
Allows you to read and write global preferences.


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Name of the shared preferences.


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open fun clearPreferences()
Wipes all user preferences, handle with care.
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Gets global singleton preferences instance.
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open fun getAnnotationCreator(@Nullable defaultCreator: String): String
Retrieves the annotation creator
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Gets the list of annotation tools as they were last used/selected.
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Gets the last position of the given toolbar.
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Gets the recently used colors.
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Checks if the annotation creator has been set
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Returns True if it's the first time launching comparison alignment dialog and false when it has been launched before.
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Returns true if snapping to page graphics for measurement tools is enabled.
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Returns true if smart guides for various angles is enabled.
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Returns true if snapping to self is enabled.
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Resets the annotation creator by nullifying the value.
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open fun setAnnotationCreator(@Nullable creator: String)
Sets the annotation creator.
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open fun setIsComparisonFirstLaunch(isComparisonFirstLaunch: Boolean)
Sets if comparison alignment dialog has been launched before
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Sets the last used annotation tool.
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Saves the last position of the given toolbar.
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Enables snapping to page graphics for measurement tools.
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open fun setRecentlyUsedColors(@NonNull recentlyUsedColors: List<Integer>)
Replaces the list of recently used colors with the new list.
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open fun setSmartGuidesEnabled(enabled: Boolean)
Enables smart guides for predefined angles.
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open fun setSnapToSelfEnabled(enabled: Boolean)
Enables snapping to itself at the end of shape
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open fun setStylusSettingChangeListener(@Nullable stylusSettingChangeListener: StylusSettingChangeListener)
A listener for when the stylus setting changes for real time updates to the toolbar.
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open fun setUseStylusForAnnotating(useStylusForAnnotating: Boolean)
Enables or disables the usage of stylus during drawing
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Returns true if we should only use the stylus during drawing.