
Provides methods for exporting data in XFDF format from the document as well as parsing the existing XFDF data and applying it to the document.


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fun parseXfdf(document: PdfDocument, dataProvider: DataProvider, ignorePageRotation: Boolean = false): List<Annotation>

Parses XFDF file served by the data provider and returns a list of annotations that can be added to the document. This doesn't automatically add all the annotations to the document. To do that use com.pspdfkit.annotations.AnnotationProvider.addAnnotationToPage.

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fun parseXfdfAsync(document: PdfDocument, dataProvider: DataProvider, ignorePageRotation: Boolean = false): Single<List<Annotation>>

Parses XFDF file served by the data provider and returns a list of annotations that can be added to the document. This doesn't automatically add all the annotations to the document. To do that use com.pspdfkit.annotations.AnnotationProvider.addAnnotationToPage.

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fun writeXfdf(document: PdfDocument, annotations: List<Annotation>, formFields: List<FormField>, outputStream: OutputStream, ignorePageRotation: Boolean = false)

Generates an XFDF file out of provided annotations and form fields and writes the output to the given output stream.

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fun writeXfdfAsync(document: PdfDocument, annotations: List<Annotation>, formFields: List<FormField>, outputStream: OutputStream, ignorePageRotation: Boolean = false): Completable

Generates an XFDF file out of provided annotations and form fields and writes the output to the given output stream.