
data class DigitalSignatureMetadata(    val signatureAppearance: SignatureAppearance? = null,     val estimatedSize: Int? = null,     val hashAlgorithm: HashAlgorithm? = null,     val reason: String? = null,     val location: String? = null,     val timestampData: TimestampData? = null,     val biometricData: BiometricSignatureData? = null) : Parcelable

DigitalSignatureMetadata contains all metadata like appearance config, algorithm and other configuration needed for signing data


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constructor(parcel: Parcel)
constructor(    signatureAppearance: SignatureAppearance? = null,     estimatedSize: Int? = null,     hashAlgorithm: HashAlgorithm? = null,     reason: String? = null,     location: String? = null,     timestampData: TimestampData? = null,     biometricData: BiometricSignatureData? = null)


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BiometricSignatureData that will be written to the digital signature. May be null.

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val estimatedSize: Int? = null

The estimated size is part of the size that will be reserved in the PDF document before digitally signing it. This size corresponds only to the /Contents field of the signature field, that is, the signature container. Core will actually reserve a bigger space to make room for implementation details (the /ByteRange field, the fact that a signature is hex-encoded in a PDF, etc.). A big estimated size will possibly make the signed document bigger than necessary, but a too small one will cause the signing process to fail. The value will be clamped to the nearest even value between 0 and 256 KB (262144 bytes). If not set, the default is 32 KB (32768 bytes).

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Returns the algorithm to hash the document before the signature is created. Defaults to SHA-256.

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val location: String? = null

The place where the document was signed.

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val reason: String? = null

The reason why the document was signed.

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SignatureAppearance that will be used to determine how the signature looks once signing is done.

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timestampData is an optional field, it “upgrades” the signature to PAdES B-T level to include a cryptographic timestamp token to prove that the signed document existed at a given point in time.


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open override fun describeContents(): Int
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open override fun writeToParcel(parcel: Parcel, flags: Int)