GdPicture14 Namespace / ThumbnailEx Class / FindNearestItem Method
A member of the SearchDirectionHint enumeration.
The x-coordinate of the point at which to begin searching.
The x-coordinate of the point at which to begin searching.

In This Topic
FindNearestItem Method (ThumbnailEx)
In This Topic
Returns the index of the nearest item at the given location, searching in the specified direction.
Public Function FindNearestItem( _
   ByVal Direction As SearchDirectionHint, _
   ByVal X As Integer, _
   ByVal Y As Integer _
) As Integer
public int FindNearestItem( 
   SearchDirectionHint Direction,
   int X,
   int Y
public function FindNearestItem( 
    Direction: SearchDirectionHint;
    X: Integer;
    Y: Integer
): Integer; 
public function FindNearestItem( 
   Direction : SearchDirectionHint,
   X : int,
   Y : int
) : int;
public: int FindNearestItem( 
   SearchDirectionHint Direction,
   int X,
   int Y
int FindNearestItem( 
   SearchDirectionHint Direction,
   int X,
   int Y


A member of the SearchDirectionHint enumeration.
The x-coordinate of the point at which to begin searching.
The x-coordinate of the point at which to begin searching.

Return Value

The item index. -1 if the method failed or a value between 0 and ItemCount - 1.
See Also