Reading Document Properties

Muhimbi’s software comes with a function to read document information. At the time of writing it can read this information from MS-Word and PDF files. Regardless of the front-end used (Nintex Workflow, SharePoint Designer, Power Automate or API) the input parameters are always the same.

The following Category Names can be specified.

Category name Description
BuiltIn Category for built-in properties. Covers both Office and PDF.
OfficeBuiltInProperties Category for built-in Office properties.
OfficeCustomProperties Category for custom Office properties.
PdfBuiltInProperties Category for built-in PDF properties.
PdfCustomProperties Category for custom PDF properties.
PdfXmp Category to request all XMP metadata in XML format. No property name is required when this category is used.

Depending on the selected category, different properties can be read.

MS-Word built-in properties

Property name Description
Title Title of the document.
Subject The subject of the document.
Author Semicolon separated list of authors of the document.
Keywords Keywords in the document.
Comments Comments in the document.
Template The name of the template file of the document.
LastAuthor The person who last edited the document.
Revision The revision number of the document.
AppName The application used to create the document.
TimeLastPrinted The date and time the document was last printed.
TimeCreated The date and time the document was created.
TimeLastSaved The date and time the document was last saved.
VBATotalEdit The number of edits to VBA project.
Pages The number of pages in the document (when last saved).
Words The number of words in the document (when last saved).
Characters The number of characters in the document (when last saved).
Security Security settings of the document (Details here).
Category The category of the document.
Manager The manager associated with the document.
Company The company.
Bytes The file size in bytes.
Lines The number of lines in the document (when last saved).
Paras The number of paragraphs in the document (when last saved).
Notas Notes in the document.
CharsWSpaces The number of characters with spaces in the document (when last saved).

PDF built-in properties

Property name Description
Title Title of the document.
Author The author of the document.
Subject The subject of the document.
Keywords Keywords in the document.
Semicolon separated list.
CreationDate The date and time the document was created.
ModificationDate The date and time the document was last changed.
Creator The application which created the document.
Producer The converter which created the document. 
PdfVersion The PDF version. For example “1.6”.
PageSize The size of the first page in inches. For example “8.50 x 11 in”.
TaggedPdfFlag indicating if the PDF document is tagged.
Pages The number of pages in the PDF document.
FastWebView Flag indicating if the document is optimised for Fast Web View or not.

Regional Settings

Regional settings are automatically applied to all date and number formats. This works as expected, but is worth remembering:

  • SOAP API: This returns a DateTime object that can be used as expected by the language that consumes the web service.

  • Workflows: The regional settings of the account the workflow service runs under are used.

  • Online: The regional settings associated with the SharePoint / Power Automate account are used.