Efficient job control in document automation

The flags below work with the autobahndx.exe file in the bin folder.

Parameter Notes
/jobid Use this flag to run jobs that you have created in the job manager.
/source Source file or folder
/sourcetype One of: file, folder, tree
/target The Target folder
/output The output filename mask, for example, %FILENAME.
Note: for some operations, such as Merge operations, the mask %FILENAME is not relevant and will be treated as a literal string
/logfile For example, /logfile=”C:\logfiles\log.txt”
debug Output additional logging
/onerrorcontinue When processing folders or folder trees, the process will by default halt when an error is found. If this is set to true, processing will continue.
/errors Define the folder where documents are placed if their conversion raised an error.
/createfolders If set to true, destination folders will be created if required.
/overwrite If set to true, existing destination files will be overwritten.
/advancedflags This enables advanced PDF Junction and TIFF Junction flags to be used, even if there is no direct equivalent in autobahn.exe.
/MaxCores The maximum number of cores DAS will attempt to use at the same time.
/nopassword Tells DAS what to do with pdf files that are password protected and no password is provided.
- Take no action
- Move to error folder
- Copy to error folder
/operation This represents the operation you want to carry out, below is the list of operation available in DAS corresponding to the Step Types.
- tifftopdf
- ocrimagepdf
- topdf
- pdftotiff
- pdfprops
- mergetiff
- mergetifftopdf
- splittiff
- tiffinfo
- mergepdf
- splitpdf
- extracttext
- optimizepdf
- sharepointdownload
- sharepointupload
- compresspdf
- pdftopdfa
- getxmlpdf
- ocranyfile
- ocranyfileex
- barcode
- highavailability
- DAS Content Extraction (Kingfisher)
- polling
- azureupload
- azuredownload
- stamppdf