
constructor(@NonNull fragmentManager: FragmentManager)

Constructor taking the required FragmentManager. The fragment manager is stored as weak reference, so the factory needs to be recreated whenever the activity is destroyed. Using this constructor behaves the same as if using the DialogNewPageFactory constructor with a null document size.



FragmentManager used to show the NewPageDialog dialog.

constructor(@NonNull fragmentManager: FragmentManager, @Nullable documentPageSize: Size)

Constructor taking the required FragmentManager and an optional Size that should be used as default in the NewPageDialog. The fragment manager is stored as weak reference, so the factory needs to be recreated whenever the activity is destroyed.



FragmentManager used to show the NewPageDialog dialog.


Optional Size that will be shown as default page size option inside the dialog.

constructor(@NonNull fragmentManager: FragmentManager, @Nullable documentPageSize: Size, @Nullable pageTemplates: List<PageTemplate>)

Constructor taking the required FragmentManager, an optional Size that should be used as default in the NewPageDialog, and optional PageTemplates for the user to choose from. The fragment manager is stored as weak reference, so the factory needs to be recreated whenever the activity is destroyed.



FragmentManager used to show the NewPageDialog dialog.


Optional Size that will be shown as default page size option inside the dialog.


A list of PageTemplates that the user can select from in addition to the default patterns.

constructor(@NonNull fragmentManager: FragmentManager, @Nullable documentPageSize: Size, @Nullable pageTemplates: List<PageTemplate>, showPageTemplatesLast: Boolean)

Constructor taking the required FragmentManager, an optional Size that should be used as default in the NewPageDialog, and optional PageTemplates for the user to choose from. The fragment manager is stored as weak reference, so the factory needs to be recreated whenever the activity is destroyed.



FragmentManager used to show the NewPageDialog dialog.


Optional Size that will be shown as default page size option inside the dialog.


A list of PageTemplates that the user can select from in addition to the default patterns.


Set to true to display your PageTemplates after page pattern options. Set to false by default.