GdPicture14 Namespace / GdPictureOCR Class / MaxThreadCount Property

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MaxThreadCount Property (GdPictureOCR)
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Specifies the maximun number of threads this instance can allocate. The default value is equal to the number of logical cores of the hosting machin.
Public Property MaxThreadCount As Integer
public int MaxThreadCount {get; set;}
public read-write property MaxThreadCount: Integer; 
public function get,set MaxThreadCount : int
public: __property int get_MaxThreadCount();
public: __property void set_MaxThreadCount( 
   int value
property int MaxThreadCount {
   int get();
   void set (    int value);

Property Value

The default value is equal to the number of logical cores of the hosting machin.
Use 1 to disable multi-threading support.
See Also