"use strict";
* The annotation menu item used to display a custom button on the annotation menu.
* @typedef AnnotationContextualMenuItem
* @memberof Annotation
* @property {string} id The unique identifier for the custom annotation menu button. This will be used to identify the button in the onCustomAnnotationContextualMenuItemTapped
callback. On Android the ID needs to be specified as a resource item inside your application's ids.xml
* @property {string} image The image name (iOS) or resource ID (Android) for the toolbar button. Images must be included in the application bundle on iOS and specified as a drawable resource on Android. System image names can also be used on iOS, for example multiply.circle.fill
. On iOS the image will only be used if no title is specified.
* @property {string} [title] The title of the toolbar button. If no title is set, the image will be used.
* @property {boolean} [selectable] Whether the button should be selectable or not. If the button is selectable, it will remain highlighted after being tapped (Android only).
* The object to customize the menu shown when selecting an annotation.
* @typedef AnnotationContextualMenu
* @memberof Annotation
* @property { AnnotationContextualMenuItem[] } buttons The annotation menu items to display when an annotation is selected.
* @property { Annotation.ContextualMenuType } [menuType] Specifies the type of annotation menu to customize.
* @property { Boolean } [retainSuggestedMenuItems] Specifies whether the PSPDFKit suggested annotation menu items should be retained when custom annotation menu items are set.
* @property { Annotation.ContextualMenuAppearance } [appearance] Specifies for which appearance mode this change should apply to (iOS only).
* @property { Annotation.ContextualMenuItemPosition } [position] The position where the buttons should be added in the menu.
* The object to configure annotation presets.
* @typedef AnnotationPresetConfiguration
* @memberof Annotation
* @property { AnnotationPresetInk } [inkPen] The inkPen annotation preset configuration.
* @property { AnnotationPresetInk } [inkMagic] The inkMagic annotation preset configuration.
* @property { AnnotationPresetInk } [inkHighlighter] The inkHighlighter annotation preset configuration.
* @property { AnnotationPresetFreeText } [freeText] The freeText annotation preset configuration.
* @property { AnnotationPresetFreeText } [freeTextCallout] The freeTextCallout annotation preset configuration.
* @property { AnnotationPresetStamp } [stamp] The stamp annotation preset configuration.
* @property { AnnotationPresetNote } [note] The note annotation preset configuration.
* @property { AnnotationPresetMarkup } [highlight] The highlight annotation preset configuration.
* @property { AnnotationPresetMarkup } [underline] The underline annotation preset configuration.
* @property { AnnotationPresetMarkup } [squiggly] The squiggly annotation preset configuration.
* @property { AnnotationPresetMarkup } [strikeOut] The strikeOut annotation preset configuration.
* @property { AnnotationPresetShape } [square] The square annotation preset configuration.
* @property { AnnotationPresetShape } [circle] The circle annotation preset configuration.
* @property { AnnotationPresetLine } [line] The line annotation preset configuration.
* @property { AnnotationPresetLine } [arrow] The arrow annotation preset configuration.
* @property { AnnotationPresetEraser } [eraser] The eraser annotation preset configuration.
* @property { AnnotationPresetFile } [file] The file annotation preset configuration.
* @property { AnnotationPresetShape } [polygon] The polygon annotation preset configuration.
* @property { AnnotationPresetLine } [polyline] The polyline annotation preset configuration.
* @property { AnnotationPresetSound } [sound] The sound annotation preset configuration.
* @property { AnnotationPresetRedact } [redaction] The redaction annotation preset configuration.
* @property { AnnotationPresetStamp } [image] The image annotation preset configuration.
* @property { AnnotationPresetSound } [audio] The audio annotation preset configuration.
* @property { AnnotationPresetMeasurementArea } [measurementAreaRect] The measurementAreaRect annotation preset configuration.
* @property { AnnotationPresetMeasurementArea } [measurementAreaPolygon] The measurementAreaPolygon annotation preset configuration.
* @property { AnnotationPresetMeasurementArea } [measurementAreaEllipse] The measurementAreaEllipse annotation preset configuration.
* @property { AnnotationPresetMeasurementPerimeter} [measurementPerimeter] The measurementPerimeter annotation preset configuration.
* @property { AnnotationPresetMeasurementDistance } [measurementDistance] The measurementDistance annotation preset configuration.
* The object to customize the ink annotation presets.
* @typedef AnnotationPresetInk
* @memberof Annotation
* @property { string } defaultColor
* @property { string } defaultFillColor
* @property { number } defaultAlpha
* @property { number } defaultThickness
* @property { Annotation.BlendMode } blendMode
* @property { string[] } availableColors
* @property { string[] } availableFillColors
* @property { number } minimumAlpha
* @property { number } maximumAlpha
* @property { number } minimumThickness
* @property { number } maximumThickness
* @property { boolean } customColorPickerEnabled
* @property { boolean } previewEnabled
* @property { boolean } zIndexEditingEnabled
* @property { boolean } forceDefault
* @property { string[] } supportedProperties
* @property { string } aggregationStrategy
* The object to customize the free text annotation presets.
* @typedef AnnotationPresetFreeText
* @memberof Annotation
* @property { string } defaultColor
* @property { string[] } availableColors
* @property { boolean } customColorPickerEnabled
* @property { number } defaultTextSize
* @property { number } minimumTextSize
* @property { number } maximumTextSize
* @property { string } defaultFont
* @property { string[] } availableFonts
* @property { boolean } zIndexEditingEnabled
* @property { boolean } previewEnabled
* @property { string[] } supportedProperties
* @property { boolean } forceDefaults
* The object to customize the shape annotation presets.
* @typedef AnnotationPresetShape
* @memberof Annotation
* @property { string } defaultColor
* @property { string } defaultFillColor
* @property { number } defaultAlpha
* @property { number } defaultThickness
* @property { string[] } availableColors
* @property { string[] } availableFillColors
* @property { number } minimumAlpha
* @property { number } maximumAlpha
* @property { number } minimumThickness
* @property { number } maximumThickness
* @property { boolean } customColorPickerEnabled
* @property { boolean } previewEnabled
* @property { Annotation.BorderStyle } defaultBorderStyle
* @property { boolean } zIndexEditingEnabled
* @property { boolean } forceDefaults
* @property { string[] } supportedProperties
* The object to customize the line annotation presets.
* @typedef AnnotationPresetLine
* @memberof Annotation
* @property { string } defaultColor
* @property { string[] } availableColors
* @property { string } defaultFillColor
* @property { string[] } availableFillColors
* @property { boolean } customColorPickerEnabled
* @property { number } defaultThickness
* @property { number } minimumThickness
* @property { number } maximumThickness
* @property { number } defaultAlpha
* @property { number } minimumAlpha
* @property { number } maximumAlpha
* @property { string } defaultLineEnd Comma separated string of line ends. For example: 'openArrow,openArrow'. See {@link https://pspdfkit.com/api/react-native/Annotation.html#.LineEnd} for available options.
* @property { Annotation.LineEnd[] } availableLineEnds
* @property { Annotation.BorderStyle } defaultBorderStyle
* @property { boolean } previewEnabled
* @property { boolean } zIndexEditingEnabled
* @property { string[] } supportedProperties
* @property { boolean } forceDefaults
* The object to customize the markup annotation presets.
* @typedef AnnotationPresetMarkup
* @memberof Annotation
* @property { string } defaultColor
* @property { number } defaultAlpha
* @property { string[] } availableColors
* @property { number } minimumAlpha
* @property { number } maximumAlpha
* @property { boolean } customColorPickerEnabled
* @property { boolean } zIndexEditingEnabled
* @property { boolean } forceDefaults
* @property { string[] } supportedProperties
* The object to customize the eraser annotation presets.
* @typedef AnnotationPresetEraser
* @memberof Annotation
* @property { number } defaultThickness
* @property { number } minimumThickness
* @property { number } maximumThickness
* @property { boolean } previewEnabled
* @property { boolean } zIndexEditingEnabled
* @property { boolean } forceDefaults
* @property { string[] } supportedProperties
* The object to customize the stamp annotation presets.
* @typedef AnnotationPresetStamp
* @memberof Annotation
* @property { string[] } availableStampItems
* @property { boolean } zIndexEditingEnabled
* @property { string[] } supportedProperties
* @property { boolean } forceDefaults
* The object to customize the note annotation presets.
* @typedef AnnotationPresetNote
* @memberof Annotation
* @property { string } defaultColor
* @property { string[] } availableColors
* @property { boolean } customColorPickerEnabled
* @property { string } defaultIconName
* @property { string[] } availableIconNames
* @property { boolean } zIndexEditingEnabled
* @property { boolean } forceDefaults
* @property { string[] } supportedProperties
* The object to customize the file annotation presets.
* @typedef AnnotationPresetFile
* @memberof Annotation
* @property { boolean } zIndexEditingEnabled
* @property { boolean } forceDefaults
* @property { string[] } supportedProperties
* The object to customize the redact annotation presets.
* @typedef AnnotationPresetRedact
* @memberof Annotation
* @property { string } defaultColor
* @property { string } defaultFillColor
* @property { string[] } availableColors
* @property { string[] } availableFillColors
* @property { boolean } customColorPickerEnabled
* @property { boolean } previewEnabled
* @property { boolean } zIndexEditingEnabled
* @property { boolean } forceDefaults
* @property { string[] } supportedProperties
* The object to customize the sound annotation presets.
* @typedef AnnotationPresetSound
* @memberof Annotation
* @property { number } audioSamplingRate
* @property { number } audioRecordingTimeLimit
* @property { boolean } zIndexEditingEnabled
* @property { string[] } supportedProperties
* @property { boolean } forceDefaults
* The object to customize the measurement area annotation presets.
* @typedef AnnotationPresetMeasurementArea
* @memberof Annotation
* @property { string } defaultColor
* @property { number } defaultAlpha
* @property { number } defaultThickness
* @property { Annotation.BorderStyle } defaultBorderStyle
* @property { string[] } availableColors
* @property { number } minimumAlpha
* @property { number } maximumAlpha
* @property { number } minimumThickness
* @property { number } maximumThickness
* @property { boolean } customColorPickerEnabled
* @property { boolean } previewEnabled
* @property { boolean } zIndexEditingEnabled
* @property { string[] } supportedProperties
* @property { boolean } forceDefaults
* The object to customize the measurement perimeter annotation presets.
* @typedef AnnotationPresetMeasurementPerimeter
* @memberof Annotation
* @property { string } defaultColor
* @property { number } defaultAlpha
* @property { number } defaultThickness
* @property { Annotation.BorderStyle } defaultBorderStyle
* @property { string[] } availableColors
* @property { string } defaultLineEnd Comma separated string of line ends. For example: 'openArrow,openArrow'. See {@link https://pspdfkit.com/api/react-native/Annotation.html#.LineEnd} for available options.
* @property { Annotation.LineEnd[] } availableLineEnds
* @property { number } minimumAlpha
* @property { number } maximumAlpha
* @property { number } minimumThickness
* @property { number } maximumThickness
* @property { boolean } customColorPickerEnabled
* @property { boolean } previewEnabled
* @property { boolean } zIndexEditingEnabled
* @property { string[] } supportedProperties
* @property { boolean } forceDefaults
* The object to customize the measurement distance annotation presets.
* @typedef AnnotationPresetMeasurementDistance
* @memberof Annotation
* @property { string } defaultColor
* @property { number } defaultAlpha
* @property { number } defaultThickness
* @property { Annotation.BorderStyle } defaultBorderStyle
* @property { string } defaultLineEnd Comma separated string of line ends. For example: 'openArrow,openArrow'. See {@link https://pspdfkit.com/api/react-native/Annotation.html#.LineEnd} for available options.
* @property { Annotation.LineEnd[] } availableLineEnds
* @property { string[] } availableColors
* @property { number } minimumAlpha
* @property { number } maximumAlpha
* @property { number } minimumThickness
* @property { number } maximumThickness
* @property { boolean } customColorPickerEnabled
* @property { boolean } previewEnabled
* @property { boolean } zIndexEditingEnabled
* @property { string[] } supportedProperties
* @property { boolean } forceDefaults
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.Annotation = void 0;
* @namespace Annotation
var Annotation = /** @class */ (function () {
function Annotation() {
return Annotation;
exports.Annotation = Annotation;
(function (Annotation) {
* A set of flags specifying various characteristics of the annotation.
* @readonly
* @enum {string} Flags
Annotation.Flags = {
* If set, do not display or print the annotation or allow it to interact with the user.
HIDDEN: 'hidden',
* If set, ignore annotation AP stream if there is no handler available.
INVISIBLE: 'invisible',
* If set, don’t allow the annotation to be deleted or its properties to be modified, except for contents.
LOCKED: 'locked',
* If set, don’t allow the contents of the annotation to be modified by the user.
LOCKED_CONTENTS: 'lockedContents',
* If set, print the annotation when the page is printed.
PRINT: 'print',
* If set, don’t allow the annotation to be deleted or its properties to be modified, including contents.
READ_ONLY: 'readOnly',
* If set, don’t display the annotation on the screen. (But printing might be allowed)
NO_VIEW: 'noView',
* If set, don’t scale the annotation’s appearance to match the magnification of the page. Supported only for FILE and STAMP annotations. (Android only)
NO_ZOOM: 'noZoom'
* The available appearance options of the edit menu. (iOS only)
* @readonly
* @enum {string} PDFViewMode
Annotation.ContextualMenuAppearance = {
* The edit menu appears as a horizontal bar.
HORIZONTAL_BAR: 'horizontalBar',
* The edit menu appears as a context menu.
CONTEXT_MENU: 'contextMenu',
* The type of annotation menu to customize.
* @readonly
* @enum {string} MenuType
Annotation.ContextualMenuType = {
* Customize the Annotation Selection Menu.
SELECTION: 'selection',
* The position of the annotation menu items.
* @readonly
* @enum {string} Position
Annotation.ContextualMenuItemPosition = {
* Add the new buttons at the start of the menu.
START: 'start',
* Add the new buttons at the end of the menu.
END: 'end',
* The available annotation blend modes
* @readonly
* @enum {string} BlendMode
Annotation.BlendMode = {
NORMAL: 'normal',
MULTIPLY: 'multiply',
SCREEN: 'screen',
OVERLAY: 'overlay',
DARKEN: 'darken',
LIGHTEN: 'lighten',
COLOR_DODGE: 'colorDodge',
COLOR_BURN: 'colorBurn',
SOFT_LIGHT: 'softLight',
HARD_LIGHT: 'hardLight',
DIFFERENCE: 'difference',
EXCLUSION: 'exclusion',
HUE: 'hue',
SATURATION: 'saturation',
COLOR: 'color',
LUMINOSITY: 'luminosity'
* The available annotation line ends
* @readonly
* @enum {string} LineEnd
Annotation.LineEnd = {
NONE: 'none',
OPEN_ARROW: 'openArrow',
CLOSED_ARROW: 'closedArrow',
CIRCLE: 'circle',
SQUARE: 'square'
* The available annotation border styles
* @readonly
* @enum {string} BorderStyle
Annotation.BorderStyle = {
SOLID: 'solid',
DASHED_1_1: 'dashed_1_1',
DASHED_1_3: 'dashed_1_3',
DASHED_3_3: 'dashed_3_3',
DASHED_6_6: 'dashed_6_6',
BEVELED: 'beveled',
INSET: 'inset',
UNDERLINE: 'underline'
* The available annotation types
* @readonly
* @enum {string} Type
Annotation.Type = {
ALL: 'all',
INK: 'ink',
LINK: 'link',
HIGHLIGHT: 'highlight',
SQUIGGLY: 'squiggly',
STRIKE_OUT: 'strikeOut',
UNDERLINE: 'underline',
NOTE: 'note',
LINE: 'line',
POLYGON: 'polygon',
POLYLINE: 'polyline',
SQUARE: 'square',
FREE_TEXT: 'freeText',
STAMP: 'stamp',
IMAGE: 'image',
CARET: 'caret',
RICH_MEDIA: 'richMedia',
WIDGET: 'widget',
WATERMARK: 'watermark',
FILE: 'file',
SOUND: 'sound',
POPUP: 'popup',
TRAP_NET: 'trapNet',
THREE_DIMENSIONAL: 'threeDimensional',
REDACTION: 'redaction'
* Specifies how a annotation should be included in the resulting document.
* @readonly
* @enum {string} Change
Annotation.Change = {
* The annotation will be flattened. It can no longer be modified in the resulting document.
FLATTEN: 'flatten',
* The annotation will be removed.
REMOVE: 'remove',
* The annotation will be embedded into the resulting document, allowing it to still be modified.
EMBED: 'embed',
* Processes the document for printing. Flattens annotations that can be printed, removes the remaining ones.
PRINT: 'print',
})(Annotation || (exports.Annotation = Annotation = {}));