GDPicture Steps

The Autobahn DX command line interface also supports the GDPicture module.


1. OCR an image PDF to create a Searchable PDF

“c:\Aquaforest\Autobahn DX\bin\autobahndx.exe” /source=“C:\ADX Demo\In\PDF\File\US2007246939A1.pdf” /sourcetype=file /target=“C:\ADX Demo\Output” /outputtype=PDF /operation=ocrpdfgd /ocr=true /Tempfolder=“C:\ADX Demo\Temp” /Dictionary=“eng” /DictionaryPath=“D:\Aquaforest\Autobahn DX\distribution\gdpicture\ocr” /PageRange=”*” /DPI=“300” /Output=pdf /Overwrite /logfile=“C:\ADX Demo\Log\LogFile.log” /debug

Validate PDF/A – [used with validatepdfa]

/operationUse the operation validatepdfa
/debugLog additional information

PD/A option.

Select the value from the following table

PDFA-1aThe PDF conformance level is PDF/A-1a.
PDFA-1bThe PDF conformance level is PDF/A-1b.
PDFA-2aThe PDF conformance level is PDF/A-2a.
PDFA-2bThe PDF conformance level is PDF/A-2b.
PDFA-2uThe PDF conformance level is PDF/A-2u.
PDFA-3aThe PDF conformance level is PDF/A-3a.
PDFA-3bThe PDF conformance level is PDF/A-3b.
PDFA-3uThe PDF conformance level is PDF/A-3u.
PDFA-4The PDF conformance level is PDF/A-4.
PDFA-4eThe PDF conformance level is PDF/A-4e.
PDFA-4fThe PDF conformance level is PDF/A-4f.
/ErrorFolder Path for error files /Source Source file to be validated. /Target Target path for the output file. /TempFolder Path for temporary folder (must be unique)

Linearize PDF – [used with linearizepdf]

Parameter Notes
/operation Use the operation linearizepdf
/debug Log additional information
/EnableCompression Add this parameter if you want to compress the PDF document during each save process.
/PackDocument Add this parameter to pack the output PDF when saved to reduce its size.
/Source Source file to be linearized.
/Target Target path for the output file.
/TempFolder Path for temporary folder (must be unique)

Convert Any File to PDF – [used with convertany]

Parameter Notes
/operation Use the operation convertany
/debug Log additional information
/ConvertAttachments Convert any attachments
/AttachAttachments Attach converted attachments rather than merge attachments
/EmailPageHeight=“num” Page height in points
/EmailPageWidth=“num” Page width in points
/EmailPageMarginBottom=“num” Page margin bottom in points
/EmailPageMarginLeft=“num” Page margin left in points
/EmailPageMarginRight=“num” Page margin right in points
/EmailPageMarginTop=“num” Page margin top in points
/EmailPreferOnePage Add to output document as one page
/EnableICC When present, specifies the ICC profile should be preserved during the conversion if it’s present in the loaded document.
/HtmlEmulationType=“num” Specifies a type of media to emulate.
1 No emulation
2 Print
3 Screen 
/HtmlPageHeight=“num” Page height in points
/HtmlPageWidth=“num” Page width in points
/HtmlPageMarginBottom=“num” Page margin bottom in points
/HtmlPageMarginLeft=“num” Page margin left in points
/HtmlPageMarginRight=“num” Page margin right in points
/HtmlPageMarginTop=“num” Page margin top in points
/HtmlPreferOnePage Include to specify that the output document should contain a single page.  
/HtmlPreferCSSPageSize Include to give any CSS @page size declared in the page priority over what is declared in HtmlPageWidth and HtmlPageHeight. If not included, the renderer will scale the content to fit the paper size.  
/LoadOnlyOnePage Specifies that all executed actions with the loaded document will be processed using only the first page of the document.  
/PageRange=“range” Range of pages to OCR, use “*” for all pages.
/PdfBitonalImageCompression=”ID” Sets the scheme to be used to compress bitonal image data when converting/saving the currently loaded document to PDF format. ID: 0 Scheme: None. ID: 1, Scheme: Flate. ID:2, Scheme: CCITT4. ID 3: Scheme: JPEG, ID:4 Scheme: JBIG2. ID: 5, Scheme: JPEG2000
/JBIG2PMSThreshold Specifies the threshold value for the JBIG2 encoder pattern matching and substitution between 0 and 1. Any number lower than 1 may lead to lossy compression. Default value is 0.85.
/PdfColorImageCompression Sets the scheme to be used to compress color image data when converting/saving the currently loaded document to PDF format.
/PdfImageQuality Sets the level of quality used to compress images with a lossy compression scheme, which are embedded in the newly produced PDF document when converting/saving the currently loaded document to PDF format. It must be a value from 0 to 100. 0 means the worst quality and the best compression, 100 means the best quality and the worst compression.
/PDFUseDeflateOnJPEG Include to specify if the converter will use additional Deflate compression for JPEG images in PDF output.
/RasterizationDPI=“DPI” Sets the rendering resolution to be used when converting vector content to raster content, if any is included in the currently loaded document. 
/TiffEnableExifRotate Include to specify that the tiff encoder will use Exif rotate flag to handle page rotations.
/TimeoutMilliseconds=“timeout in milliseconds” Specifies the timeout of the subsequent conversion process, in milliseconds. Default value is -1, which means no timeout. 
/TxtFontBold Specifies whether the font used for the resulting document when converting from the source txt file must have a bold style. 
/TxtFontItalic Specifies whether the font used for the resulting document when converting from the source txt file must have an italic style.
/TxtFontFamily=“font family” Specifies the name of the font to be used for the resulting document when converting from the source txt file. 
/TxtFontSize=“font size” Specifies the text size, in points, to be used for the resulting document when converting from the source txt file.  
/TxtPageHeight=“num” Page height in points
/TxtPageWidth=“num” Page width in points
/TxtPageMarginBottom=“num” Page margin bottom in points
/TxtPageMarginLeft=“num” Page margin left in points
/TxtPageMarginRight=“num” Page margin right in points
/TxtPageMarginTop=“num” Page margin top in points
/Source Source file to be converted to PDF.
/Target Target path for the output file. This can include the %FILENAME variable.
/TempFolder Path for temporary folder (must be unique)

Combine Any File– [used with combineany]

Parameter Notes
/operation Use the operation combineany
/debug Log additional information
/ConvertAttachments Convert any attachments
/AttachAttachments Attach converted attachments rather than merge attachments
/EmailPageHeight=“num” Page height in points
/EmailPageWidth=“num” Page width in points
/EmailPageMarginBottom=“num” Page margin bottom in points
/EmailPageMarginLeft=“num” Page margin left in points
/EmailPageMarginRight=“num” Page margin right in points
/EmailPageMarginTop=“num” Page margin top in points
/EmailPreferOnePage Add to output document as one page  
/EnableICC When present favor to preserve ICC profile, if present in the loaded document, during the conversion.  
/HtmlEmulationType=“num” Specifies a type of a media to emulate.  
/HtmlPageHeight=“num” Page height in points
/HtmlPageWidth=“num” Page width in points
/HtmlPageMarginBottom=“num” Page margin bottom in points
/HtmlPageMarginLeft=“num” Page margin left in points
/HtmlPageMarginRight=“num” Page margin right in points
/HtmlPageMarginTop=“num” Page margin top in points
/HtmlPreferOnePage Include to specify that the output document should contain a single page.  
/HtmlPreferCSSPageSize Include to give any CSS @page size declared in the page priority over what is declared in HtmlPageWidth and HtmlPageHeight. If not included, the renderer will scale the content to fit the paper size.  
/LoadOnlyOnePage Specifies that all executed actions with the loaded document will be processed using only the first page of the document.  
/PageRange=“range” Range of pages to OCR, use “*” for all pages.
/PdfBitonalImageCompression=”ID” Sets the scheme to be used to compress bitonal image data when converting/saving the currently loaded document to PDF format. ID Scheme None Flate 2 CCITT4 3 JPEG 4 JBIG2 5 JPEG2000
/JBIG2PMSThreshold Specifies the threshold value for the JBIG2 encoder pattern matching and substitution between 0 and 1. Any number lower than 1 may lead to lossy compression. Default value is 0.85.
/PdfColorImageCompression Sets the scheme to be used to compress color image data when converting/saving the currently loaded document to PDF format.
/PdfImageQuality Sets the level of quality used to compress images with a lossy compression scheme, which are embedded in the newly produced PDF document when converting/saving the currently loaded document to PDF format. It must be a value from 0 to 100. 0 means the worst quality and the best compression, 100 means the best quality and the worst compression.
/PDFUseDeflateOnJPEG Include to specify if the converter will use additional Deflate compression for JPEG images in PDF output.
/RasterizationDPI=“DPI” Sets the rendering resolution to be used when converting vector content to raster content, if any is included in the currently loaded document. 
/TiffEnableExifRotate Include to specify that the tiff encoder will use Exif rotate flag to handle page rotations.
/TimeoutMilliseconds=“timeout in milliseconds” Specifies the timeout of the subsequent conversion process, in milliseconds. Default value is -1, which means no timeout. 
/TxtFontBold Specifies whether the font used for the resulting document when converting from the source txt file must have a bold style.
/TxtFontItalic Specifies whether the font used for the resulting document when converting from the source txt file must have an italic style.
/TxtFontFamily=“font family” Specifies the name of the font to be used for the resulting document when converting from the source txt file. 
/TxtFontSize=“font size” Specifies the text size, in points, to be used for the resulting document when converting from the source txt file.
/TxtPageHeight=“num” Page height in points
/TxtPageWidth=“num” Page width in points
/TxtPageMarginBottom=“num” Page margin bottom in points
/TxtPageMarginLeft=“num” Page margin left in points
/TxtPageMarginRight=“num” Page margin right in points
/TxtPageMarginTop=“num” Page margin top in points
/Source Source folder for the files to be combined.
/Target Target path for the output file. This can include the %DIRNAME variable.
/TempFolder Path for temporary folder (must be unique)

Combine PDFs– [used with combinepdfs]

/operationUse the operation combinepdfs
/debugLog additional information



Choose whether the merging of file should happen in numerical order e.g. file1, file3, file11, file20, file101. Otherwise it will be ordered lexographically e.g. file1, file101, file11, file20, file3
/SourceSource folder for files to be combined.
/TargetTarget path for the output file.
/TempFolderPath for temporary folder (must be unique)

Convert PDF to JPEG – [used with pdftojpeg]

/operationUse the operation pdftojpeg
/debugLog additional information
/DPI=”num”The dpi resolution for rendering.
/Brightness="num"Brightness adjustment between -100 and 100.
/Contrast="num"Contrast adjustment between -100 and 100.
/Saturation="num"Saturation adjustment between -100 and 100.
/Gamma="num"Gamma adjustment between -100 and 100.
/AutoDeskewWhen this flag is set, the image is skewed between ±15 degrees to obtain the best information from the image.
/CropBlackBordersDetects and removes margins consisting of black color around a GdPicture image.
/CropBlackBordersExDetects and sets to White, margins consisting of black color around a GdPicture image. This method does not have the same behavior as the CropBlackBorders. The black borders are not removed but are set to blank. Therefore, the image dimensions are kept the same.
/CropHeight="num"Specifies the page height, in pixels, of the resulting output document after cropping.
/CropWidth="num"Specifies the page width, in pixels, of the resulting output document after cropping
/CropLeft ="num"Specifies the distance, in pixels, to crop from the top of the resulting document
/CropTop="num"Specifies the distance, in pixels, to crop from the top of the resulting document
/DespecklePerforms a 3x3 despeckle filter (also known as median filter)
/DespeckleMorePerforms a 5x5 despeckle filter (also known as median filter)
/EnableICMSpecifies if color correction is used for images embedding an ICC profile.
/RemoveHolePunchRemoves all punch holes situated on the margins. Be aware this can affect some barcode types.

Perform line removal.

Horizontal is 1

Vertical is 2

/ResizeNewHeight="num"New image height in pixel
/ResizeNewWidth="num"New image width in pixel

The interpolation mode specifies the algorithm used when the image is stretched:

Nearest Neighbor5
High Quality Bilinear6
High Quality Bicubic7
/RotateByAngle Add parameter to rotate the image by an angle (see /RotationAngle) /RotationAngle="num" Rotate clockwise by this many degrees when /RotateByAngle parameter is present /RotationType="num"

Value determines rotate and/or flip action. Some actions result in the same final outcome, so the value is shared:

Rotate180 Flip None2
Rotate180 Flip X6
Rotate180 Flip XY0
Rotate180 Flip Y4
Rotate270 Flip None3
Rotate270 Flip X7
Rotate270 Flip XY1
Rotate 270 Flip Y5
Rotate 90 Flip None1
Rotate 90 Flip X5
Rotate 90 Flip XY3
Rotate 90 Flip Y7
Rotate None Flip None0
Rotate None Flip X4
Rotate None Flip XY2
Rotate None Flip Y6
/PageRange="page range" Range of pages to OCR, use “*” for all pages. /Source Source file to be converted to JPEG. /Target Target path for the output file. /TempFolder Path for temporary folder (must be unique)

Convert PDF to PNG – [used with pdftopng]

Parameter Notes
/operation Use the operation pdftopng

See Convert PDF to JPEG for the rest of the parameters

Convert PDF to TIFF – [used with pdftotiffgd]

/operationUse the operation pdftotiffgd
8Deflate compression, as recognized by Adobe.
65536Uses CCITT4 compression for bitonal image and LZW for others. This allows a mix of compression in a multipage tiff document.
3CCITT Group 3 fax encoding
4CCITT Group 4 fax encoding
32771#1 w/ word alignment
32946Deflate compression.
7%JPEG DCT compression
5Lempel-Ziv and Welch
32766NeXT 2-bit RLE
1No compression.
6!6.0 JPEG
2CCITT modified Huffman RLE
32809ThunderScan RLE

See Convert PDF to JPEG for the rest of the parameters

Convert PDF to Text – [used with pdftotext]

/operationUse the operation pdftotext
/debugLog additional information
/PageRangeRange of pages to OCR, use “*” for all pages.
/PageSeparator=”text”Text that will separate the pages of text



The placement of the text separator.

The separator text can either go at the top or bottom of the page text.

Default is bottom.

/PreserveParagraphSpecifies that the text extraction engine must preserve text paragraphs. Default false.
/ParagraphSeparator=his property specifies the separator to be utilized for splitting paragraphs. It only takes effect when the PreserveParagraphs property is set to true.
/EnableOCREnables the use of the GdPicture OCR engine if the page in non-searchable.
/DictionaryPath=Path to GDPicture Dictionary files

The codes of the chosen languages for OCR, seperated by ‘+’ e.g. eng+fra

Codes can be found in the OCR Language Codes section.

/CopyPdfIf the flag is present, it copies the input pdf to the output location.
/SourceSource file to be converted to text.
/TargetTarget path for the output file.
/TempFolderPath for temporary folder (must be unique)

OCR PDF to searchable PDF – [used with ocrpdfgd]

/operationUse the operation ocrpdfgd
/debugLog additional information

List of language codes, linked by ‘+’

For example: /Dictionary=”ENG+FRA”

/DictionaryPathPath to GDPicture Dictionary files
/DPIDPI used for rendering
/PageRangeRange of pages to OCR, use “*” for all pages.
/ThreadLimitLimits that amount of pages can be processed concurrently
/IgnoreSearchablePagesSetting this flag will skip OCRing and pages that already contain visible text.

Setting this flag will skip OCRing and pages that already contain hidden text.

Note: IgnoreSearchablePages must also be set

/SourceSource file to be OCRed.
/TargetTarget path for the output file.
/TempFolderPath for temporary folder (must be unique)

Create PDF Portfolio – [used with pdfportfolio]

/operationUse the operation pdfportfolio
/debugLog additional information
Detail0The collection view is presented in details mode, with all information in the Schema dictionary presented in a multi-column format. This mode provides the most information to the user. The default value.
Hidden2The collection view is initially hidden, without preventing the user from obtaining a file list via explicit action.
Tile1The collection view is presented in tile mode, with each file in the collection denoted by a small icon and a subset of information from the Schema dictionary. This mode provides top-level information about the file attachments to the user.
/Source Source folder. /Target Target path for the output file. /TempFolder Path for temporary folder (must be unique)

Convert PDF to PDF/A – [used with gdpicturepdfa]

/operationUse the operation gdpicturepdfa
/debugLog additional information
/AllowRasterization=falseSet this parameter to false, if you do not want the conversion engine to use page rasterization when the direct conversion and vectorization are not possible or allowed.
/Version="PDFA Option"
PDF_A_1aThe PDF conformance level is PDF/A-1a.
PDF_A_1bThe PDF conformance level is PDF/A-1b.
PDF_A_2aThe PDF conformance level is PDF/A-2a.
PDF_A_2bThe PDF conformance level is PDF/A-2b.
PDF_A_2uThe PDF conformance level is PDF/A-2u.
PDF_A_3aThe PDF conformance level is PDF/A-3a.
PDF_A_3bThe PDF conformance level is PDF/A-3b.
PDF_A_3uThe PDF conformance level is PDF/A-3u.
PDF_A_4The PDF conformance level is PDF/A-4.
PDF_A_4eThe PDF conformance level is PDF/A-4e.
PDF_A_4fThe PDF conformance level is PDF/A-4f.
/Source Source file. /Target Target path for the output file. /TempFolder Path for temporary folder (must be unique)

Compress PDF – [used with gdpicturecompression]

Parameter Notes
/operation Use the operation gdpicturecompression
/debug Log additional information
/Author=“text” Set PDF Metadata Author to supplied text
/Producer=“text” Set PDF Metadata Producer to supplied text
/Producername=“text” Set PDF Metadata Producername to supplied text
/Title=“text” Set PDF Metadata Title to supplied text
/RemoveAnnotations When supplied, remove annotations
/RemoveBlankPages When supplied, remove blank pages
/RemoveBookmarks When supplied, remove bookmarks
/RemoveEmbeddedFiles When supplied, remove embedded files
/RemoveFormFields When supplied, remove form fields
/RemoveJavaScript When supplied, remove JavaScript
/RemoveMetadata When supplied, remove metadata. RemoveMetadata only removes XMP metadata in the document. PDF information (title, author, custom pdf info etc.) IF present, is not touched.
/removePageThumbnails When supplied, remove page thumbnails
/PackFonts=false Specifies the PDF fonts will not be packed to reduce their size.
/PackDocument=false Specifies the PDF will not be packed to reduce its size.
/RecompressImages=false Specifies the images from the PDF will not be recompressed.
/EnableMRC Specifies MRC will be used for compressing the PDF contents.
/DownscaleResolutionMRC=“resolution mrc” Specifies the resolution (DPI) for downscaling the background layer by the MRC engine, if any. Default value is 100.
/PreserveSmoothing=false Specifies that the MRC engine will not preserve smoothing between different layers.
/ImageQuality=“image quality” Specifies the quality to be used for the compression of the images from the PDF:
See table below for settings.
/DownscaleImages=false Specifies the images from the PDF will not be downscaled.
/DownscaleResolution=downscaleresolution Specifies the resolution to be used to downscale images. Default value is 150.
/EnableColorDetection=false Specifies whether color detection will not be performed on the images from the PDF.
/EnableCharRepair Specifies whether character repairing will be performed during bitonal conversion.
/EnableJPEG2000=false Specifies that JPEG2000 compression scheme will not be used to compress the images of the PDF.
/EnableJBIG2=false Specifies that the JBIG2 compression scheme will not be used to compress the bitonal images of the PDF. 
/JBIG2PMSThreshold=threshold Specifies the threshold value for the JBIG2 encoder pattern matching and substitution between 0 and 1. Any number lower than 1 may lead to lossy compression. Default value is 0.85.
/Source Source folder.
/Target Target path for the output file.
/TempFolder Path for temporary folder (must be unique)

Image quality settings

Description Value
Image Quality Low 0
Image Quality Medium 1
Image Quality High 2
Image Quality Very High 3
Image Quality Very Very High 4
Image Quality Very Low -1

Smart Redaction – [used with smartredaction]

/operationUse the operation smartredaction
/debugLog additional information
/ResourcePathPath to GDPicture Dictionary files

List of language codes, linked by ‘+’

For example: /Dictionary=”ENG+FRA”

/RedactCreditCardNumbers=falseSpecifies whether credit card numbers will not be redacted.
/RedactEmailAddresses=falseSpecifies whether email addresses will not be redacted.
/RedactPhoneNumbers=falseSpecifies whether phone numbers will not be redacted.
/RedactVatIDs=falseSpecifies whether VAT IDs will not be redacted.
/RedactURIs=falseSpecifies whether URIs will not be redacted.
/RedactIBANs=falseSpecifies whether IBANs will not be redacted.



Specifies whether Vehicle Identification Numbers will not be redacted.
/RedactSocialSecurityNumbers=falseSpecifies whether Social Security Number will not be redacted.
/RedactPostalAddresses=falseSpecifies whether Postal Addresses will not be redacted.
/MarkColorThe color used to cover redacted information.
The options are: Black, Transparent, Aqua, Teal, Navy, Yellow, Olive, Lime, Blue, Fuchsia, Purple, Red, Maroon, White, Gray, Silver, Green
/DetectOrientation=falseSpecifies whether orientation will not be detected automatically.
/PageRangeRange of pages to redact, use “*” for all pages.
/SourceSource file to be redacted.
/TargetTarget path for the output file.
/TempFolderPath for temporary folder (must be unique)

Detect Signatures – [used with detectsignatures]

/operationUse the operation detectsignatures
/debugLog additional information
/SignedFilename=The signed filename mask e.g., %FILENAME-signed, used for the file moved/copied to the SignedFilePath
/SignedFilePath=pathThe full path (including file name) that the input file will be copy/moved to if a signature is detected




If the parameter CreateSignedPath is present or set to true, the signed file location will be created if it cannot be found. If set to false, the file will fail if the signed location does not exist.




If the parameter OverwriteSigned is present or set to true, when a signed file is moved or copied into the signed location, it will overwrite files of the same name. If set to false, the file will fail in this situation.
/SignedAction=actionSpecifies if signed files will be copied or moved to the signed location. Use ‘Copy’ or ‘Move’ as values.




If parameter AttachSignedDocToOutput is present or set to true, then the signed source file will be attached to the no longer signed output file.

Only applied if /SignedAction=”copy” is set.

/SourceSource file to be checked for signatures
/TargetTarget path for the output file.
/TempFolderPath for temporary folder (must be unique)

Extract Key Value Pairs – [used with keyvaluepairs]

/operationUse the operation keyvaluepairs
/debugLog additional information
/DictionaryPathPath to GDPicture Dictionary files

The codes of the chosen languages for OCR, seperated by ‘+’ e.g. eng+fra

Codes can be found in the OCR Language Codes section.

/DPIDPI used for rendering
/KVPFormatThe output formats are separated is one of JSON, CSV or XML.



Setting this to false will disable the ability to rotate pages if the text orientation is not correct. The default is true.
/TrimSymbolsSetting this to ‘true’ will remove any symbols from the start/end of values, except for the hash '#' or period '.' symbols.
/IncludeKeyBoundingBoxSetting this to 'Yes' will include the bounding box values for the key in the output.
/IncludeValueBoundingBoxSetting this to 'Yes' will include the bounding box values for the value in the output.
/IncludePageNumberSetting this to 'Yes' will include the page number of the key value pair in the output.

Setting this to 'Yes' will include the confidence score of the key value pair in the output.

Confidence is measured between 0 (no confidence) and 100 (full confidence).

/ConfidenceThresholdThe value of confidence (0-100) that a KVP must reach to be included in the output. Results under this confidence threshold will be discarded.
/IncludeTypeSetting this to 'Yes' will include the data type of the key value pair in the output.
/ExpectedKeysThe path to a JSON file for the expected keys and synonyms. An example of how to structure this can be found in the Reference Guide.
/ExpectedKeysIsPath=trueFlag to show that the /ExpectedKeys flag is pointing to a JSON file location
/SourceSource file to be checked for key value pairs
/TargetTarget path for the output file. No extension is needed, as extensions will be added based on the KVP Output Format
/TempFolderPath for temporary folder (must be unique)

Pattern Redaction – [used with patternredaction]

/operationUse the operation patternredaction
/debugLog additional information
/Pattern=”regex”A Regex pattern. The input pdf will be searched for matches to this Regex pattern, and any matches will be redacted.
/RedactedTermsPath=pathThe path to a text file containing a list of terms to redact. Each line will be treated as a pattern, and any matches will be redacted.
/CaseSensitiveDetermined whether or not the regex pattern matching should be case sensitive.
/Red=0The amount of red color to be used for the redaction region color. Use a value between 0 and 255.
/Green=0The amount of green color to be used for the redaction region color. Use a value between 0 and 255.
/Blue=0The amount of blue color to be used for the redaction region color. Use a value between 0 and 255.

The transparency value of the resulting region color. Use the value between 0 (full transparency) and 255 (full opacity).

The redacted text will be removed, and so will not be behind the colour layer if made transparent.

/SourceSource file to be redacted
/TargetTarget path for the output file.
/TempFolderPath for temporary folder (must be unique)

Pattern Highlight – [used with patternhighlight]

/operationUse the operation patternhighlight

The transparency value of the resulting region color. Use the value between 0 (full transparency) and 255 (full opacity).

The highlighted text will appear behind the highlight layer.

See Pattern Redaction for the rest of the parameters

Split PDF (GdPicture) – [used with splitpdfgdpicture]

/operationUse the operation splitpdfgdpicture
/debugLog additional information



When set to true, generated files will include metadata (such as Author and Title) from the original file.





Sets the way that the input file will be split.

One of:

  • Split into single pages

  • Split by ranges (See below)

  • Split by repeating ranges (See below)

  • Split by bookmarks

/SplitRange=rangeSet of page ranges separated by commas that defines which pages from the original should be extracted.
/RepeatEvery=numApply the page range to each set of Page Ranges pages within the document. For example if 2-4 is specified for page ranges, and 4 is specified as the repeating range, then the range is re-applied every 4 pages.



Removes unused resources from a pdf file to minimize file size.
/SourceSource file to be redacted
/TargetTarget path for the output file.
/TempFolderPath for temporary folder (must be unique)

Split By Barcode – [used with splitbybarcode]

/operationUse the operation splitbybarcode
/debugLog additional information
/ReadQRCodeSet this to true to recognize QRCode barcodes.
/ReadMicroQRSet this to true to recognize MicroQR barcodes.
/ReadDataMatrixSet this to true to recognize DataMatrix barcodes.
/ReadPDF417Set this to true to recognize PDF417 barcodes.
/ReadAztecSet this to true to recognize Aztec barcodes.
/ReadMaxiCodeSet this to true to recognize MaxiCode barcodes.
/ReadIndustrial2of5Set this to true to recognize Industrial2of5 barcodes.
/ReadInverted2of5Set this to true to recognize Inverted2of5 barcodes.
/ReadInterleaved2of5Set this to true to recognize Interleaved2of5 barcodes.
/ReadIata2of5Set this to true to recognize Iata2of5 barcodes.
/ReadMatrix2of5Set this to true to recognize Matrix2of5 barcodes.
/ReadCodabarSet this to true to recognize Codabar barcodes.
/ReadBcdMatrixSet this to true to recognize BcdMatrix barcodes.
/ReadDataLogic2of5Set this to true to recognize DataLogic2of5 barcodes.
/ReadCode128Set this to true to recognize Code128 barcodes.
/ReadCode93Set this to true to recognize Code93 barcodes.
/ReadCode39Set this to true to recognize Code39 barcodes.
/ReadEAN13Set this to true to recognize EAN13 barcodes.
/ReadEAN8Set this to true to recognize EAN8 barcodes.
/ReadUPCASet this to true to recognize UPCA barcodes.
/ReadUPCESet this to true to recognize UPCE barcodes.
/ReadADD5Set this to true to recognize ADD5 barcodes.
/ReadADD2Set this to true to recognize ADD2 barcodes.
/SplitRange=rangeSpecifies the page range to be scanned for barcodes. A value of * will scan every page for barcodes.
/Pattern=”regex”A regular expression that each barcode will be compared against. Only barcodes that match the pattern will be returned.
/DPI=intDPI of TIFF images generated or converted from the source PDF File. These images are then scanned for barcodes.



When set to true, generated files will include metadata (such as Author and Title) from the original file.



Removes unused resources from a pdf file to minimize file size.
/Left=intX coordinate of the Top Left Point of the rectangle you want to recognize the barcode.
/Top=intY coordinate of the Top Left Point of the rectangle you want to recognize the barcode.
/Width=intWidth of the rectangle you want to recognize the barcode.
/Height=intHeight of the rectangle you want to recognize the barcode.
/SourceSource file to be redacted
/TargetTarget path for the output file.
/TempFolderPath for temporary folder (must be unique)