Public Overloads Function SetSignatureText( _ ByVal Text As String, _ ByVal FontResName As String, _ ByVal FontSize As Single, _ ByVal Color As Color, _ ByVal AlignHorz As TextAlignment, _ ByVal AlignVert As TextAlignment, _ ByVal ShowText As Boolean _ ) As GdPictureStatus
public GdPictureStatus SetSignatureText( string Text, string FontResName, float FontSize, Color Color, TextAlignment AlignHorz, TextAlignment AlignVert, bool ShowText )
public function SetSignatureText( Text: String; FontResName: String; FontSize: Single; Color: Color; AlignHorz: TextAlignment; AlignVert: TextAlignment; ShowText: Boolean ): GdPictureStatus;
public function SetSignatureText( Text : String, FontResName : String, FontSize : float, Color : Color, AlignHorz : TextAlignment, AlignVert : TextAlignment, ShowText : boolean ) : GdPictureStatus;
public: GdPictureStatus SetSignatureText( string* Text, string* FontResName, float FontSize, Color Color, TextAlignment AlignHorz, TextAlignment AlignVert, bool ShowText )
public: GdPictureStatus SetSignatureText( String^ Text, String^ FontResName, float FontSize, Color Color, TextAlignment AlignHorz, TextAlignment AlignVert, bool ShowText )
- Text
- The required text to draw. If you leave this parameter empty and the ShowText parameter is set to true, the drawn text will be built automatically using the additional information previously defined by the GdPicturePDF.SetSignatureInfo method. The text will not be drawn if the signature is invisible.
- FontResName
- The resource name of the font you prefer for drawing the text. If you leave this parameter empty, the predefined standard font is used. For further assistance, please see the Fonts section of the GdPicturePDF class in the Reference Guide.
- FontSize
- A text (font) size, in points. Please note that 1 point = 1/72 inch.
- Color
- A color object that defines the color of the required text.
- AlignHorz
- The required horizontal alignment of the text within the signature's bounding box.
- AlignVert
- The required vertical alignment of the text within the signature's bounding box.
- ShowText
- Set this parameter to true, if you want to draw the text, otherwise set it to false.
Return Value
A member of the GdPictureStatus enumeration. If the method has been successfully followed, then the return value is GdPictureStatus.OK.
We strongly recommend always checking this status first.