GdPicture14 Namespace / GdPicturePDF.OcrPagesProgressEventHandler Delegate
A member of the GdPictureStatus enumeration. The resulting status of the processed page.
The page number of the processed page.
The number of pages already processed.
The number of pages to be processed.
Cancellation parameter. Switching it to true permits to cancel the process on pending pages.

In This Topic
GdPicturePDF.OcrPagesProgressEventHandler Delegate
In This Topic
Public Delegate Sub GdPicturePDF.OcrPagesProgressEventHandler( _
   ByVal Status As GdPictureStatus, _
   ByVal PageNo As Integer, _
   ByVal Processed As Integer, _
   ByVal Count As Integer, _
   ByRef Cancel As Boolean _
public delegate void GdPicturePDF.OcrPagesProgressEventHandler( 
   GdPictureStatus Status,
   int PageNo,
   int Processed,
   int Count,
   ref bool Cancel
public delegate GdPicturePDF.OcrPagesProgressEventHandler( 
    Status: GdPictureStatus;
    PageNo: Integer;
    Processed: Integer;
    Count: Integer;
   var  Cancel: Boolean
public delegate GdPicturePDF.OcrPagesProgressEventHandler( 
   Status : GdPictureStatus,
   PageNo : int,
   Processed : int,
   Count : int,
   Cancel : boolean
public: __gc __delegate void GdPicturePDF.OcrPagesProgressEventHandler( 
   GdPictureStatus Status,
   int PageNo,
   int Processed,
   int Count,
   ref bool Cancel
public delegate void GdPicturePDF.OcrPagesProgressEventHandler( 
   GdPictureStatus Status,
   int PageNo,
   int Processed,
   int Count,
   bool% Cancel


A member of the GdPictureStatus enumeration. The resulting status of the processed page.
The page number of the processed page.
The number of pages already processed.
The number of pages to be processed.
Cancellation parameter. Switching it to true permits to cancel the process on pending pages.
See Also