
Default implementation of a LocalizationListener which just calls through to default Android localization methods in android.content.res.Resources class and picks up strings from XML files.


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open fun getLocalizedQuantityString(@NonNull context: Context, @PluralsRes res: Int, @NonNull locale: Locale, @Nullable view: View, quantity: Int, formatArgs: Array<Any>): String
Called when a quantity (pluralizable) string needs to be localized and has to return a localized string.
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open fun getLocalizedString(@NonNull context: Context, @StringRes stringId: Int, @NonNull currentLocale: Locale, @Nullable view: View): String
open fun getLocalizedString(@NonNull context: Context, @StringRes stringId: Int, @NonNull currentLocale: Locale, @Nullable view: View, formatArgs: Array<Any>): String
Called when a string needs to be localized and has to return a localized string.