
A dialog for adding a signature to a document by drawing, selecting an image, or typing. an electronic signature. The dialog also provides a list of stored signatures.

This class requires the Electronic Signatures feature to be enabled in your license.

To show the dialog, use show providing the fragment manager of the current activity, and a callback for receiving the user's selection.

To cryptographically sign a document with a certificate, please use the com.pspdfkit.signatures.SigningManager class from PSPDFKit’s Digital Signatures component.

Check out signature guide for more general information about signatures.


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open fun dismiss(@NonNull fragmentManager: FragmentManager)
Dismisses any previously shown signature picker fragment.
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open fun finish()
Dismiss fragment removing it from its owning activity.
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open fun onCreate(@Nullable savedInstanceState: Bundle)
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open fun onDestroy()
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open fun onSaveInstanceState(@NonNull outState: Bundle)
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open fun restore(@NonNull fragmentManager: FragmentManager, @Nullable listener: OnSignaturePickedListener)
open fun restore(@NonNull fragmentManager: FragmentManager, @Nullable listener: OnSignaturePickedListener, @Nullable signatureStorage: SignatureStorage)
Restores any previously shown ElectronicSignatureFragment by re-attaching a .
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Sets listener for picked signatures.
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open fun show(@NonNull fragmentManager: FragmentManager, @Nullable listener: OnSignaturePickedListener)
open fun show(@NonNull fragmentManager: FragmentManager, @Nullable listener: OnSignaturePickedListener, @Nullable signatureOptions: ElectronicSignatureOptions, @Nullable signatureStorage: SignatureStorage)