GdPicture14 Namespace / GdViewer Class / GetRegionTop Method
A unique region identifier of the specified region. You can obtain this identifier using the GdViewer.GetRegionID method or when creating regions using GdViewer.AddRegion or GdViewer.AddRegionInches methods.

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GetRegionTop Method (GdViewer)
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Gets the vertical (Y) coordinate of the top left point, in inches, where the highlighted region's rectangle is located on the actual document (meaning the document pages area). The highlighted region is specified by its unique identifier related to the document currently displayed in the GdViewer control. These regions, if present, determines the currently defined highlighted regions on the displayed document.

You can define this coordinate of the region's rectangle when adding regions using GdViewer.AddRegion or GdViewer.AddRegionInches methods or directly using the GdViewer.SetRegionTop method.

Public Function GetRegionTop( _
   ByVal RegionID As Integer _
) As Single
public float GetRegionTop( 
   int RegionID
public function GetRegionTop( 
    RegionID: Integer
): Single; 
public function GetRegionTop( 
   RegionID : int
) : float;
public: float GetRegionTop( 
   int RegionID
float GetRegionTop( 
   int RegionID


A unique region identifier of the specified region. You can obtain this identifier using the GdViewer.GetRegionID method or when creating regions using GdViewer.AddRegion or GdViewer.AddRegionInches methods.

Return Value

The vertical coordinate of the top left point, in inches, of the highlighted region's rectangle, related to the actual document. The GdViewer.GetStat method can be subsequently used to determine if this method has been successful.
Be aware that if the required region does not exist, the method will fail.

Please note that the returned value corresponds to the actual document area, it is not related to the GdViewer control area.

How to use region's coordinates to add new highlighted region.
'We assume that the GdViewer1 control has been properly integrated.
'Please use the multipage document for this example.
If GdViewer1.DisplayFromFile("") = GdPictureStatus.OK Then
    Dim text_to_find As String = "GdPicture"
    'Determining highlighted regions according to the given text.
    Dim text_found As Boolean = GdViewer1.SearchText(text_to_find, 0, True)
    If GdViewer1.GetStat() = GdPictureStatus.OK Then
        If text_found AndAlso (GdViewer1.RegionCount() > 0) Then
            'The first region surely exists.
            Dim regID As Integer = GdViewer1.GetRegionID(1)
            GdViewer1.SetRegionName(regID, "Region1")
            GdViewer1.SetRegionColor(regID, GdViewer1.ARGBI(255, 0, 191, 255))
            'Taking properties from the first region.
            Dim left As Single = GdViewer1.GetRegionLeft(regID), top As Single = GdViewer1.GetRegionTop(regID)
            Dim width As Single = GdViewer1.GetRegionWidth(regID), height As Single = GdViewer1.GetRegionHeight(regID)
            For p As Integer = 2 To GdViewer1.PageCount
                'Adding regions on the same position on each page as the first one is (with the different color)
                'to compare them with those found by the toolkit using the SearchText() method if any exists.
                regID = GdViewer1.AddRegionInches("Region" + p.ToString(), left, top, width, height, ForegroundMixMode.ForegroundMixModeMASKPEN, GdViewer1.ARGBI(255, 0, 191, 255))
                GdViewer1.SetRegionPage(regID, p)
            'Now you can scroll the viewer to find the newly added regions.
            MessageBox.Show("The given text has not been found.", "GdViewer.GetRegionTop")
        End If
        MessageBox.Show("The search process has failed. Status: " + GdViewer1.GetStat().ToString(), "GdViewer.GetRegionTop")
    End If
    MessageBox.Show("The file can't be displayed. Status: " + GdViewer1.GetStat().ToString(), "GdViewer.GetRegionTop")
End If
//We assume that the GdViewer1 control has been properly integrated.
//Please use the multipage document for this example.
if (GdViewer1.DisplayFromFile("") == GdPictureStatus.OK)
    string text_to_find = "GdPicture";
    //Determining highlighted regions according to the given text.
    bool text_found = GdViewer1.SearchText(text_to_find, 0, true);
    if (GdViewer1.GetStat() == GdPictureStatus.OK)
        if (text_found && (GdViewer1.RegionCount()> 0))
            //The first region surely exists.
            int regID = GdViewer1.GetRegionID(1);
            GdViewer1.SetRegionName(regID, "Region1");
            GdViewer1.SetRegionColor(regID, GdViewer1.ARGBI(255, 0, 191, 255));
            //Taking properties from the first region.
            float left = GdViewer1.GetRegionLeft(regID), top = GdViewer1.GetRegionTop(regID);
            float width = GdViewer1.GetRegionWidth(regID), height = GdViewer1.GetRegionHeight(regID);
            for (int p = 2; p <= GdViewer1.PageCount; p++)
                //Adding regions on the same position on each page as the first one is (with the different color)
                //to compare them with those found by the toolkit using the SearchText() method if any exists.
                regID = GdViewer1.AddRegionInches("Region" + p.ToString(), left, top, width, height, ForegroundMixMode.ForegroundMixModeMASKPEN, GdViewer1.ARGBI(255, 0, 191, 255));
                GdViewer1.SetRegionPage(regID, p);
            //Now you can scroll the viewer to find the newly added regions.
            MessageBox.Show("The given text has not been found.", "GdViewer.GetRegionTop");
        MessageBox.Show("The search process has failed. Status: " + GdViewer1.GetStat().ToString(), "GdViewer.GetRegionTop");
    MessageBox.Show("The file can't be displayed. Status: " + GdViewer1.GetStat().ToString(), "GdViewer.GetRegionTop");
See Also