"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.PDFDocument = void 0;
var react_native_1 = require("react-native");
* @class PDFDocument
* @description The current document object loaded in the PSPDFKitView.
var PDFDocument = /** @class */ (function () {
* @ignore
function PDFDocument(pdfViewRef) {
this.pdfViewRef = pdfViewRef;
* @method getDocumentId
* @memberof PDFDocument
* @description Returns a document identifier (inferred from a document provider if possible).
* A permanent identifier based on the contents of the file at the time it was originally created.
* If a document identifier is not available, a generated UID value is returned.
* @example
* const documentId = await this.pdfRef.current?.getDocument().getDocumentId();
* @returns { Promise<string> } A promise containing the document identifier.
PDFDocument.prototype.getDocumentId = function () {
return react_native_1.NativeModules.PDFDocumentManager.getDocumentId((0, react_native_1.findNodeHandle)(this.pdfViewRef));
* @method invalidateCacheForPage
* @memberof PDFDocument
* @param {number} pageIndex Zero-based page index of the page to refresh.
* @description Invalidates the rendered cache of the given pageIndex for this document.
* Use this method if a single page of the document is not updated after a change, or changed externally, and needs to be re-rendered.
* @example
* const result = await this.pdfRef.current?.getDocument().invalidateCacheForPage(0);
* @returns { Promise<boolean> } A promise containing the result of the operation. true
if the cache was invalidated, false
PDFDocument.prototype.invalidateCacheForPage = function (pageIndex) {
return react_native_1.NativeModules.PDFDocumentManager.invalidateCacheForPage((0, react_native_1.findNodeHandle)(this.pdfViewRef), pageIndex);
* @method invalidateCache
* @memberof PDFDocument
* @description Invalidates the rendered cache of all the pages for this document.
* Use this method if the document is not updated after a change, or changed externally, and needs to be re-rendered.
* @example
* const result = await this.pdfRef.current?.getDocument().invalidateCache();
* @returns { Promise<boolean> } A promise containing the result of the operation. true
if the cache was invalidated, false
PDFDocument.prototype.invalidateCache = function () {
return react_native_1.NativeModules.PDFDocumentManager.invalidateCache((0, react_native_1.findNodeHandle)(this.pdfViewRef));
* @method save
* @memberof PDFDocument
* @description Saves the document asynchronously.
* @example
* const result = await this.pdfRef.current?.getDocument().save();
* @returns { Promise<boolean> } A promise containing the result of the operation. true
if the document was saved, false
PDFDocument.prototype.save = function () {
return react_native_1.NativeModules.PDFDocumentManager.save((0, react_native_1.findNodeHandle)(this.pdfViewRef));
* @method getAllUnsavedAnnotations
* @memberof PDFDocument
* @description Gets all the unsaved changes to annotations in the document.
* @example
* const result = await this.pdfRef.current?.getDocument().getAllUnsavedAnnotations();
* @returns { Promise<Record<string, any>> } A promise containing the unsaved annotations as an array, wrapped in a Map with the mandatory 'annotations' key.
PDFDocument.prototype.getAllUnsavedAnnotations = function () {
return react_native_1.NativeModules.PDFDocumentManager.getAllUnsavedAnnotations((0, react_native_1.findNodeHandle)(this.pdfViewRef));
* @method getAnnotations
* @memberof PDFDocument
* @param {string} [type] The type of annotation to get. If not specified, all annotation types are returned.
* @description Gets all the annotations in the document for a specified type.
* @example
* const result = await this.pdfRef.current?.getDocument().getAnnotations("pspdfkit/ink");
* @returns { Promise<Array<any>> } A promise containing the annotations of the document as an array.
PDFDocument.prototype.getAnnotations = function (type) {
return react_native_1.NativeModules.PDFDocumentManager.getAnnotations((0, react_native_1.findNodeHandle)(this.pdfViewRef), type);
* @method getAnnotationsForPage
* @memberof PDFDocument
* @param {number} pageIndex The page index to get annotations for. Starts at 0.
* @param {string} [type] The type of annotation to get. If not specified, all annotation types are returned.
* @description Gets all the annotations in the document for a specified type.
* @example
* const result = await this.pdfRef.current?.getDocument().getAnnotationsForPage(0, "pspdfkit/ink");
* @returns { Promise<Array<any>> } A promise containing the annotations for the specified page of the document as an array.
PDFDocument.prototype.getAnnotationsForPage = function (pageIndex, type) {
return react_native_1.NativeModules.PDFDocumentManager.getAnnotationsForPage((0, react_native_1.findNodeHandle)(this.pdfViewRef), pageIndex, type);
* @method removeAnnotations
* @memberof PDFDocument
* @param {Array} instantJSON An array of the annotations to remove in InstantJSON format. Should not include the "annotations" key as used in the addAnnotations
* @description Removes all the specified annotations from the document.
* @example
* const result = await this.pdfRef.current?.getDocument().removeAnnotations(annotations);
* @returns { Promise<boolean> } A promise containing the result of the operation. true
if the annotations were removed, false
PDFDocument.prototype.removeAnnotations = function (instantJSON) {
return react_native_1.NativeModules.PDFDocumentManager.removeAnnotations((0, react_native_1.findNodeHandle)(this.pdfViewRef), instantJSON);
* @method addAnnotations
* @memberof PDFDocument
* @param {Record} instantJSON The annotations to add to the document in InstantJSON format. Ensure that the "annotations" key is included with an array of all the annotations as value.
* @description Adds all the specified annotations in the document.
* @example
* const result = await this.pdfRef.current?.getDocument().addAnnotations(annotations);
* @returns { Promise<boolean> } A promise containing the result of the operation. true
if the annotations were added, false
PDFDocument.prototype.addAnnotations = function (instantJSON) {
return react_native_1.NativeModules.PDFDocumentManager.addAnnotations((0, react_native_1.findNodeHandle)(this.pdfViewRef), instantJSON);
* @method importXFDF
* @memberof PDFDocument
* @param {string} filePath The path to the XFDF file to import.
* @description Imports the supplied XFDF file into the current document.
* @example
* const result = await this.pdfRef.current?.getDocument().importXFDF('path/to/XFDF.xfdf');
* @returns { Promise<any> } A promise containing an object with the result. true
if the xfdf file was imported successfully, and false
if an error occurred.
PDFDocument.prototype.importXFDF = function (filePath) {
return react_native_1.NativeModules.PDFDocumentManager.importXFDF((0, react_native_1.findNodeHandle)(this.pdfViewRef), filePath);
* @method exportXFDF
* @memberof PDFDocument
* @param {string} filePath The path where the XFDF file should be exported to.
* @description Exports the annotations from the current document to a XFDF file.
* @example
* const result = await this.pdfRef.current?.getDocument().exportXFDF('path/to/XFDF.xfdf');
* @returns { Promise<any> } A promise containing an object with the exported file path and result. true
if the xfdf file was exported successfully, and false
if an error occurred.
PDFDocument.prototype.exportXFDF = function (filePath) {
return react_native_1.NativeModules.PDFDocumentManager.exportXFDF((0, react_native_1.findNodeHandle)(this.pdfViewRef), filePath);
return PDFDocument;
exports.PDFDocument = PDFDocument;