GdPicture14 Namespace / GdPictureOCR Class / GetTableCellText Method
The unique result identifier of the executed OCR process obtained by the GdPictureOCR.RunOCR method.
The 0-based index of the detected table within the specified OCR result. It must be a value between 0 and GdPictureOCR.GetTableCount(OCRResultID) - 1.
The 0-based index of the cell's column in a detected table within the specified OCR result. It must be a value between 0 and GdPictureOCR.GetTableColumnCount(OCRResultID) - 1.
The 0-based index of the cell's row in a detected table within the specified OCR result. It must be a value between 0 and GdPictureOCR.GetTableRowCount(OCRResultID) - 1.

In This Topic
GetTableCellText Method (GdPictureOCR)
In This Topic
Returns the text content of a cell in a specified table.
Public Function GetTableCellText( _
   ByVal OCRResultID As String, _
   ByVal TableIdx As Integer, _
   ByVal ColummIdx As Integer, _
   ByVal RowIdx As Integer _
) As String
public string GetTableCellText( 
   string OCRResultID,
   int TableIdx,
   int ColummIdx,
   int RowIdx
public function GetTableCellText( 
    OCRResultID: String;
    TableIdx: Integer;
    ColummIdx: Integer;
    RowIdx: Integer
): String; 
public function GetTableCellText( 
   OCRResultID : String,
   TableIdx : int,
   ColummIdx : int,
   RowIdx : int
) : String;
public: string* GetTableCellText( 
   string* OCRResultID,
   int TableIdx,
   int ColummIdx,
   int RowIdx
String^ GetTableCellText( 
   String^ OCRResultID,
   int TableIdx,
   int ColummIdx,
   int RowIdx


The unique result identifier of the executed OCR process obtained by the GdPictureOCR.RunOCR method.
The 0-based index of the detected table within the specified OCR result. It must be a value between 0 and GdPictureOCR.GetTableCount(OCRResultID) - 1.
The 0-based index of the cell's column in a detected table within the specified OCR result. It must be a value between 0 and GdPictureOCR.GetTableColumnCount(OCRResultID) - 1.
The 0-based index of the cell's row in a detected table within the specified OCR result. It must be a value between 0 and GdPictureOCR.GetTableRowCount(OCRResultID) - 1.

Return Value

The text content of the cell.

This method requires the KVP and Table Processing - Intelligent Redaction component to run.

using GdPictureImaging img = new GdPictureImaging();
int invoiceId = img.CreateGdPictureImageFromHTTP("", "test/invoice.png", 443);
if (img.GetStat() != GdPictureStatus.OK)
    Console.WriteLine($"An error occurred during image loading ({img.GetStat()})");
using GdPictureOCR ocr = new GdPictureOCR();
ocr.ResourcesFolder = RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Windows) ? "C:\\GdPicture.Net 14\\redist\\OCR" : "/mnt/c/GdPicture.Net 14/redist/OCR";
ocr.OCRMode = OCRMode.FavorAccuracy;
string ocrResultId = ocr.RunOCR();
if (ocr.GetStat() == GdPictureStatus.OK)
    for (int tableIdx = 0; tableIdx < ocr.GetTableCount(ocrResultId); tableIdx++)
        int colCount = ocr.GetTableColumnCount(ocrResultId, tableIdx);
        int rowCount = ocr.GetTableRowCount(ocrResultId, tableIdx);
        string[,] tableContent = new string[colCount, rowCount];
        int[] maxLinesInRows = new int[rowCount];
        for (int rowIdx = 0; rowIdx < rowCount; rowIdx++)
            for (int colIdx = 0; colIdx < colCount; colIdx++)
                tableContent[colIdx, rowIdx] = ocr.GetTableCellText(ocrResultId, tableIdx, colIdx, rowIdx);
        // Compute table formatting
        int[] widestCellInColumn = new int[colCount];
        for (int colIdx = 0; colIdx < colCount; colIdx++)
        for (int rowIdx = 0; rowIdx < rowCount; rowIdx++)
            if (tableContent[colIdx, rowIdx].Length > widestCellInColumn[colIdx])
                widestCellInColumn[colIdx] = tableContent[colIdx, rowIdx].Length;
        int rowLength = widestCellInColumn.Sum() + (3 * colCount);
        string separator = new string('=', (int)Math.Truncate((double)rowLength / 2) - 4);
        // Print table
        Console.WriteLine($"{separator} Table {tableIdx} {separator}");
        //if first two column is consired as header, consider the entire row as header
        bool isHorizontalHeaderRow = ocr.IsHeaderCell(ocrResultId, tableIdx, 0, 0) && ocr.IsHeaderCell(ocrResultId, tableIdx, 1, 0);
        for (int rowIdx = 0; rowIdx < rowCount; rowIdx++)
            bool isCurrentRowHeader = ocr.IsHeaderCell(ocrResultId, tableIdx, 0, rowIdx) && ocr.IsHeaderCell(ocrResultId, tableIdx, 1, rowIdx);
            for (int colIdx = 0; colIdx < colCount; colIdx++)
                string prettifiedCell = tableContent[colIdx, rowIdx].Replace(Environment.NewLine, "").PadRight(widestCellInColumn[colIdx]);
                Console.Write($" {prettifiedCell} |{(!isHorizontalHeaderRow ? "|" : null)}");
            if (isCurrentRowHeader)
                Console.WriteLine(new string('=', rowLength)); //If header row, write a header separator
        Console.WriteLine($"{separator} Table {tableIdx} {separator}");
    Console.WriteLine($"OCR result : {ocr.GetStat()}");
See Also