
data class Signature(val id: Long = ID_NOT_SET, val inkColor: Int = 0, val lineWidth: Float = 0.0f, val lines: List<List<PointF>> = emptyList(), val biometricData: BiometricSignatureData? = null, val drawWidthRatio: Float = 1.0f, val bitmap: Bitmap? = null, val stampRect: RectF? = null) : Parcelable

Represents a single signature (or signature item). To create an Annotation from this signature use the toAnnotation methods. Helper methods to create Ink or Stamp Signatures are here: createStampSignature, createInkSignature.


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constructor(id: Long = ID_NOT_SET, inkColor: Int = 0, lineWidth: Float = 0.0f, lines: List<List<PointF>> = emptyList(), biometricData: BiometricSignatureData? = null, drawWidthRatio: Float = 1.0f, bitmap: Bitmap? = null, stampRect: RectF? = null)


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object Companion : Parceler<Signature>


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BiometricSignatureData that was collected with this signature. May return null if no biometric data was created.

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val bitmap: Bitmap? = null

When creating a stamp signature (as opposed to ink signature), you need to provide a bitmap.

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val drawWidthRatio: Float = 1.0f

The ratio of signature width to width of the drawing view used when drawing the signature.

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val id: Long

Signature id number used in signature database. If not set, the default value is ID_NOT_SET.

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val inkColor: Int = 0

Colour of the ink signature

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List of ink lines in pdf points.

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val lineWidth: Float = 0.0f

Signature line width in pdf points.

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val stampRect: RectF? = null

Bounding rectangle for this signature's bitmap.


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fun toAnnotation(@IntRange(from = 0) pageIndex: Int): Annotation

Builds InkAnnotation or StampAnnotation from signature data. If you want to create a stamp annotation with a specific bounding box around certain touch point, use toAnnotation instead.

fun toAnnotation(document: PdfDocument, @IntRange(from = 0) pageIndex: Int, touchPoint: PointF): Annotation
fun toAnnotation(document: PdfDocument, @IntRange(from = 0) pageIndex: Int, targetRect: RectF): Annotation

Builds InkAnnotation or StampAnnotation from signature data.

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Converts a signature into a JSON object. You can use that JSON object to recreate the signature later on via fromJson.

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open override fun Signature.write(parcel: Parcel, flags: Int)