Job Settings

The Job Settings tab displays the settings for the selected job.

At the top there are sub-tabs that allow you to view and edit the settings for the job.

The sub-tabs and their options are covered in detail below.

At the bottom of the Job Settings tab there is a toolbar with the following options.

Screen Field / Button Description
View Log File Click this button to display the log file of the selected Job.
Save Click this button to save all the changes in the Job.
Run Click this button to execute the job.
Stop Click this button to halt the processing of the current batch of files at the earliest convenience.
Delete Job Click this button to delete the currently selected job.
Copy Job Click this button to make a copy of the selected job.
Clear Error Use this option to clear errors of jobs in error before running them.
Explore Destination Click this button to open the target folder in windows explorer, if the folder does not exist, it will display an error message.

Job Definition

Job Definition contains the common job properties that need to be set for the job to be executed.

The options displayed depends upon the Operation selected.

The following are common to all operations:

Screen Field / Button Description
Job ID Automatically generated Job ID
Job Name This name is displayed on the Dashboard, and is available as a variable within the job (file names and alerts).
Though a default name will be generated when you create a new job, it is always a good practice to give the jobs sensible names when you create them.
Select Operation Use this box to set the operation you want to carry out, there are four options to choose from. Check section 3 for more details.
- Rename PDF File
- Split PDF Files
- Extract Pages from PDF Files
- Extract Content from PDF Files
Each option has additional options
Create Folders If this is checked, Kingfisher will create the target directories if they do not exist.
Overwrite Existing Files If checked, generated PDF files will overwrite existing files of the same name (but not source files).
Continue on Error When checked, folder and tree processing jobs will continue when individual files fail.
Debug If switched on the job log will be more detailed. Additionally, temporary files are not deleted at the end of the run. These can build up if Debug is left on in production
Max Cores Sets the number of files that should be processed in parallel. Multi-core jobs are only available with the Server license.
Case Sensitive Setting this to true will make sure all the searches, text operations and pattern matching will be performed in a case sensitive fashion.
OCR If switched, Kingfisher will use OCR to locate the text on the PDF document, this is good for image PDFs and PDF file with Encoding.

Rename PDF File

Rename based on Text Match

Screen Field / Button Description
Sub Options - Rename based on Text Match
- Rename based on Barcode
- Rename based on Text and Barcode
Files With No Match Options are:
- Do not copy to output
- Copy to output
- Copy to output and rename (Additional filename template field added to settings)

The “Copy To Output and Rename” requires an additional filename template which can use a number of variables.

Click on the question mark for details of the available variables.

Rename based on Barcode

Screen Field / Button Description
Use the First Barcode found Use the first barcode located in the document
Select Barcode from Page Select the barcode in the Select Variable tab
Files With No Match Options are:
- Do not copy to output
- Copy to output
- Copy to output and rename (Additional filename template field added to settings – see Rename based on Text Match for details)

Rename based on Text Match and Barcode

Screen Field / Button Description
Files With No Match Options are:
- Do not copy to output
- Copy to output
- Copy to output and rename (Additional filename template field added to settings – see Rename based on Text Match for details)

Split PDF Files

Split File based on Barcode

Screen Field / Button Description
Output File Options - Barcode on first page
- Barcode on last page
- Remove Barcode Page
Pages With No Match Options are:
- Do not copy to output
- Copy to output
- Copy to output and rename (Additional filename template field added to settings – see Rename based on Text Match for details)

Split File based on Text Match

Screen Field / Button Description
Output File Options - Barcode on first page
- Barcode on last page
Pages With No Match Options are:
- Do not copy to output
- Copy to output
- Copy to output and rename (Additional filename template field added to settings)

Split File based on Text Change

Screen Field / Button Description
Output File Options - Page That Matches Text on First Page
- Page That Matches Text on Last Page
- Remove Page that Matches Text
Pages With No Match Options are:
- Do not copy to output
- Copy to output
- Copy to output and rename (Additional filename template field added to settings)

Split File based on Page Ranges

Screen Field / Button Description
Split Options - Split into Single Pages
- Split by Page Ranges
- Split by Repeating Page Ranges

Split by Page Ranges has the one additional field.

Screen Field / Button Description
Split Ranges Enter a range

Split by Repeating Page Ranges has two additional fields.

Screen Field / Button Description
Split Ranges Enter a range string. See Split File based on Page Ranges
Repeat Every Repeat the range after the number of pages entered

Extract Pages from PDF Files

Extract Pages from file based on Barcode

Extract Pages from file based on Text Match

Screen Field / Button Description
Extract as Single Pages Extract each page and save separately. Ensure that each page will be named differently or add the %INDEX% variable.
Merge All extracted pages Extract each page and merge into a single document
Merge All extracted pages on unique expressions that match Last page to extract (blank is last page)

Export PDF Content

PDF to Text

Screen Field / Button Description
Start Page First page to extract (blank is first page)
End Page Last page to extract (blank is last page)


Screen Field / Button Description
Output File - CSV – Comma Separated Values
- XLSX – Excel sheet
Append Data to Existing File Set to True to append to an existing file, False to overwrite an existing file

Advanced Export to CSV/XLSX

Screen Field / Button Description
Output File - CSV
Append Data to Existing File - True – add lines to an existing file
- False – Create a new file (see Overwrite Existing Files option below)
Skip Header Row Skip header row in sheet
(Append Data to Existing File = True )
Append as WorkSheet Add new data as a new worksheet in the file (.xlsx output and Append Data to Existing File = True only)

Location Settings

Kingfisher allows users to process files in SharePoint Online (Office 365), SharePoint On-Premises and on the Windows file system. This section will show you the details of the “Location Settings” tab.

Screen Field / Button Description
Source Use this Combo Box to select the Source location type, the options are given below.
- File System
- SharePoint
- Office365
Destination Use this Combo Box to select the Source location type, the options are given below.
- Same as Source: This option puts the file back in the source location
- File System
- SharePoint
- Office365
Filter Locations by Regular Expression Regular expressions can be used to filter the input files that are processed by Kingfisher.
Exclude Locations Add paths that you want Kingfisher to skip.
Retain PDF Metadata Switch this on to retain the PDF metadata of the source PDF file.
Retain SharePoint Metadata Switch this on to retain the SharePoint metadata of the source PDF file, note that the destination library must have the same column types and names as the source library for this to work.
Log File The path to the log file for the current rule, you can use the %TIMESTAMP% and %DATESTAMP% variables to create log files based on dates or time.
Csv Log File The csv log files contain a summary of the new file names generated by Kingfisher. , You can use the %TIMESTAMP% and %DATESTAMP% variables to create log files based on dates or time. See section CSV logs for details of the CSV logs contents.

Location Types

Kingfisher gives you an option of 3 different location types, this section explains the different ways there are added or edited in a job.

File System

This is straight forward, choose between processing a “Single File”, “Folder” or “Tree”. After chose the file system type, you can use the browse button to select the location.

The Browse button allows you to browse to the location of the file or folder.

Local, Mapped and UNC paths

Local paths are those that are on drives local to the machine running Kingfisher. These are (subject to suitable permissions for the Kingfisher service user) usable as paths for locations for use by Kingfisher.

Mapped drives (where a device has a network path mapped to a drive letter) must not be used in paths in Kingfisher. This is due to how drive mapping is applied to service users. If you have a network path, please use the Uniform Naming Convention (UNC) path. If you select a path using the file or folder browser, it will convert it to the UNC path.

SharePoint (On-Premises)

Adding a SharePoint location is a bit different, after select the “SharePoint” option, you will see the button below.

Click on the “Add SharePoint Location” button to open the SharePoint location dialog box shown below.

The SharePoint locations can be accessed using either Username and Password, or by Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS).

Screen Field / Button Description
SharePoint URL Provide the URL of the SharePoint site or document library you want Kingfisher to process.
UserName Provide the username of a user that has access to the URL you provided above.
Password Provide a password for the User above.
Use ADFS Authentication Switch this on if you use Active Directory for your SharePoint User Management.
Hostname of the ADFS Server Provide the name of the Active Directory server.
ADFS Relying Party Identifier Provide the Relying Party Trust identifier for your SharePoint.

After you enter your SharePoint details, click the “Save Location” button and the locations will be validated as shown below.

After saving the location, you can always edit by clicking the “Edit SharePoint Location” shown below.

The key thing to be aware of is that Kingfisher will traverse everything under the URL, so if the output location is in the same location, the files will be picked up on subsequent runs.

To specify what folders will and will not be processed, use the Input Filters:

  • Filter Locations by Regular Expression

  • Excluded Locations

Additionally if the output location is supposed to be a sub folder, ensure that the URl has EXACTLY the same format (Shared%20Documents and Shared Documents are treated as different locations and generates a nested folder structure.

Office365 (SharePoint OnLine)

Adding a new Office 365 location is similar to adding a new SharePoint location.

There are two options for authentication:

  • Username and Password

  • Modern Authentication/OAuth2

Username and Password

Screen Field / Button Description
SharePoint URL Provide the URL of the SharePoint site or document library you want Kingfisher to process.
UserName Provide the username of a user that has access to the URL you provided above.
Password Provide a password for the user above.

The key thing to be aware of is that Kingfisher will traverse everything under the URL, so if the output location is in the same location, the files will be picked up on subsequent runs.

To specify what folders will and will not be processed, use the Input Filters:

  • Filter Locations by Regular Expression

  • Excluded Locations

Additionally if the output location is supposed to be a sub folder, ensure that the URl has EXACTLY the same format (Shared%20Documents and Shared Documents are treated as different locations and generates a nested folder structure.

Modern Authentication

For details on how to set up modern (OAuth2) authentication for SharePoint (and email) see the OAuth2 Configuration document.

Screen Field / Button Description
SharePoint URL Provide the URL of the SharePoint site or document library you want Kingfisher to process.
Azure Application ID Azure Application (Client) ID
Azure AD Tenant ID Azure Active Directory Tenant ID
Certificate Path Path to the .pfx certificate associated with the Client ID
Certificate Password Password for the .pfx certificate

Follow the same process as the previous section if you want to save or edit the location.

Apply Input Filters

Kingfisher give you the ability to filter or exclude source files/paths based on difference criteria.

Filter Locations by Regular Expression

If you provide any values for this, Kingfisher will only process files that match the regular expression provided. To add values, click the “Filter Locations by Regular Expression” link, this will show the dialog below. Then click the “Add new Location” button.

This example job will process files only in the RegexTest folder:

SharePoint example folder

Open the Filter Locations by Regular Expressions dialogue and add the folder name RegexTest.

A screenshot of a computer Description automatically generated

Be aware the regular expression only needs to match something in the path.

If the job is in Debug mode, the log will contain a record of those files that match and those that do not. This will help you with tailoring the regular expression to your environment.

Exclude Locations

Any path you provide here will be skipped by Kingfisher, to add values to this property, click the “Exclude Location” link. The Dialog below will be shown.

Click on the “Add Item” button to add a new value, after you are done click the Ok button.

If the job is in Debug mode, the log will contain a list of the exclusion locations and will show locations that are included and those that are excluded.

This will help you with tailoring the regular expression to your environment.

Select Variables

One of the most attractive features of Kingfisher is the ability to select text or barcode at a position in a PDF page, the selected text or barcode can be used to:

  • Decide whether to split the document at the page where the text of barcode was found.

  • Decide whether to extract the page where the text of barcode was found.

  • Use these extracted text or barcode values to rename the file.

Template file

The Select Variables tab uses a template file to allow the interactive definition of the various zones. By default, it picks up either the source file selected in the Location Settings tab or one of the files located in the folder file selected in the Location Settings tab.

It is possible that during the use of Kingfisher, this file will be removed. If the job condition is opened again in the UI, a warning message will be displayed indicating that the template file is missing. It does not affect the operation of Kingfisher.

It is a good idea to define a Template File folder and copy your chosen template file into it. Use the browse file option to select this as the new template file.


The “Select Variable” tab is used to select four variables named:

  • %VALUE1%: This is used to decide the split or extract page, it is also used to generate the output file name, note this must be selected for some jobs to run.

  • %VALUE2%: This is used to generate the output file name.

  • %VALUE3%: This is used to generate the output file name.

  • %VALUE4%: This is used to generate the output file name.


To assign a zone to a variable, you should first choose the zone on the PDF page with your mouse, click the camera icon associated to the variable you want to assign the zone to. If you do not assign a zone to the variable, Kingfisher will assume you want to use the whole page as a zone. You will notice the “Selected Zone” Text Box change from “all” to the coordinates you selected.

Screen Field / Button Description
Magnifier Use the +/- buttons to zoom in or zoom out
Next Click to go to the next page of the PDF file
Back Click to go to the previous page of the PDF file
Delete Item Click this button to delete the variable or item.
Move Up/Down You can use this to rearrange the order of the variables.
Selected Zone Click the camera icon to assign a selected zone to a variable
Clear Zone Click this button set the selected zone to the whole page
Text Check this radio button to extract text values
Barcode Check this radio button to extract barcode values
Select Use this drop-down box to specify the text you want to extract relative to a word/value.
Where Use this Drop-down box to specify if a regular expression should be used to match the selected text.
Refine Extracted Text Click this link to refine the text extracted.
Page Number You can specify specific pages to want Kingfisher to check for certain values.
All Pages Click this button to make Kingfisher search for the values on all pages.

Text Match Option

When extracting text, Kingfisher gives you the ability to select text that is relative to a word/pattern. The table below shows the options available and what they mean.

Screen Field / Button Description
Select - text in zone: This option will select all the text that was extracted.
- word after value: If this option is selected, Kingfisher will return the word that appears immediately after the word supplied in the text box.
- Word Before value: If this option is selected, Kingfisher will return the word that appears immediately before the word supplied in the text box.
- all text In Line after value: If this option is selected, Kingfisher will return all the words that appear on the same line after the word supplied in the text box.
- all text In Line before value: If this option is selected, Kingfisher will return all the words that appear on the same line before the word supplied in the text box.
- all text In Zone after value: If this option is selected, Kingfisher will return all the words that appear in the selected zone after the word supplied in the text box.
- all text In Zone before value: If this option is selected, Kingfisher will return all the words that appear in the selected zone before the word supplied in the text box.
- all text in paragraph before value: If this option is selected, Kingfisher will return all the words that appear in the paragraph before the word supplied in the text box.
- all text in paragraph after value: If this option is selected, Kingfisher will return all the words that appear in the paragraph after the word supplied in the text box.
Pattern - Where text matches any pattern: This option will not match the text to any pattern
- Where text matches pattern: Provide a Regular expression here to match the extracted text to, this will be explained more below.


When extracting Barcode, you can select specific barcode formats or select All of the supported barcodes (default).

Screen Field / Button Description
Barcode Type This combo box allows the user to select the barcode type to extract, below is the list of barcode types that Kingfisher can recognize.
- CODABAR 1D format.
- ITF (Interleaved Two of Five) 1D format (Code 25).
- Code 39 1D format.
- Code 93 1D format.
- Code 128 1D format.
- Data Matrix 2D barcode format.
- PDF417 format.
- QR Code 2D barcode format.
- EAN-13 1D format.
- EAN-8 1D format.
- UPC-A 1D format.
- UPC-E 1D format.
- RSS 14

Text Pattern Option

Kingfisher allows the user to define the text pattern of the text to be extracted from the PDF document. This helps the user make sure only text that match a certain pattern will be extracted. For example, a user might want a phone number, but a postcode gets extracted just because it was present in the same location as the postcode on a different page. Kingfisher provide pattern matching so that a user can make sure the text that is extracted is properly validated before it is accepted.

Patterns are used to match parts of the document. Some useful examples are below. For a complete reference on patterns including advanced examples see the link below.

Pattern Matches Examples
invoice The word “invoice”
*invoice no:* The phrase “invoice no:”
*.* Any 1 character A
*….* Any 5 characters 12abc
*Invoice….* The word invoice followed by any 4 characters. A space is a character. Invoice 123
Invoice No:
Invoice A9-
*^invoice* The word invoice at the start of a line
*invoice$* The word invoice at the end of a line
*\[0-9\] \[0-9\] \[0-9\]* Any 3 digits 123
*\[a-z\] \[a-z\] \[a-z\]* Any 3 alphabetic characters abc

Refine Extracted Text

Kingfisher has an advanced method to refine the extracted text.

This allows the removing/replacing of certain pieces of text based on patterns or values.

Option Explanation
Task The first part of the task is whether to remove or replace the pattern provided, the next part deals with the position and the frequency of the removal or replacement.
Pattern The pattern to search for, this can be a regular expression, Use the \\ literal to escape special characters.
Values to replace with If you choose to replace a pattern, you will have to provide a substitute value in this text box.
Inclusive/Exclusive When you chose Inclusive, Kingfisher will remove all the text specified including the pattern being matched. When you choose Exclusive, Kingfisher will remove all the text specified without the pattern being matched.
Case Sensitive This option tells Kingfisher whether to use a case sensitive approach or not.


This tab allows the user to schedule when jobs are executed.

Setting Description
Manual This means that the document library has to be run manually by clicking on the “Run” button on the dashboard.
Once per day This allows the document library to be scheduled to run at a specified time each day.
Continuous This allows the document library to be scheduled to run periodically between a start time and end time each day. The periods may be minutes, hours, days or months. For example, a document library may be specified to run every 1 hour between 9:00 and 17:00.
Run Once This allows the document library to be scheduled to run only once at a specified time.

Please note that Kingfisher’s default behavior is that a Scheduled job that generates an error will not run again until either the error is cleared (right click on the job entry on the Dashboard and select clear error), or the job is successfully run manually.

This behavior can be changed by changing two entries in the Kingfisher.Config file.

For jobs scheduled to run once per day, change the value of the setting ScheduleOncePerDayContinueAfterError to true.

For jobs scheduled to run continuously, change the value of the setting ScheduleContinuousContinueAfterError to true.


Use this tab to set email alerts for jobs. Email settings (SMTP or OAuth2) are set in the Options/Email tabs (see the email options section).

Setting Description
From Email Address The email address to send the email from. This needs to be a valid email address for the email service employed (unless Anonymous is chosen as an SMTP option)
To Email Address The email address to receive the email.
Email Subject The email subject. You can use the following templates:
%JOBNAME% - will be replaced by the name of the library
%STATUS% - will be replaced by “success” or “error” depending on whether the job ran successfully or not
Email Message The email message to send. You can use the following templates:
%JOBNAME% - will be replaced by the name of the library
%STATUS% - will be replaced by “success” or “error” depending on whether the job ran successfully or not
%LOGFILE% - will be replaced by the path of the log file.
Send Error Alert Switch this on to send an alert when a job ends in an error.
Send Success Alert Switch this on to send alerts when the job successfully completes.

File Naming

Kingfisher offers various variables to customize the final output name. These variables include:

  • Text/Barcode values extracted from the PDF document (including by OCR)

  • Index value for split or extract operations (with zero padded options).

  • Page numbers (original, first original page of block, last original page of block)

  • Bookmarks (for split by bookmark)

  • Time and Date values (including the date and time that a job started)

Note that the index value is very useful where the values extracted on different pages during the split/extract are the same.

Name Template

You can enter a string in the name template text box, any occurrence of variables in the table below will be replaced by the appropriate value at runtime.

Variable Description
%VALUE1% The primary barcode/text value.
%VALUE2% %VALUE3% %VALUE4% The barcode/text value(s) found.
%INDEX% The index of the output file in a split or extract page operation.
%INDEXn% The index of the output file in a split or extract page operation padded with zeroes to length n.
%PAGENUMBER% The page number of the extracted page in the original PDF file.
%PAGESTART% Start page number.
%PAGEEND% End page number.
%FILENAME% The original file name without the .pdf extension.
%BOOKMARK% This represents the bookmark name and can be used with the “Split by Top Level Bookmarks” split option only.
%TIME% The current Time.
%DATE% The current Date.
%RUNDATE% The Time at which the job was executed, the difference between this and the %TIME% variable is that this value will be same for all files processed in a single job run.
%YEAR% The current Year in the form yyyy
%MONTH% Current Mo0nth in form MM.
%JOBNAME% The Name of the Job.

For non-Tree file sources, there is an option to include folders in the file naming by using a double backslash (escaping a single backslash).


Be aware it is possible to use this file name template with Tree file sources, but the folder structure will include the source folder structure before the file naming one.

File naming example

Two areas are selected:

%VALUE1% has text refinement added:

The File Naming tab has the value %VALUE2\\%VALUE1. The double backslash (\\) is an escaped backslash that indicates the file should be written to a folder with the value of %VALUE2%.

The output file from the example above is created in a sub-folder called “Patent Application Publication”.

Advanced Settings


Graphical user interface, application Description automatically generated

Source Document Security

Screen Field / Button Description
Source Password If the source document requires a password it should be entered here.

Target Document Security

Screen Field / Button Description
User Password A password that will be required to open the document.
Owner Password A password that will be required to change the document permissions.

Target Document Permissions

Permission Description
Allow ALL Permissions All the permissions below.
Printing Allow high-quality printing.
Modify Contents Allow assembly (see below) and other document medications.
Copy Allow text and graphic copying and extraction.
Modify Annotations Allow modification of annotations.
Form Filling Allow filling of form fields.
Screen Readers Allow extraction of text and graphics in support of accessibility.
Assembly Allow rotation, insertion or deletion of pages.
Degraded Printing Allow low-quality printing.


The default display properties of a PDF can be set here.

Graphical user interface, application Description automatically generated

Display Modes

Option Description
Page Layout The setting for initial document page display. Choose from:
- Single Page
- Continuous
- Continuous Facing (odd pages left)
- Continuous Facing (odd pages right)
Page Mode The setting for initial viewer mode. Choose from:
- Neither Bookmarks nor Thumbnails Open
- Bookmarks Open
- Thumbnails Open
- Bookmarks & Thumbnails Open
- Full Screen
Non-Full Screen Mode Only applicable where Page Mode=Full Screen. The setting for document page display when exiting Full Screen mode. One of:
- Neither Bookmarks nor Thumbnails Open
- Bookmarks Open
- Thumbnails Open


Option Description
Hide Tool Bar The viewer’s tool bar will be hidden.
Hide Menu Bar The viewer’s menu bar will be hidden.
Hide Window UI The viewer’s UI elements (scrollbars etc.) will be hidden.
Fit Window The viewer will resize the document’s window to fit the size of the first displayed page.
Centre Window The document window will be positioned in the center of the screen.

Bookmark Settings

Option Description
Retain Bookmarks Select this option to carry over the bookmarks in the original PDF to the split PDF. Default is set to true.

PDF Metadata

Graphical user interface, text, application Description automatically generated

Option Description
Retain PDF Metadata Set to yes if you want the output PDF file to retain the metadata of the input PDF, when you set this to true, Kingfisher will disable all the metadata options below.
Author Provide a new value for the Author
Title Provide a new value for the Title
Creator Provide a new value for the Creator
Subject Provide a new value for the Subject
Keywords Provide a new value for the Keywords

OCR Settings

Graphical user interface, application Description automatically generated

Option Description
OCR Language Select expected language for OCR
Despeckle Despeckle the image – The method removes all disconnected elements within the image that have height or width in pixels less than the specified figure. The maximum value is 9 and the default value is 0.
Convert To TIFF DPI Select DPI for intermediate TIFF file for OCR when extracting images via the non-native mode.
Deskew Deskew (straighten) the image.
Extract Images Via Extract images for OCR as native or by converting the PDF to an intermediate TIFF file. The latter is useful if the file contains complex content (Forms, text and images etc.). Use in conjunction with the Convert To TIFF DPI to change the DPI of the image that is OCR’d. This can improve OCR accuracy depending on the file.
Auto Rotate Auto rotates images to an orientation where more text can be recognized.
Remove Lines Remove lines from images.
Binarize This option is useful when processing colored images. It converts the page into an intermediate black and white image which can improve accuracy.
Remove Hidden Text Remove existing hidden text. Some scanners produce PDFs with partially OCR’d text which can lead to incorrect results.

Barcode Settings

Graphical user interface, text, application Description automatically generated

Option Description
Barcode renderer DPI Set the DPI used by the barcode engine to read the barcode.
With certain images results can be improved by increasing the DPI above the nominal image DPI.
Barcode color depth Set the color depth (bits per pixel) used by the barcode engine to read the barcode.
Though barcodes are traditionally in black and white, color images may include barcodes where the lines or background are in shades or are crossed by colored lines. Changing the color depth can improve results.

Other Settings

Graphical user interface, text, application, email Description automatically generated

Custom Script File

Option Description
Execute the script below after each file Switch this on if you want to execute a Windows Script File (.wsf) after each output file is produced. We send the following arguments: “newfilename” and “oldfilename”.
Custom Script File The location of the script file.

Trigger File

Option Description
Use Trigger File When this option is switched on, a Kingfisher job will not start if a trigger file specified is not available.
Delete Trigger File After Job When the Use Trigger File option is on, Kingfisher will delete the trigger file after the job completes.
Select Trigger File Use this control to provide the trigger file name and location.

Output PDF

Option Description
Output PDF Page Rotation Choose the rotation of the output PDF pages.
Retain Bookmarks Set to true to retain the bookmarks in the output PDF file.
Temporary Folder You can change the temp folder using this directory browser control.

Text Match Settings

Option Description
Match Pattern First Kingfisher will match the extracted text with the provided pattern before it applies the text refiner
Refine Text First Kingfisher will apply the text refiner to the extracted text before matching it to the pattern.

Running Job

The Task Log displays the progress of the current or most recent run of the selected job.

The toolbar at the bottom has an additional Explore Destination button

This opens the destination folder if it exists.