

(static, readonly) Precision :string

The MeasurementPrecision options.
  • string
Name Type Description
ONE_DP string Round to one decimal place. For example: 3.1.
TWO_DP string Round to two decimal places. For example: 3.14.
THREE_DP string Round to three decimal places. For example: 3.142.
FOUR_DP string Round to four decimal places. For example: 3.1416.
WHOLE string Round to whole numbers. For example: 3.
WHOLE_INCH string Round to whole inches.
HALVES_INCH string Round to halves. For example: 2 1/2.
QUARTERS_INCH string Round to quarters. For example: 2 3/4. Fractions will be simplified if possible.
EIGHTS_INCH string Round to eighths. For example: 2 5/8. Fractions will be simplified if possible.
SIXTEENTHS_INCH string Round to sixteenths. For example: 2 9/16. Fractions will be simplified if possible.

(static, readonly) ScaleUnitFrom :string

The MeasurementScale UnitFrom options.
  • string
Name Type Description
INCH string Inches (default). 1 inch is 72 PDF points.
MM string Millimeters
CM string Centimeters

(static, readonly) ScaleUnitTo :string

The MeasurementScale UnitTo options.
  • string
Name Type Description
INCH string Inches (default)
MM string Millimeters
CM string Centimeters
FT string Feet
M string Meters
YD string Yards
KM string Kilometers
MI string Miles

Type Definitions


A ratio of a distance on a document page to a corresponding real world distance.
Name Type Description
unitFrom Measurements.ScaleUnitFrom The unit for the distance on a document page.
valueFrom number A distance on a document page. The unit of this value is given by unitFrom.
unitTo Measurements.ScaleUnitTo The unit for the real world distance.
valueTo number A real world distance. The unit of this value is given by unitTo.


Measurement value configurations define how measurements are displayed and interpreted.
Name Type Attributes Description
scale Measurements.MeasurementScale A ratio of a distance on a document page to a corresponding real world distance.
precision Measurements.Precision The smallest value to which measurements will be rounded.
name string <optional>
Names are displayed in user interface and serve to help distinguish different scales.
addToUndo boolean <optional>
Whether this new measurement configuration should be added to the undo stack (Android only).
isSelected boolean <optional>
Whether this new measurement configuration should be set as selected on the UI.