
This acts as a bridge between PdfFragment and DocumentView to access respective functionalities.


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If this property is accessed before the UI is initialized an IllegalStateException will be thrown. Best practice is to wait until the onDocumentLoaded listener is triggered.

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open val pdfUi: PdfUi

Access original (non-compose) SDK UI APIs from here.

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abstract val showToolbarMenu: (Boolean) -> Unit

This function is used to show/hide overflow menu dropdown in toolbar


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abstract fun addAnnotationToPage(annotation: Annotation, selectImmediately: Boolean)

Defers to PdfFragment.addAnnotationToPage(Annotation, Boolean)

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abstract fun addDrawableProvider(highlighter: SearchResultHighlighter)

Defers to PdfFragment.addDrawableProvider()

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abstract fun save(path: String? = null, options: DocumentSaveOptions? = null)

Saves the document to an external file even if it hasn't been changed. Note that this may take a while and should not be called on the main thread. This will not clear the {@link #wasModified()} flag on this document instance, and will not replace the source of this document either (i.e. subsequent calls to {@link #saveIfModified()} will still save the document back to the original file).

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abstract fun setPageIndex(@IntRange(from = 0) pageIndex: Int)

Sets the page index in PdfFragment.pageIndex