
Returns annotations with given object numbers, asynchronously.
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abstract fun getAnnotationsJson(@IntRange(from = 0) pageIndex: Int): String
Returns a JSON array in string format of annotations on the page.
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Gets all flattened replies (all replies included but no nesting) to a particular annotation.
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Gets all flattened replies (all replies included but no nesting) to a particular annotation asynchronously.
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Gets the review history of an annotation.
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Gets the review history of an annotation asynchronously.
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Gets a summary information about the given annotation's review state.
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abstract fun getReviewSummaryAsync(@NonNull annotation: Annotation, @Nullable currentUser: String): Maybe<AnnotationReviewSummary>
Gets a summary information about the given annotation's review state asynchronously.
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abstract fun getZIndex(@NonNull annotation: Annotation): Int
Gets the z-index of the provided annotation.
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abstract fun getZIndexAsync(@NonNull annotation: Annotation): Single<Integer>
Gets the z-index of the provided annotation.
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abstract fun hasUnsavedChanges(): Boolean
Returns whether there are unsaved changes to annotations in this document.
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abstract fun moveAnnotation(@NonNull annotation: Annotation, @NonNull zIndexMove: AnnotationZIndexMove)
Moves the annotation with the specified z-index move action.
abstract fun moveAnnotation(@NonNull annotation: Annotation, zIndex: Int)
abstract fun moveAnnotation(pageIndex: Int, fromZIndex: Int, toZIndex: Int)
Moves the annotation to the specified z-index.
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abstract fun moveAnnotationAsync(@NonNull annotation: Annotation, @NonNull zIndexMove: AnnotationZIndexMove): Completable
Moves the annotation with the specified z-index move action asynchronously.
abstract fun moveAnnotationAsync(@NonNull annotation: Annotation, zIndex: Int): Completable
abstract fun moveAnnotationAsync(pageIndex: Int, fromZIndex: Int, toZIndex: Int): Completable
Moves the annotation to the specified z-index asynchronously.
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abstract fun removeAnnotationFromPage(@NonNull annotation: Annotation)
Removes annotation from the document.
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abstract fun removeAnnotationFromPageAsync(@NonNull annotation: Annotation): Completable
Removes annotation from this document asynchronously.
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abstract fun removeAppearanceStreamGenerator(@NonNull appearanceStreamGenerator: AppearanceStreamGenerator)
Remove appearance stream generator that was previously added in addAppearanceStreamGenerator.