
open class SettingsOptions(var scrollDirection: PageScrollDirection, var scrollMode: PageScrollMode, var layoutMode: PageLayoutMode, var themeMode: ThemeMode, var screenTimeoutMillis: Long, val visibleItems: EnumSet<SettingsMenuItemType>, var snapToPoint: Boolean, var snapToSelf: Boolean, var showSmartGuides: Boolean) : Serializable

Data class that represents the options to be shown in the com.pspdfkit.ui.settings.SettingsDialog. Generally you wouldn't need to deal with this class, as it's automatically created by the internal PdfUi implementation from values of the active PdfConfiguration.


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constructor(scrollDirection: PageScrollDirection, scrollMode: PageScrollMode, layoutMode: PageLayoutMode, themeMode: ThemeMode, screenTimeoutMillis: Long, visibleItems: EnumSet<SettingsMenuItemType>, snapToPoint: Boolean, snapToSelf: Boolean, showSmartGuides: Boolean)


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Continuous or paginated scrolling. See PdfConfiguration.getLayoutMode

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Specifies the duration that needs to pass without user interaction until the screen is turned off. Use PdfUi.TIMEOUT_DEFAULT for the system default timeout and PdfUi.TIMEOUT_INFINITE to deactivate automatic screen off. Please notice, that this setting only works out of the box only if you're using PdfActivity (or a derived class from it). In case you're using PdfUiFragment you can forward Activity.onUserInteraction from your activity class.

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Set page scroll direction. See PdfConfiguration.getScrollDirection

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Continuous or paginated scrolling. See PdfConfiguration.getScrollMode

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Enables smart guides for predefined angles.

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Enables snapping to page graphics for measurement tools.

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Enables snapping to itself at the end of shape drawing.

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Default or night theme. See PdfConfiguration.getThemeMode

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Items that should be visible in the settings dialog. See PdfActivityConfiguration.getSettingsMenuItemShown. Providing an empty set results in the same behavior as PdfActivityConfiguration.Builder.hideSettingsMenu and will remove the settings dialog item from the main options menu.


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open override fun toString(): String