
Fragment that actually displays the PDF document. It contains only the document view without any additional views like outline, thumbnail bar, search, etc. Meant to be used if you want full custom implementation and design.



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This constructor is for internal usage only.


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val DEFAULT_ZOOM: Float = 1.0f
Default zoom scale.
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Key for storing the last viewed page index inside the DocumentDataStore of the loaded document.
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If the fragment is created from an image document source, the loaded image document will be stored here.
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Indicates whether the document view is enabled right now, if it's disabled, scrolling and zooming is not possible.
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Indicates whether UI is enabled right now.
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val MAX_ZOOM: Float = 15.0f
Maximum zoom scale.
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val MIN_ZOOM: Float = 0.9f
Min allowed zoom (before snapping back).
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Navigation history to jump between pages when clicking links.
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val PARAM_CONFIGURATION: String = "PSPDFKit.Configuration"
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val PARAM_IMAGE_DOCUMENT_SOURCE: String = "PSPDFKit.ImageDocument.Source"
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val PARAM_SOURCES: String = "PSPDFKit.Sources"
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Currently used custom signature storage.


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open fun addAnnotationToPage(@NonNull annotation: Annotation, selectImmediately: Boolean)
open fun addAnnotationToPage(@NonNull annotation: Annotation, selectImmediately: Boolean, @Nullable completeAction: Runnable)
Adds annotation to page asynchronously, refreshing rendering in all UI components.
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Adds an AnnotationViewsListener to the list of listeners that will be notified when the internal views factory creates an EditText widget for editing a freetext annotation
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Adds a DocumentActionListener that can handle actions bound to PDF objects.
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open fun addDocumentListener(@NonNull documentListener: DocumentListener)
Adds a DocumentListener for listening to document events.
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open fun addDocumentScrollListener(@NonNull documentScrollListener: DocumentScrollListener)
Adds a DocumentScrollListener for listening to scrolling events on the document.
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open fun addDrawableProvider(@NonNull drawableProvider: PdfDrawableProvider)
Adds a PdfDrawableProvider to be managed by this object.
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open fun addInsets(leftOffset: Int, topOffset: Int, rightOffset: Int, bottomOffset: Int)
Offset PdfFragment insets by specified amount.
Register a OnAnnotationCreationModeChangeListener to get notified when annotation creation mode gets updated.
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Register a OnAnnotationDeselectedListener to get notified when annotation gets deselected.
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Register a OnAnnotationEditingModeChangeListener to get notified when annotation editing mode gets updated.
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Register a OnAnnotationSelectedListener to get notified when annotation gets selected.
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Adds a OnFormElementClickedListener to get notified when form element has been clicked.
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Adds a OnFormElementDeselectedListener to get notified when form element gets deselected.
Adds a OnFormElementEditingModeChangeListener to get notified when form element editing mode gets updated.
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Adds a OnFormElementSelectedListener to get notified when form element gets selected.
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Adds a OnFormElementUpdatedListener to get notified when form element gets updated.
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Adds a OnFormElementViewUpdatedListener to get notified about form element view update events.
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Adds a OnTextSelectionChangeListener, which gets notified when text selection changes in the document, such as different text is selected.
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Adds a OnTextSelectionModeChangeListener, which gets notified when entering and exiting a text selection in the document.
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open fun addOverlayViewProvider(@NonNull overlayViewProvider: OverlayViewProvider)
Adds an OverlayViewProvider for adding overlay views to this fragment.
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Notifies the navigation manager that calls to setPageIndex should be added to the navigation history until endNavigation is called.
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Clears all currently selected Annotations.
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Commits the page changes to the navigation history dropping everything but the very last one.
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Starts the annotation creation mode with the last used annotation tool as the selected one.
open fun enterAnnotationCreationMode(@NonNull annotationTool: AnnotationTool, @NonNull annotationToolVariant: AnnotationToolVariant)
Enter annotation creation mode on the document.
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Enter annotation editing mode on the document.
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Starts the content editing mode which allows for modifying PDF content text
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open fun enterFormEditingMode(@NonNull formElement: FormElement)
Enter form editing mode on the document.
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open fun enterTextSelectionMode(@IntRange(from = 0) pageIndex: Int, @NonNull textRange: Range)
open fun enterTextSelectionMode(pageIndex: Int, @NonNull touchedTextRects: TextSelectionRectangles)
Sets the current text selection.
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open fun executeAction(@NonNull action: Action)
open fun executeAction(@NonNull action: Action, @Nullable actionSender: ActionSender)
Executes the given PDF action on the currently loaded document.
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Exit any currently active mode on the document (annotation creation, annotation editing, text selection).
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Returns the active annotation tool.
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Returns the variant of the active annotation tool variant (if any).
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Returns annotation configuration registry with annotation configuration for supported annotation types and/or tools.
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Returns manager for annotation preferences.
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Returns this fragment's audio mode manager instance for entering/leaving audio playback or recording modes.
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Gets the background color of the fragment.
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Returns content editing fill color configuration Note: This method must be called after views are created (after onCreateView).
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Returns manager for content editing preferences.
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open fun getContentEditingState(): ContentEditingState
Returns the current content editing state.
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Returns this fragment's undo manager instance for performing undo/redo operations of content edits.
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Gets the loaded document.
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open fun getInternal(): InternalPdfFragmentApi
Returns the InternalPdfFragmentApi.
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Gets annotations that should be rendered as overlays.
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Gets annotation types that should be rendered as overlays.
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@IntRange(from = "-1")
open fun getPageCount(): Int
Gets number of pages in the document.
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@IntRange(from = "-1")
open fun getPageIndex(): Int
Gets currently displayed document page.
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Returns currently set password view for the fragment.
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open fun getRecordedListener(): OnEditRecordedListener
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Returns a list of currently selected annotations, or an empty list if no annotations were selected.
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Returns currently selected form element.
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@IntRange(from = "-1")
open fun getSiblingPageIndex(@IntRange(from = "-1") pageIndex: Int): Int
Gets page sibling index (usable in double page mode).
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open fun getState(): Bundle
Gets current state of the fragment.
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Returns the current text selection.
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Returns this fragment's undo manager instance for performing undo/redo operations of annotation edits.
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Returns the ViewProjection for transforming between the view coordinates and PDF coordinates.
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Fetch the list of pages currently visible on the screen.
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open fun getVisiblePdfRect(@NonNull targetRect: RectF, @IntRange(from = 0) pageIndex: Int): Boolean
Sets targetRect to contain the visible PDF rect of the given pageIndex.
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open fun getZoomScale(@IntRange(from = 0) pageIndex: Int): Float
Gets zoom scale at the specified page.
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Indicates whether the displayed document is an image or not.
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Returns true if any of the special modes is active.
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Returns redaction annotation preview mode, false by default.
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Indicates whether the scrolling is enabled, or not.
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Indicates whether the zooming is enabled, or not.
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open fun newImageInstance(@NonNull documentUri: Uri, @NonNull configuration: PdfConfiguration): PdfFragment
Creates and returns a new Fragment to display a converted PDF document from a supported image format.
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open fun newInstance(@NonNull documentUri: Uri, @NonNull configuration: PdfConfiguration): PdfFragment
open fun newInstance(@NonNull documentUri: Uri, @Nullable password: String, @NonNull configuration: PdfConfiguration): PdfFragment
open fun newInstance(@NonNull documentUri: Uri, @Nullable password: String, @Nullable contentSignature: String, @NonNull configuration: PdfConfiguration): PdfFragment
Creates and returns a new Fragment to display a PDF document.
open fun newInstance(@NonNull document: PdfDocument, @NonNull configuration: PdfConfiguration): PdfFragment
Creates and returns a new Fragment to display a PDF document from an already opened instance.
open fun newInstance(@NonNull fragment: PdfFragment, @NonNull configuration: PdfConfiguration): PdfFragment
Creates and returns a new Fragment to display a PDF document from an PdfFragment.
open fun newInstance(@NonNull documentUris: List<Uri>, @NonNull configuration: PdfConfiguration): PdfFragment
open fun newInstance(@NonNull documentUris: List<Uri>, @Nullable documentPasswords: List<String>, @NonNull configuration: PdfConfiguration): PdfFragment
open fun newInstance(@NonNull documentUris: List<Uri>, @Nullable documentPasswords: List<String>, @Nullable documentContentSignatures: List<String>, @NonNull configuration: PdfConfiguration): PdfFragment
Creates and returns a new Fragment to display passed list of PDF documents as a single compound document.
open fun newInstance(@NonNull source: DataProvider, @Nullable password: String, @NonNull configuration: PdfConfiguration): PdfFragment
Creates and returns a new Fragment to display a PDF document from a custom data source.
open fun newInstance(@NonNull source: DataProvider, @Nullable password: String, @Nullable contentSignature: String, @NonNull configuration: PdfConfiguration): PdfFragment
Creates and returns a new Fragment to display a PDF document from a custom data source
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Creates and returns a new Fragment to display a PDF document from the given DocumentSources.
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open fun newInstanceFromSources(@NonNull sources: List<DataProvider>, @Nullable passwords: List<String>, @Nullable contentSignatures: List<String>, @NonNull configuration: PdfConfiguration): PdfFragment
Creates and returns a new Fragment to display a PDF document from a custom data source as a compound document.
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Notifies this fragment that the passed annotation has changed and that all the views displaying it should be updated.
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open fun notifyAnnotationsHaveChanged(@NonNull annotations: List<out Annotation>)
Notifies this fragment that the passed annotations have changed and that all the views displaying it should be updated.
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Notifies layout has changed and properly updates its internal state and views.
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open fun onAnnotationDeselected(@NonNull annotation: Annotation, reselected: Boolean)
Called when annotation gets deselected.
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open fun onAnnotationsCopied(@NonNull annotations: List<out Annotation>)
The following listener methods are called after successful operation.
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open fun onAnnotationsCut(@NonNull annotations: List<out Annotation>)
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open fun onAnnotationSelected(@NonNull annotation: Annotation, annotationCreated: Boolean)
Called when annotation gets selected.
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open fun onAnnotationSelectionFinished(@NonNull annotations: List<Annotation>, annotationCreated: Boolean)
Called when annotation gets selected.
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open fun onAnnotationsPasted(@NonNull annotations: List<out Annotation>)
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open fun onAttach(@NonNull context: Context)
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open fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle)
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open fun onCreateView(@NonNull inflater: LayoutInflater, @Nullable container: ViewGroup, @Nullable savedInstanceState: Bundle): View
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open fun onDestroy()
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open fun onDestroyView()
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open fun onDetach()
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Called when the user taps / clicks on the document, not the page itself but on the side (if visible).
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Called when document is successfully loaded and the document view has been laid out.
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Called if document loading has failed.
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Called before document will be saved.
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Called if document saving has been cancelled.
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Called after the document has been saved.
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Called if document saving has failed.
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open fun onDocumentScrolled(currX: Int, currY: Int, maxX: Int, maxY: Int, extendX: Int, extendY: Int)
Called whenever the document in the fragment scrolled.
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open fun onDocumentZoomed(@NonNull document: PdfDocument, @IntRange(from = 0) pageIndex: Int, scaleFactor: Float)
Called when a user zooms a document.
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open fun onFormElementDeselected(@NonNull formElement: FormElement, reselected: Boolean)
Called when form element gets deselected.
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open fun onFormElementSelected(@NonNull formElement: FormElement)
Called when form element gets selected.
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open fun onLowMemory()
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open fun onPageChanged(@NonNull document: PdfDocument, @IntRange(from = 0) pageIndex: Int)
Called when user scrolled to a new page.
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open fun onPageClick(@NonNull document: PdfDocument, @IntRange(from = 0) pageIndex: Int, @Nullable event: MotionEvent, @Nullable pagePosition: PointF, @Nullable clickedAnnotation: Annotation): Boolean
Called when user taps / clicks on the page.
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open fun onPageUpdated(@NonNull document: PdfDocument, @IntRange(from = 0) pageIndex: Int)
Called when content of page with pageIndex has changed (for example due to annotation or form field being updated).
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open fun onPrepareAnnotationSelection(@NonNull controller: AnnotationSelectionController, @NonNull annotation: Annotation, annotationCreated: Boolean): Boolean
Called immediately before annotation is going to be selected.
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open fun onResume()
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open fun onSaveInstanceState(@NonNull outState: Bundle)
Called by the activity if it requires the fragment to save its state.
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Called whenever the current scroll state of the document view has changed.
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open fun onStop()
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open fun onViewCreated(@NonNull view: View, @Nullable savedInstanceState: Bundle)
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open fun refreshPages()
Re initialises DocumentView if total number of visible pages are 0.
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Removes a listener from the list of AnnotationViewsListeners.
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Removes a previously added DocumentActionListener that can handle actions bound to PDF objects.
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open fun removeDocumentListener(@NonNull documentListener: DocumentListener)
Removes a previously registered DocumentListener.
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open fun removeDocumentScrollListener(@NonNull documentScrollListener: DocumentScrollListener)
Removes a previously registered DocumentScrollListener.
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open fun removeDrawableProvider(@NonNull drawableProvider: PdfDrawableProvider)
Removes a previously added PdfDrawableProvider.
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Removes a OnTextSelectionChangeListener, which gets notified when text selection changes in the document, such as different text is selected.
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Removes a previously added OnTextSelectionModeChangeListener, which gets notified when entering and exiting a text selection in the document.
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open fun removeOverlayViewProvider(@NonNull overlayViewProvider: OverlayViewProvider)
Removes a previously added OverlayViewProvider.
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open fun save(): Boolean
Saves the file held by the document view back to it's original location.
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open fun saveAsync()
Saves the file held by the document view back to it's original location.
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open fun scrollTo(@NonNull pdfRect: RectF, @IntRange(from = 0) pageIndex: Int, duration: Long, scrollWhenVisible: Boolean)
Scrolls to the given pdfRect, if necessary changing to the page.
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Sets the annotation overlay render strategy.
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open fun setBackgroundColor(backgroundColor: Int)
Sets the background color of the fragment.
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Sets the custom source for the PDF file.
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Sets the custom sources for the PDF file.
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open fun setInsets(@IntRange(from = 0) left: Int, @IntRange(from = 0) top: Int, @IntRange(from = 0) right: Int, @IntRange(from = 0) bottom: Int)
Sets insets that will be used as padding for PdfFragment contents.
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Sets a OnDocumentLongPressListener for long press document events.
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Sets the listener that will allow you to get notified when each of the popup toolbars is prepared and ready to be displayed.
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open fun setOverlaidAnnotations(@NonNull overlayAnnotations: List<Annotation>)
Sets annotations that should be rendered as overlays.
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open fun setOverlaidAnnotationTypes(@NonNull overlayAnnotationTypes: EnumSet<AnnotationType>)
Sets annotation types that should be rendered as overlays.
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open fun setPageIndex(@IntRange(from = 0) pageIndex: Int)
Sets the pageIndex to be displayed (0 is the first one), using our default decision on animating, which is to animate the transition if the page is next/before the current page, and not animate if further away.
open fun setPageIndex(@IntRange(from = 0) pageIndex: Int, animated: Boolean)
Sets the pageIndex to be displayed (0 is the first one).
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Sets drawable that should be displayed instead of fragment's contents (i.e.
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open fun setPasswordView(@NonNull pdfPasswordView: PdfPasswordView)
Sets password view to be used for the password-protected documents.
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Sets redaction annotations preview as redacted.
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open fun setScrollingEnabled(enabled: Boolean)
Enables/disabled the scrolling performed by the user.
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Selects a single Annotation.
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Sets the currently selected Annotations.
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Sets the currently selected FormElement.
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For measurement tools, you can set and select whichever MeasurementValueConfiguration you want using this API.
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open fun setState(@NonNull state: Bundle)
Replace fragment state.
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open fun setZoomingEnabled(enabled: Boolean)
Enables/disabled the zooming performed by the user.
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open fun zoomBy(focusX: Int, focusY: Int, @IntRange(from = 0) pageIndex: Int, scaleFactor: Float, duration: Long)
Zoom by the given scale focused on the given point in PDF coordinates.
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open fun zoomTo(rect: RectF, @IntRange(from = 0) pageIndex: Int, duration: Long)
Zoom to a specific rect on the given page.
open fun zoomTo(focusX: Int, focusY: Int, @IntRange(from = 0) pageIndex: Int, targetScale: Float, duration: Long)
Zoom to the given scale focused on the given point in PDF coordinates.