
PdfLibrary implements a SQLite-based full-text-search engine. You can register documents to be indexed in the background and then search for keywords within that collection. There can be multiple libraries, although usually one is enough for the common use case.

See also


href="https://pspdfkit.com/guides/android/current/features/indexed-full-text-search/">Indexed Full text search


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@Retention(value = SOURCE)
annotation class Tokenizer


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val PORTER_TOKENIZER: String = "PorterTokenizer"
The name of PSPDFKit's custom porter tokenizer that allows better CJK indexing.
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val UNICODE_TOKENIZER: String = "UnicodeTokenizer"
The name of PSPDFKit's custom Unicode tokenizer.


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Adds a LibraryIndexingListener to monitor document indexing status.
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open fun clearIndex()
Completely clears the index for this library.
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open fun enqueueDocuments(@NonNull documents: List<PdfDocument>)
open fun enqueueDocuments(@NonNull documents: List<PdfDocument>, @NonNull indexingOptions: IndexingOptions)
Queues an array of documents for indexing.
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open fun enqueueDocumentSources(@NonNull documentSources: List<DocumentSource>)
Queues an array of documents for indexing.
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Queues an array of documents for indexing together with passed free-form metadata.
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Queues an array of documents for indexing together with passed free-form metadata.
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open fun get(@NonNull path: String): PdfLibrary
open fun get(@NonNull path: String, @NonNull tokenizer: String): PdfLibrary
Returns a library for a given path.
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Returns list of UIDs of documents currently indexed.
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Returns indexing status for a document with passed UID.
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Returns metadata appended to document with enqueueDocumentsWithMetadata call.
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Returns list of UIDs of documents queued for indexing.
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Indicates whether saving the reverse text is enabled.
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open fun isIndexing(): Boolean
Indicates whether the indexing is in progress or not.
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open fun removeDocuments(@NonNull documentUIDs: List<String>)
Invalidates index for documents.
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open fun search(@NonNull searchString: String, @Nullable options: QueryOptions, @NonNull resultListener: QueryResultListener)
Query the database for a match of searchString.
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open fun setSaveReverseText(saveReverseText: Boolean)
Will save a reversed copy of the original page text.
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open fun size(): Int
Returns number of indexed documents in this library.
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open fun stopSearch()
Stops search and all in-progress preview text generator tasks.