OCR [used with ocrimagepdf or tifftopdf/ mergetifftopdf]

Parameter Notes
/pdfa Use this flag to generate a PDF/A compliant file, below are the possible values it can take.
- 1 (Generates a PDF/A-1b file, for example, /pdfa=1)
- 2 (Generates a PDF/A-2b file)
- 3 (Generates a PDF/A-3b file)
/ocr Set to true if a searchable PDF is required.
Note: This will work with the tifftopdf and mergetifftopdf steps only.
/password Source PDF password
Note: This will work with the ocrimagepdf step only
/NonImagePDF This allows control over the treatment of non-image PDFs, for example, PDFs that have some text in them as well as images. The options are:
- OCR: The document will be OCRed using the image method defined by “Image Method”
- Raise Error: The task will terminate with an error. If “On Error Continue” is set this then behaves as Skip. This is the default.
- Skip: The document will not be processed.
- Pass Through: The file will not be processed, but a copy of the document will be made and named as if the processing had occurred.
Note: This will work with the ocrimagepdf step only.
/RemoveHiddenText When set to true this will not include any searchable text layers that already exist from the source document. Such functionality might be useful if the source document was created by OCR of an image only PDF or other image file and the quality of the text from the previous OCR is poor.
- There is no way to distinguish text added as a result of OCR from text added by other means and as a result, this option should be used with care.
- This will work with the ocrimagepdf step only.
/deskew When set to true this will straightens the image.
/despeckle Removes dots below the specified pixel size, the possible input values range from 0-9.
Note: To carry over the despeckled image to the output file, set the SavePreDespeckle flag explained below to false.
/SavePreDespeckle If set to true and despeckle is also set to true, the pre-despeckled image is added in the output PDF document. Other pre-processing settings such as line removal and morph are not maintained in the output PDF document if enabled.
/autorotate Rotates the page image if required.
/language OCR Language dictionary to be used. The default is English. For more information on language and flag values, see “Language” table below.
/graphicsproc - all: Treat all Graphics Areas as Text.
- box: Remove Box Lines in OCR Processing.
/extractimages One of the following:
- Auto: TIFF Junction will select the most appropriate method.
- Convert to TIFF: The PDF is rasterized using conversion to PDF.
- Native
/PDFDPI An integer value representing the resolution of the rasterized Tiff file if “Convert to TIFF” is used above.
Note: This setting will only work if extractimages is set to Convert to TIFF.
/TIFFCompression Sets the Compression for the TIFF file used if the “Convert To TIFF” Option above is used.
- Auto (Selects Group 4 if the page is Black AND White else it uses LZW Compression)
- Group 4 (Black and White)
- LZW (Colored)
Note: This setting will only work if extractimages is set to Convert to TIFF
/RetainBookmarks Set to true to retain bookmarks from the original PDF. They are copied to the searchable result PDF.
Note: This setting will only work if extractimages is set to Convert to TIFF and operation is set to ocrimagepdf.
/RetainMetadata Set to true to retain metadata from the original PDF. They are copied to the searchable result PDF.
Note: This setting will only work if extractimages is set to Convert to TIFF and operation is set to ocrimagepdf
/mrc This enables Mixed Raster Compression which can dramatically reduce the output size of PDFs comprising color scans.
Note: This setting will only work if extractimages is set to Convert to TIFF
/JBIG2 This is a compression used for Bitonal images.
Note: This setting will only work if extractimages is set to Convert to TIFF.
/OCRTextFile This option tells Document Automation Server (DAS) that text found in the document should also be written to a text output file. The output file can be of 4 different types, use the /TextFile flag below to specify.
- true: produce text output
false: do not produce text output
/TextFile This flag must be used together with the /OCRTextFile flag above. It specifies the type of text file to be produced as follows:
“plain text” - txt, pdf
“plain text (no pdf)” - txt only
“rtf” - rtf, pdf
“html” - html, pdf
/optimiseocr See the Advanced Pre-Processing for a full explanation of this option.


Language Flag Value
English 0
German 1
French 2
Russian 3
Swedish 4
Spanish 5
Italian 6
Russian English 7
Ukrainian 8
Serbian 9
Croatian 10
Polish 11
Danish 12
Portuguese 13
Dutch 14
Czech 15
Roman 16
Hungarian 17
Bulgar 18
Slovenian 19
Latvian 20
Lithuanian 21
Estonian 22
Turkish 23