GdPicture14 Namespace / GdPicturePDF.PdfOcrOptions Class

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GdPicturePDF.PdfOcrOptions Class Members
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The following tables list the members exposed by GdPicturePDF.PdfOcrOptions.

Public Properties
Public Property Specifies the so called white list of characters, in other words the restricted recognition characters. It means that the engine shall only returns the specified characters when processing. For example, if you want to only recognize numeric characters, set this parameter to "0123456789". If you want to only recognize uppercase letters, set it to "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ". Set this parameter to the empty string to recognize all characters.  
Public Property Specifies whether the OCR engine shall detect image rotation before running OCR.  
Public Property Specifies whether the OCR engine shall detect image skew before running OCR.  
Public Property Specifies the dictionary requested to the OCR engine, if any.  
Public Property Specifies if image preprocessing is activated.  
Public Property Specifies the ocr mode requested.  
Public Property Specifies the number of the page of the input document to be processed.  
Public Property Specifies of the engine must remove existing OCR text layer, if any.  
Public Property Specifies the resources path of the OCR engine, if any.  
Public Property The time interval, in other words timeout, in milliseconds, that specifies the maximum time allowed for the whole OCR process. Use 0 to specify no timeout.  
See Also