Sharepoint Settings – [used with sharepointdownload and sharepointupload]

/sSite URL, the URL of the SharePoint site that you want to access, e.g. http://localhost/testsite
/lLibrary, the name of the library that you want to access, e.g. "Test Library"
/kThe subfolder in the library to download from or upload to.
/fThe local folder to download documents to or upload a document from.
/eAn optional extension mask that limits those files to manipulate, e.g. “pdf,tiff”
/rIf set to “True” sub-folders of the Sharepoint Library are handled.

The action:

  • Download: /a=0

  • Upload: /a=1

/uThe username used to connect to the SharePoint site.
/pThe password (encrypted) used to connect to the SharePoint site.
/oSet this if the site is in office 365
/cContinue processing if an error occurs.
/UseADFSSet this to true if you use Active Directory for your SharePoint User Management.
/ADFSHostProvide the name of the Active Directory server
/ADFSRelyingPartyIdentifierProvide the Relying Party Trust identifier for your SharePoint.
/CreatefoldersWhen uploading and you set recursive to true, switch this on to recreate folder that do not exist in SharePoint
/MaxcoresNumber of Parallel processors used to upload or download files to/from SharePoint
/IncludePatternOnly files that match this pattern will be included.
/ExcludePatternAny file that matches this pattern will be excluded.