
interface PdfDocument

A PDF document. To create an instance use openDocument or related static methods on the PdfDocumentLoader class.



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Indicates that the returned value is a page rotation.


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val NO_ROTATION: Int = 0
Rotation value returned for pages that aren't rotated.
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val ROTATION_180: Int = 180
Rotation value returned for pages that are rotated 180°.
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val ROTATION_270: Int = 270
Rotation value returned for pages that are rotated 270°.
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val ROTATION_90: Int = 90
Rotation value returned for pages that are rotated 90°.


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abstract fun addLongTermValidation(@NonNull signatureFormElement: SignatureFormElement, @NonNull certificates: List<X509Certificate>): Completable
This adds long term validation to an existing signature form element that has already been signed or refreshes that information if the signature is already LTV enabled.
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fun PdfDocument.createTextBlock(@IntRange(from = 0) pageIndex: Int, range: Range): TextBlock

Creates a TextBlock from the given page.

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Returns AnnotationProvider object which handles annotations contained in this document.
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Returns BookmarkProvider object which handles bookmarks contained in this document.
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abstract fun getCharIndexAt(@IntRange(from = 0) pageIndex: Int, x: Float, y: Float): Int
Return the index of the closest character whose rect intersects the given x and y coordinates.
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Returns PdfDocumentCheckpointer object which handles the checkpoint for the document.
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Returns a default set of document save options which have same permissions, password and PDF version set as this document.
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abstract fun getDocumentId(): Array<Byte>
Returns a document identifier.
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abstract fun getDocumentIdString(): String
Returns a string representation of a document identifier.
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Returns information about digital signatures in this document.
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Returns information about digital signatures in this document.
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Returns source of this document.
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Returns list of DocumentSources from which this document is loaded.
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Returns EmbeddedFilesProvider object which handles embedded files contained in this document.
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Returns FormProvider object which handles forms contained in this document.
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abstract fun getHashForDocumentRange(@NonNull range: List<Long>, @NonNull hashAlgorithm: HashAlgorithm): Array<Byte>
abstract fun getHashForDocumentRange(sourceIndex: Int, @NonNull range: List<Long>, @NonNull hashAlgorithm: HashAlgorithm): Array<Byte>
Returns the hash of a particular byte range of the document.
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Returns JavaScriptProvider object which handles JavaScript execution for this document.
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Returns list of top-level (outline / table-of-contents) bookmarks.
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abstract fun getOutlineAsync(): Single<List<OutlineElement>>
Returns list of top-level (outline / table-of-contents) bookmarks, asynchronously.
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Returns the current document's PageBinding.
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abstract fun getPageBox(@IntRange(from = 0) pageIndex: Int, @NonNull box: PdfBox): RectF
Returns rectangle describing one of the PDF page boxes.
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abstract fun getPageCount(): Int
Returns number of pages in this document.
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abstract fun getPageIndexForPageLabel(@NonNull pageLabel: String, partialMatching: Boolean): Integer
Gets the page index for the given page label.
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abstract fun getPageLabel(@IntRange(from = 0) pageIndex: Int, substituteWithPlainLabel: Boolean): String
Gets the page label.
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abstract fun getPageRotation(@IntRange(from = 0) pageIndex: Int): Int
Returns a page rotation in degrees.
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abstract fun getPageSize(@IntRange(from = 0) pageIndex: Int): Size
Returns a page size in PDF points.
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abstract fun getPageText(@IntRange(from = 0) pageIndex: Int): String
Returns text content of the document page.
abstract fun getPageText(@IntRange(from = 0) pageIndex: Int, @NonNull rectF: RectF): String
Returns text content inside given page rectangle.
abstract fun getPageText(@IntRange(from = 0) pageIndex: Int, start: Int, length: Int): String
Returns text content between two character indexes.
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abstract fun getPageTextLength(@IntRange(from = 0) pageIndex: Int): Int
Gets number of characters in text on the page.
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abstract fun getPageTextRects(@IntRange(from = 0) pageIndex: Int, startIndex: Int, length: Int): List<RectF>
abstract fun getPageTextRects(@IntRange(from = 0) pageIndex: Int, startIndex: Int, length: Int, markupPadding: Boolean): List<RectF>
Returns the rects of the range of characters on a page.
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Returns metadata (title, author, creation date, ...) of this document, stored in the PDF document dictionary.
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Returns auxiliary projection class for mapping coordinate space between raw and normalized Pdf.
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Returns current PDF version of the document.
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Returns set of currently applied permission flags on this document.
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abstract fun getRotationOffset(@IntRange(from = 0) pageIndex: Int): Int
Returns the rotation offset applied to this page in degrees.
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Gets the secondary unit value from the document
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abstract fun getTextForBlocks(@NonNull textBlocks: List<TextBlock>): String
Returns page text for a list of text blocks.
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abstract fun getTitle(): String
Returns a document title.
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abstract fun getUid(): String
This is the unique identifier for this document.
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Returns document metadata stored in the XMP metadata entries included in the PDF file.
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abstract fun hasEmbeddedFile(): Boolean
Checks whether this document has embedded files, which includes all the file annotations
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abstract fun hasOutline(): Boolean
Checks whether this document has outline / table of contents
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abstract fun hasPermission(@NonNull permission: DocumentPermissions): Boolean
Test document permission flags.
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abstract fun initPageCache()
Pre-fetches rotations, sizes and labels for all pages on a background thread.
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abstract fun initPageCacheAsync(): Completable
Pre-fetches rotations, sizes and labels for all pages on a background thread.
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abstract fun invalidateCache()
Invalidates the rendered cache of all the pages for this document.
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abstract fun invalidateCacheForPage(@IntRange(from = 0) pageIndex: Int)
Invalidates the rendered cache of the given pageIndex for this document.
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Whether or not automatic link generation is enabled.
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Whether or not watermark filtering is enabled.
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Query whether the document data source is read/write (is not compounded and comes from a supported source) and whether saving is enabled.
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abstract fun renderPageToBitmap(@NonNull context: Context, pageIndex: Int, width: Int, height: Int): Bitmap
abstract fun renderPageToBitmap(@NonNull context: Context, pageIndex: Int, width: Int, height: Int, @NonNull configuration: PageRenderConfiguration): Bitmap
Renders page to a bitmap.
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abstract fun renderPageToBitmapAsync(@NonNull context: Context, pageIndex: Int, width: Int, height: Int): Single<Bitmap>
abstract fun renderPageToBitmapAsync(@NonNull context: Context, @IntRange(from = 0) pageIndex: Int, width: Int, height: Int, @NonNull configuration: PageRenderConfiguration): Single<Bitmap>
Renders page to a bitmap.
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abstract fun save(@NonNull path: String)
abstract fun save(@NonNull path: String, @NonNull saveOptions: DocumentSaveOptions)
Saves the document to an external file even if it hasn't been changed.
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abstract fun saveAsync(@NonNull path: String): Completable
abstract fun saveAsync(@NonNull path: String, @NonNull saveOptions: DocumentSaveOptions): Completable
Saves the document to an external file even if it hasn't been changed.
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abstract fun saveIfModified(): Boolean
abstract fun saveIfModified(@NonNull saveOptions: DocumentSaveOptions): Boolean
Saves the document to original location if it has been changed.
abstract fun saveIfModified(@NonNull path: String): Boolean
abstract fun saveIfModified(@NonNull path: String, @NonNull saveOptions: DocumentSaveOptions): Boolean
Saves the document to passed location if it has been changed.
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abstract fun saveIfModifiedAsync(): Single<Boolean>
abstract fun saveIfModifiedAsync(@NonNull saveOptions: DocumentSaveOptions): Single<Boolean>
Saves the document back to original location if it has been changed.
abstract fun saveIfModifiedAsync(@NonNull path: String): Single<Boolean>
abstract fun saveIfModifiedAsync(@NonNull path: String, @NonNull saveOptions: DocumentSaveOptions): Single<Boolean>
Saves the document to an external file if it has been changed.
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Enables or disables automatic link generation.
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abstract fun setPageBinding(@NonNull pageBinding: PageBinding)
Sets the PageBinding controlling in which direction pages of documents are laid out.
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abstract fun setRotationOffset(pageRotation: Int, @IntRange(from = 0) pageIndex: Int)
Applies a temporary rotation to the specified page of this document.
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abstract fun setRotationOffsets(@NonNull pageRotations: SparseIntArray)
Applies a temporary rotation to the specified pages of this document.
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abstract fun setSecondaryMeasurementUnit(@NonNull secondaryMeasurementUnit: SecondaryMeasurementUnit)
Sets the secondary unit value on the document.
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Enables or disables filtering of watermark text in text retrieval methods.
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abstract fun wasModified(): Boolean
Returns true if this document was modified and should be saved to retain changes.