
Contains the default values used by com.pspdfkit.jetpack.compose.views.DocumentView


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fun annotationListeners(onPrepareAnnotationSelection: (AnnotationSelectionController, Annotation, Boolean) -> Boolean? = { _, _, _ -> true }, onAnnotationSelected: (Annotation, Boolean) -> Unit? = { _, _ -> }, onAnnotationSelectionFinished: (List<Annotation>, Boolean) -> Unit? = { _, _ -> }, onAnnotationDeselected: (Annotation, Boolean) -> Unit? = { _, _ -> }): AnnotationListener
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fun documentListeners(onDocumentLoaded: (PdfDocument) -> Unit? = {}, onDocumentLoadFailed: (Throwable) -> Unit? = {}, onDocumentSave: (PdfDocument, DocumentSaveOptions) -> Boolean? = { _, _ -> true }, onDocumentSaved: (PdfDocument) -> Unit? = { _ -> }, onDocumentSaveFailed: (PdfDocument, Throwable) -> Unit? = { _, _ -> }, onDocumentSaveCancelled: (PdfDocument?) -> Unit? = { _ -> }, onPageClick: (PdfDocument, Int, MotionEvent?, PointF?, Annotation?) -> Boolean? = { _, _, _, _, _ -> false }, onDocumentClick: () -> Boolean? = { false }, onPageChanged: (PdfDocument, Int) -> Unit? = { _, _ -> }, onDocumentZoomed: (PdfDocument, Int, Float) -> Unit? = { _, _, _ -> }, onPageUpdated: (PdfDocument, Int) -> Unit? = { _, _ -> }): DocumentListener
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fun formListeners(addOnFormElementClickedListener: (FormElement) -> Boolean = { _ -> false }, addOnFormElementViewUpdatedListener: (formElement: FormElement) -> Boolean = { _ -> false }, addOnFormElementValidationSuccess: (formElement: FormElement) -> Boolean = { _ -> false }, addOnFormElementValidationFailed: (formElement: FormElement, validationError: String) -> Boolean = { _, _ -> false }, addOnEnterFormElementEditingMode: (formEditingController: FormEditingController) -> Boolean = { _ -> false }, addOnChangeFormElementEditingMode: (formEditingController: FormEditingController) -> Boolean = { _ -> false }, addOnExitFormElementEditingMode: (formEditingController: FormEditingController) -> Boolean = { _ -> false }, addOnFormElementUpdatedListener: (formElement: FormElement) -> Boolean = { _ -> false }, addOnFormElementDeselectedListener: (formElement: FormElement, reselected: Boolean) -> Boolean = { _, _ -> false }, addOnFormElementSelectedListener: (formElement: FormElement) -> Boolean = { _ -> false }): FormListener
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fun uiListeners(onImmersiveModeEnabled: (Boolean) -> Unit? = {}, onDocumentScroll: (ScrollState) -> Unit? = {}): UiListener