Release notes: Document Editor

The release notes for the various Document Editor versions are listed below. If you’ve identified an issue that isn’t listed here, contact us.

Release notes are available for the following public releases:

Document Editor v2.0.0.0


This release introduces a significant rebranding of Document Editor for SharePoint Online applications. More specifically, the Muhimbi PDF Editor (Muhimbi hosted) and PSPDFKit Editor (self hosted) apps are now Nutrient Document Editor.

Important: If you’re upgrading from the self-hosted PSPDFKit (1.x) versions to the rebranded versions (2.x), you must uninstall your current version using the 1.x installer before running the 2.0 installer. The 2.x installers do not support uninstalling 1.x versions.

For your convenience, the 1.6 installers are available for direct download and can be used to uninstall all 1.x versions:

Additionally, this release includes our latest Nutrient Web SDK version, which features various accessibility and performance fixes. See the full changelog for details.

To keep our platform aligned with industry standards, we also upgraded our web part tech stack to the latest version, incorporating important security updates for dependencies. While these backend improvements do not affect the user experience, they ensure better performance, security, and maintainability.

Custom stamps

We’re excited to introduce custom stamps, now available in preview for the Nutrient-hosted file handler, self-hosted file handler, and self-hosted extension.

With custom PDF stamps, users can:

  • Select any PDF as a template and use it as a stamp. This allows a wide range of template types — including images, text, logos, annotations, and basic forms — to be created as a template, stored in your SharePoint environment, and selected to place into the PDF as a stamp.

  • If you’re selecting a fillable form, your end users can populate the form with data prior to placing it as a custom stamp on the main document.

How to enable custom stamps

Custom stamps are currently behind a feature flag. To activate the new custom stamp toolbar button, set the SharePoint property to Nutrient.DocumentEditor.EnableCustomStamps:

# Connect to your SharePoint tenant.
Set-PnPStorageEntity -Key "Nutrient.DocumentEditor.EnableCustomStamps" -Value "true" -Description "Feature flag for enabling custom stamp functionality"

Document Editor v1.6.0.0

Enhanced commenting features

Comments reenabled with rich text editing — Users can once again add comments with the ability to format text, including underlining, bold, italic, highlighting, and color customization.

Light comments co-authoring support — Multiple users can leave comments at the same time and reload other users’ comments. Here’s an example of how it works:

  • User A and User B open the same document.

  • User A adds a comment and saves the document.

  • When User B adds their own comment and attempts to save, the system detects that the document has been updated by another user (User A).

  • User B is prompted to reload the changes made by User A.

  • The document updates with User A’s comment, and User B’s comments are then reapplied, preserving both sets of comments in the document.

SharePoint metadata integration for comments — Each comment includes SharePoint metadata, displaying the author’s name, along with the date and time of posting. This integration provides greater transparency and accountability.

Comment ownership and editing rights — With this update, only the original author of a comment can edit it, enhancing comment ownership and traceability. However, anonymous comments remain editable by any user.

New selective redaction capabilities

Single redaction control — Users can now apply redactions on a selective basis, allowing only one redaction markup to be removed or rejected at a time, providing more control over the redaction process.

Security updates

Upgraded security stack — We made critical updates to our tech stack to ensure robust protection against emerging threats and vulnerabilities.

Document Editor v1.5.0.0

  • Self-hosted file handler update — We upgraded our tech stack to the latest versions.

  • Self-hosted list view extension update — We upgraded our tech stack to the latest versions.

  • Self-hosted web part update — We upgraded our tech stack to the latest versions.

  • Nutrient-hosted file handler update — We upgraded our tech stack to the latest versions.

The change in the underlying tech stack does not impact the user experience but ensures we stay current with industry standards.

Document Editor v1.4.0.0

  • PDF form submission — It’s possible to define form owners that can edit a form and form users that can only fill in the form, and the rest of the document is read-only for them. The form can be submitted and saved to a configured location. This feature was already available for on-premises deployment, and now it’s available for the online version as well. In this release, there were also some improvements for the on-premises version, which would prevent the user from accidentally overwriting the source file by misconfiguration.

  • Export annotations as CSV — From now on, users can configure which annotation properties they wish to export as a CSV file. This feature is available for the online version only.

  • Copy/paste images and text from a local device or a web browser — Users are able to paste an image or text from a web browser, or any document stored in a local computer. This feature is available for the online version only.

  • Improvement in read-only mode — When the trial or a license has expired, or a user doesn’t have editing permissions in SharePoint, Document Editor is in view-only mode. With this new release, the Save button is hidden, as the PDF isn’t editable in the view-only mode.

  • Override the default print quality — If you need a higher resolution print, now you can configure the print settings and set the quality of the print to be low, medium or high. This feature is available for both online and on-premises deployments. Refer to this knowledge base article for more information.

Document Editor v1.3.0.0

  • Link to other PDF files from the existing file — When a user clicks on a hyperlink in the document that’s linked to another PDF file, this file is opened in Document Editor in a new tab.

  • Electronic signatures can be reused — Any electronic signature (as well as any image) added through the signature tool is cached and will be available again when adding signatures back to the same document or to other documents in the same browser.

  • Implemented shareable links that will open files in Document Editor — The Copy Links feature is accessible in all product offerings through a button in the Document Editor toolbar. Additionally, in the case of the web part and extension, there’s an extra option to copy links. This option is available via the SharePoint context menu. It’s important to note that only users with an active Document Editor license can open the links.

  • Custom stamps can be stored in local storage and reused — These stamps can be used on different documents as long as Document Editor is opened in the same browser.

Document Editor v1.2.0.0

  • Digital signatures status — Signed documents display a banner about signatures, and users receive a warning when a document is modified.

  • Annotation improvements — It’s possible to perform clipboard actions like cutting, copying, pasting, and duplicating annotations using keyboard shortcuts. Additionally, there’s a new undo functionality for annotations, and new annotations are tagged by creation time and username.

  • Document Editor tabs — Document Editor can now be opened in a new tab.

  • Unsaved changes — A warning appears when there are unsaved changes.

  • Lightweight co-authoring — Document Editor now opens a file in read-only mode if another user has already checked out the file in SharePoint. Additionally, if two users are modifying the same document (without checking it out in SharePoint), Document Editor will attempt to merge the changes from one user when the other saves their changes.

  • Real-time watermarking — If real-time watermarking or securing is enabled, documents open in read-only mode.

Document Editor v.

  • PDF form creator tool — Create interactive and non-interactive forms by using different widgets: buttons, text, radio buttons, checkboxes, combo boxes, data, and signatures. These widgets have a wide range of options that can help you create different styles of form fields and customize the look of your PDF forms.

  • Text redaction tool

  • Area redaction tool — We added a redaction tool that lets you point, click, and drag over a region in your document.

  • Measurement tools — It’s now possible to measure the distance, perimeter, and area of drawings in a document with Document Editor.

  • SharePoint metadata in annotations — We added the ability to include metadata in any annotations created in your document. This means that when a user adds a comment to a PDF document, the metadata of the user is placed in the annotation automatically.