How to resolve failure issues when generating Web Service proxies against a remote machine?
Nutrient Document Converter Services provide a straightforward way to generate proxy classes for our comprehensive Web Services based API. This enables seamless integration with a wide range of platforms, including Java, PHP, Ruby, SAP, Documentum, SharePoint and .NET (C#, VB).
However, there are several important considerations to keep in mind. Although these are covered in our documentation, we emphasize them here for clarity.
When generating Web Service proxies, you typically use the following URL, which assumes the WSDL is running on the same system where the proxies are being generated:
If the Conversion Service is running on a remote system (a common scenario when developing in Ruby or PHP), you might consider replacing ‘localhost’ in the above URL with the remote system’s hostname. However, this alone is insufficient. You must also make the following adjustments:
Open the
file in a text editor (for example, Notepad). You can quickly locate the configuration/installation folder that holds this config file using the shortcut available in the Muhimbi Document Converter group in the Windows Start Menu. -
Search for
and changelocalhost
to the DNS name or IP address of the server running the Conversion Service. -
Restart the
Muhimbi Document Converter Service
using the Services Management Console or using the command prompt to execute the following commands:
Net stop "Muhimbi Document Converter Service" Net start "Muhimbi Document Converter Service"
If you are using pre-generated proxy classes provided by Nutrient, there is no need to modify the configuration file. Simply specify the WSDL location in your code at runtime. You can see a few examples at the following places to learn how to set up the URL:
C:\Program Files\Muhimbi Document Converter\Sample Code
, after installing Document Converter for SharePoint or Document Converter Services to its default location.