Member | Value | Description |
Afrikaans | 0 | Afrikaans - the code is afr. |
Albanian | 79 | Albanian - the code is sqi. |
Amharic | 1 | Amharic - the code is amh. |
Arabic | 2 | Arabic - the code is ara. |
Assamese | 3 | Assamese - the code is asm. |
Azerbaijani | 4 | Azerbaijani - the code is aze. |
AzerbaijaniCyrillic | 5 | Azerbaijani - Cyrillic - the code is aze_cyrl. |
Basque | 25 | Basque - the code is eus. |
Belarusian | 6 | Belarusian - the code is bel. |
Bengali | 7 | Bengali - the code is ben. |
Bosnian | 9 | Bosnian - the code is bos. |
Bulgarian | 10 | Bulgarian - the code is bul. |
Burmese | 62 | Burmese - the code is mya. |
CatalanValencian | 11 | Catalan, Valencian - the code is cat. |
Cebuano | 12 | Cebuano - the code is ceb. |
CentralKhmer | 49 | Central Khmer - the code is khm. |
Cherokee | 16 | Cherokee - the code is chr. |
ChineseSimplified | 14 | Chinese - Simplified - the code is chi_sim. |
ChineseTraditional | 15 | Chinese - Traditional - the code is chi_tra. |
Croatian | 36 | Croatian - the code is hrv. |
Czech | 13 | Czech - the code is ces. |
Danish | 18 | Danish - the code is dan. |
Dutch | 64 | Dutch, Flemish - the code is nld. |
Dzongkha | 20 | Dzongkha - the code is dzo. |
English | 22 | English - the code is eng. |
Esperanto | 23 | Esperanto - the code is epo. |
Estonian | 24 | Estonian - the code is est. |
Finnish | 27 | Finnish - the code is fin. |
Frankish | 29 | Frankish - the code is frk. |
French | 28 | French - the code is fra. |
Galician | 31 | Galician - the code is glg. |
Georgian | 46 | Georgian - the code is kat. |
Georgian_Old | 47 | Georgian Old- the code is kat_old. |
German | 19 | German - the code is deu. |
Greek | 21 | Greek (Modern (1453-)) - the code is ell. |
GreekAncient | 99 | Greek (Ancient (-1453)) - the code is grc. |
Gujarati | 32 | Gujarati - the code is guj. |
HaitianCreole | 33 | Haitian, Haitian Creole - the code is hat. |
Hebrew | 34 | Hebrew - the code is heb. |
Hindi | 35 | Hindi - the code is hin. |
Hungarian | 37 | Hungarian - the code is hun. |
Icelandic | 40 | Icelandic - the code is isl. |
Indonesian | 39 | Indonesian - the code is ind. |
Inuktitut | 38 | Inuktitut - the code is iku. |
Irish | 30 | Irish - the code is gle. |
Italian | 41 | Italian - the code is ita. |
Italian_Old | 42 | Italian Old- the code is ita_old. |
Japanese | 44 | Japanese - the code is jpn. |
Javanese | 43 | Javanese - the code is jav. |
Kannada | 45 | Kannada - the code is kan. |
Kazakh | 48 | Kazakh - the code is kaz. |
Kirghiz | 50 | Kirghiz, Kyrgyz - the code is kir. |
Korean | 51 | Korean - the code is kor. |
Kurdish | 52 | Kurdish - the code is kur. |
Lao | 53 | Lao - the code is lao. |
Latin | 54 | Latin - the code is lat. |
LatinScript | 100 |
Latin script dictionary.
Latvian | 55 | Latvian - the code is lav. |
Lithuanian | 56 | Lithuanian - the code is lit. |
Macedonian | 59 | Macedonian - the code is mkd. |
Malay | 61 | Malay - the code is msa. |
Malayalam | 57 | Malayalam - the code is mal. |
Maltese | 60 | Maltese - the code is mlt. |
Marathi | 58 | Marathi - the code is mar. |
Nepali | 63 | Nepali - the code is nep. |
Norwegian | 65 | Norwegian - the code is nor. |
Oriya | 66 | Oriya - the code is ori. |
OSD | 2147483647 |
Orientation and script detection.
Panjabi | 67 | Panjabi - the code is pan. |
Persian | 26 | Persian - the code is fas. |
Polish | 68 | Polish - the code is pol. |
Portuguese | 69 | Portuguese - the code is por. |
Pushto | 70 | Pushto, Pashto - the code is pus. |
Romanian | 71 | Romanian, Moldavian, Moldovan - the code is ron. |
Russian | 72 | Russian - the code is rus. |
Sanskrit | 73 | Sanskrit - the code is san. |
Serbian | 80 | Serbian - the code is srp. |
SerbianLatin | 81 | Serbian - Latin - the code is srp-latn. |
Sinhala | 74 | Sinhala, Sinhalese - the code is sin. |
Slovak | 75 | Slovak - the code is slk. |
Slovenian | 76 | Slovenian - the code is slv. |
Spanish | 77 | Spanish, Castilian - the code is spa. |
Spanish_Old | 78 | Spanish, Castilian - the code is spa_old. |
Swahili | 82 | Swahili - the code is swa. |
Swedish | 83 | Swedish - the code is swe. |
Syriac | 84 | Syriac - the code is syr. |
Tagalog | 88 | Tagalog - the code is tgl. |
Tajik | 87 | Tajik - the code is tgk. |
Tamil | 85 | Tamil - the code is tam. |
Telugu | 86 | Telugu - the code is tel. |
Thai | 89 | Thai - the code is tha. |
Tibetan | 8 | Tibetan -the code is bod. |
Tigrinya | 90 | Tigrinya - the code is tir. |
Turkish | 91 | Turkish - the code is tur. |
Uighur | 92 | Uighur, Uyghur - the code is uig. |
Ukrainian | 93 | Ukrainian - the code is ukr. |
Unknown | -1 | Unknown or undefined language. |
Urdu | 94 | Urdu - the code is urd. |
Uzbek | 95 | Uzbek - the code is uzb. |
UzbekCyrillic | 96 | Uzbek - Cyrillic - the code is uzb-cyrl. |
Vietnamese | 97 | Vietnamese - the code is vie. |
Welsh | 17 | Welsh - the code is cym. |
Yiddish | 98 | Yiddish - the code is yid. |