Overlay views on Android

⚠️ Warning: This feature is still considered experimental and might be removed or changed in a future minor release.

With Nutrient Android SDK 6.1, we introduced a new feature, overlay views, which allows you to attach Android views to pages of a document using PDF coordinates. The main component is the OverlayViewProvider that provides the PdfFragment with views that will be added to document pages.

In order to get started, you have to first create your OverlayViewProvider, which only has a single method that you need to implement, getViewsForPage():

class CustomOverlayViewProvider : OverlayViewProvider() {

    override fun getViewsForPage(context: Context, document: PdfDocument, pageIndex: Int): List<View> {
        // Create views for every page you care about here.
        return emptyList()
public class CustomOverlayViewProvider extends OverlayViewProvider {

    public List<View> getViewsForPage(@NonNull Context context,
                                      @NonNull PdfDocument document,
                                      int pageIndex) {
        // Create views for every page you care about here.
        return Collections.emptyList();

When creating views, there are no limitations on what kind of views can be added; even scrolling views are supported.

In order to position the views on the page, you need to use the special OverlayLayoutParams, which allows you to position your views using PDF coordinates. Doing so will let you move and scale the views with the page as the user scrolls and zooms. Make sure to set these on all views before returning them in getViewsForPage(), otherwise an exception is thrown.

Finally let’s have a look at everything put together:

class CustomOverlayViewProvider : OverlayViewProvider() {

    override fun getViewsForPage(context: Context, document: PdfDocument, pageIndex: Int): List<View> {
        // Create a regular Android view.
        val overlayView = TextView(context)
        overlayView.text = "I'm an overlay view!"
        overlayView.layoutParams = OverlayLayoutParams(
            // This is the position on the page in PDF coordinates. The same coordinate space is used for annotations.
            RectF(50f, 400f, 200f, 500f),
            // By using `SCALING`, the text size will increase as the page is zoomed in.

        // Return our overlay view.
        return listOf(overlayView)
public class CustomOverlayViewProvider extends OverlayViewProvider {

    public List<View> getViewsForPage(@NonNull Context context,
                                      @NonNull PdfDocument document,
                                      int pageIndex) {
        // Create a regular Android view.
        TextView overlayView = new TextView(context);
        overlayView.setText("I'm an overlay view!");
        overlayView.setLayoutParams(new OverlayLayoutParams(
            // This is the position on the page in PDF coordinates. The same coordinate space is used for annotations.
            new RectF(50f, 400f, 200f, 500f),
            // By using `SCALING`, the text size will increase as the page is zoomed in.

        // Return our overlay view.
        return Collections.singletonList(overlayView);

For a comprehensive usage example, take a look at OverlayViewsExample and OverlayViewsActivity inside the Catalog app.