'We assume that the GdViewer1 control has been properly integrated.
Dim message As String = ""
Dim curPrinter As String = GdViewer1.PrintGetActivePrinter()
If GdViewer1.GetStat() = GdPictureStatus.OK Then
message = "Active printer: " + curPrinter + vbCrLf
message = "The PrintGetActivePrinter() method has failed with the status: " + GdViewer1.GetStat()
End If
If GdViewer1.GetStat() = GdPictureStatus.OK Then
Dim leftMargin As Single = 0, rightMargin As Single = 0
GdViewer1.PrintGetMargins(leftMargin, rightMargin)
If GdViewer1.GetStat() = GdPictureStatus.OK Then
message = message + " margins: left = " + leftMargin.ToString() + ", right = " + rightMargin.ToString() + vbCrLf
message = "The PrintGetMargins() method has failed with the status: " + GdViewer1.GetStat()
End If
End If
If GdViewer1.GetStat() = GdPictureStatus.OK Then
Dim prnBin As Integer = GdViewer1.PrintGetPaperBin()
If GdViewer1.GetStat() = GdPictureStatus.OK Then
message = message + " paper bin: " + prnBin.ToString() + vbCrLf
message = "The PrintGetPaperBin() method has failed with the status: " + GdViewer1.GetStat()
End If
End If
If GdViewer1.GetStat() = GdPictureStatus.OK Then
Dim prnSize As Integer = GdViewer1.PrintGetPaperSize()
If GdViewer1.GetStat() = GdPictureStatus.OK Then
message = message + " paper size: " + prnSize.ToString() + vbCrLf
message = "The PrintGetPaperSize() method has failed with the status: " + GdViewer1.GetStat()
End If
End If
If GdViewer1.GetStat() = GdPictureStatus.OK Then
Dim prnHeight As Single = GdViewer1.PrintGetPaperHeight()
If GdViewer1.GetStat() = GdPictureStatus.OK Then
message = message + " paper height: " + prnHeight.ToString()
message = "The PrintGetPaperHeight() method has failed with the status: " + GdViewer1.GetStat()
End If
End If
If GdViewer1.GetStat() = GdPictureStatus.OK Then
Dim prnWidth As Single = GdViewer1.PrintGetPaperWidth()
If GdViewer1.GetStat() = GdPictureStatus.OK Then
message = message + " paper width: " + prnWidth.ToString() + vbCrLf
message = "The PrintGetPaperWidth() method has failed with the status: " + GdViewer1.GetStat()
End If
End If
If GdViewer1.GetStat() <> GdPictureStatus.OK Then
message = "The example has NOT been followed successfully. Status: " + GdViewer1.GetStat().ToString()
End If
MessageBox.Show(message, "GdViewer.PrintGetPaperHeight")
//We assume that the GdViewer1 control has been properly integrated.
string message = "";
string curPrinter = GdViewer1.PrintGetActivePrinter();
if (GdViewer1.GetStat() == GdPictureStatus.OK)
message = "Active printer: " + curPrinter + "\n";
message = "The PrintGetActivePrinter() method has failed with the status: " + GdViewer1.GetStat();
if (GdViewer1.GetStat() == GdPictureStatus.OK)
float leftMargin = 0, rightMargin = 0;
GdViewer1.PrintGetMargins(ref leftMargin, ref rightMargin);
if (GdViewer1.GetStat() == GdPictureStatus.OK)
message = message + " margins: left = " + leftMargin.ToString() + ", right = " + rightMargin.ToString() + "\n";
message = "The PrintGetMargins() method has failed with the status: " + GdViewer1.GetStat();
if (GdViewer1.GetStat() == GdPictureStatus.OK)
int prnBin = GdViewer1.PrintGetPaperBin();
if (GdViewer1.GetStat() == GdPictureStatus.OK)
message = message + " paper bin: " + prnBin.ToString() + "\n";
message = "The PrintGetPaperBin() method has failed with the status: " + GdViewer1.GetStat();
if (GdViewer1.GetStat() == GdPictureStatus.OK)
int prnSize = GdViewer1.PrintGetPaperSize();
if (GdViewer1.GetStat() == GdPictureStatus.OK)
message = message + " paper size: " + prnSize.ToString() + "\n";
message = "The PrintGetPaperSize() method has failed with the status: " + GdViewer1.GetStat();
if (GdViewer1.GetStat() == GdPictureStatus.OK)
float prnHeight = GdViewer1.PrintGetPaperHeight();
if (GdViewer1.GetStat() == GdPictureStatus.OK)
message = message + " paper height: " + prnHeight.ToString();
message = "The PrintGetPaperHeight() method has failed with the status: " + GdViewer1.GetStat();
if (GdViewer1.GetStat() == GdPictureStatus.OK)
float prnWidth = GdViewer1.PrintGetPaperWidth();
if (GdViewer1.GetStat() == GdPictureStatus.OK)
message = message + " paper width: " + prnWidth.ToString() + "\n";
message = "The PrintGetPaperWidth() method has failed with the status: " + GdViewer1.GetStat();
if (GdViewer1.GetStat() != GdPictureStatus.OK)
message = "The example has NOT been followed successfully. Status: " + GdViewer1.GetStat().ToString();
MessageBox.Show(message, "GdViewer.PrintGetPaperHeight");