Enable Metrics Export

Similar to how it works with logs, Docker allows you to gather system-level metrics about running containers, like CPU usage, memory consumption, block device IO, etc. AWS, Google Cloud Platform, and Azure all offer solutions to collect these metrics from containers launched on their respective infrastructures.

See the following:

Document Engine provides the capability to send internal metrics to any metrics engine supporting the DogStatsD protocol, which is an extension of the popular StatsD protocol. Internal metrics offer more fine-grained insights into Document Engine performance and help to pinpoint specific issues. Check out our metrics integration section below on how to enable internal Document Engine metrics when running on-premises or in the cloud. The list of all exported metrics is available here.

Metrics Integration

Document Engine sends metrics using an open DogStatsD protocol, which is an extension of the popular StatsD protocol. Any metric collection engine that understands this protocol can ingest metrics exported by Document Engine — including Telegraf, AWS CloudWatch Agent, and DogStatsD itself.

To enable exporting metrics, set the STATSD_HOST and STATSD_PORT configuration variables to point to the hostname and port where the collection engine is running.

You can also define custom metric tags by setting the STATSD_CUSTOM_TAGS environment variable to a comma-separated list of key-value pairs (with key and value separated by a =). For example, if you want to tag metrics with a region and a role, you can set the environment variable to region=eu,role=viewer.

This guide covers instructions on how to integrate Document Engine metrics with various metric collection systems, more specifically:

Docker-Based Setup with Telegraf, InfluxDB, and Grafana

This deployment scenario integrates Document Engine with Telegraf, InfluxDB, and Grafana via docker-compose. This approach is a great fit when you want to maintain complete control over the entire environment, you can’t deploy in the cloud, or you just want to try things out. It can be also adapted to other deployment orchestration tools based on Docker containers, such as Kubernetes.

Telegraf, InfluxDB, Grafana integration

In this setup, Document Engine sends metrics to Telegraf, which aggregates time during fixed-period time buckets. After metrics are aggregated, they’re sent to InfluxDB for storage. Finally, the operator can view and analyze metrics in the Grafana dashboard by writing queries for InfluxDB.


To complete this section, you’ll need to have Docker with docker-compose installed. You’ll also need a Document Engine activation key or a trial license key; please refer to the Product Activation guide.

Setting Up

To get started, clone the repository with the configuration files: https://github.com/PSPDFKit/pspdfkit-server-example-metrics. In the root of the repository, you’ll find the following docker-compose.yml file:

version: "3.8"

    image: grafana/grafana:7.1.5
      - 3000:3000
      - influxdb
      - ./grafana/provisioning/datasources:/etc/grafana/provisioning/datasources:ro
      - ./grafana/provisioning/dashboards:/etc/grafana/provisioning/dashboards:ro
      - ./grafana/dashboards:/var/lib/grafana/dashboards:ro
    image: influxdb:1.8.2
    image: telegraf:1.14.5-alpine
      - influxdb
      - ./telegraf/telegraf.conf:/etc/telegraf/telegraf.conf:ro
    image: postgres:16
      POSTGRES_USER: de-user
      POSTGRES_PASSWORD: password
      POSTGRES_DB: document-engine
      PGDATA: /var/lib/postgresql/data/pgdata
      - pgdata:/var/lib/postgresql/data
    image: pspdfkit/document-engine:1.5.2
      STATSD_HOST: telegraf
      STATSD_PORT: 8125

      DASHBOARD_USERNAME: dashboard

      PGUSER: de-user
      PGPASSWORD: password
      PGDATABASE: document-engine
      PGHOST: db
      PGPORT: 5432
      API_AUTH_TOKEN: secret
      SECRET_KEY_BASE: secret-key-base
        -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
        -----END PUBLIC KEY-----
      - 5000:5000
      - db
      - telegraf


This configuration file defines all services required to deploy Document Engine and observe metrics reported by it. Remember to swap out the <YOUR_ACTIVATION_KEY> placeholder with the actual activation key of Document Engine. Note that Document Engine is configured to send metrics to Telegraf: STATSD_HOST points to telegraf service, and STATSD_PORT is configured to use port 8125.

In the telegraf/ subdirectory, you’ll find the configuration for the Telegraf agent, telegraf.conf:

  interval = "5s"

  service_address = ":8125"

  metric_separator = "."
  datadog_extensions = true

  templates = [
      "*.* measurement.field",
      "*.*.* measurement.measurement.field",

  urls = ["http://influxdb:8086"]
  database = "pspdfkit"

Let’s go through the options defined here:

  • interval specifies how often Telegraf takes all the received data points and aggregates them into metrics.

  • inputs.statsd.service_address defines the address of the UDP listener. The port number here must match the STATSD_PORT configuration for Document Engine.

  • inputs.statsd.metric_separator needs to be set to . when used with Document Engine.

  • inputs.statsd.datadog_extensions needs to be set to true so that metric tags sent by Document Engine are parsed correctly.

  • inputs.statsd.templates defines how names of metrics sent by Document Engine are mapped to Telegraf’s metric representation. This needs to be set to the exact value shown in the configuration file above.

  • outputs.influxdb is the URL of the InfluxDB instance where data will be stored.

  • outputs.influxdb.database is the name of the database in InfluxDB where metrics will be saved. You’ll need to use the same name when querying data in Grafana.

The above is just an example configuration file, and it’s by no means a complete configuration suitable for production deployments; please refer to the Telegraf documentation for all the available options.

In the grafana/ subdirectory, you’ll find definitions of data sources, along with an example dashboard. You can provide all this data through Grafana UI; this is just an example to get you up and running quickly. Refer to the Grafana documentation for more information.

Now when you run docker-compose up from the directory when the docker-compose.yml file is placed, all the components will be started.

Viewing Metrics

Head over to http://localhost:3000 in your browser to access the Grafana dashboard using admin/secret credentials to log in. Now open the Document Engine dashboard. You’ll see a dashboard like in the image below, but most likely with different data points.

Grafana dashboard


If no data is shown in the dashboard, open the Document Engine dashboard at /dashboard, upload a couple documents, and perform some operations on them.

The dashboard shows a few crucial Document Engine metrics — you can see their definitions by selecting a panel and choosing Edit. For a complete reference of available metrics, see this guide.

AWS CloudWatch

If you’re deploying your services to AWS, chances are you’re already monitoring them using AWS CloudWatch. If you followed our AWS deployment guide and host Document Engine on AWS ECS, system-level metrics like CPU and memory utilization are automatically collected for you. This section shows how you can integrate Document Engine with the CloudWatch Agent to export internal Document Engine metrics to CloudWatch.

AWS CloudWatch integration


This section assumes you followed the Document Engine AWS deployment guide or have deployed Document Engine to AWS ECS backed by an EC2 instance yourself.

Setting Up

First, you’ll need to install the CloudWatch agent on the host where it’s reachable by Document Engine. Please refer to the CloudWatch agent installation guide for specific instructions.

The next step is agent configuration:

  "metrics": {
    "namespace": "PSPDFKitDocumentEngine",
    "metrics_collected": {
      "statsd": {
        "service_address": ":8125"

This configuration specifies that the agent should start a StatsD-compatible listener on port 8125. In addition, all metrics collected by the agent will be placed under the PSPDFKitDocumentEngine namespace. Save the configuration in the cwagent.json file on the host where you installed the agent and run:

/opt/aws/amazon-cloudwatch-agent/bin/amazon-cloudwatch-agent-ctl -a fetch-config -c file:cwagent.json -s

The command above requires root privileges.

You can see that the agent is up by running the following:

systemctl status amazon-cloudwatch-agent.service

The only thing that’s left is to configure Document Engine to send metrics to the agent. You’ll need the IP address or the DNS entry for the host — this depends on where you deployed the agent. Make sure Document Engine can reach the agent on port 8125 (e.g. if you deployed it to AWS EC2, configure the security group to allow incoming UDP traffic on port 8125).

Now head to the ECS task definitions page and modify the task definition for Document Engine. Click on the most recent revision, select Create new revision, and scroll down to edit the Document Engine container. Set the STATSD_HOST environment variable to point to the CloudWatch agent’s IP address or DNS entry, and set STATSD_PORT to point to 8125.

Save the changes and create a new revision. Now update the ECS service that’s running the Document Engine task and change the task definition revision to the one you just created. Then wait until the task restarts.

Viewing Metrics

You can now go to the AWS CloudWatch console to view the metrics exported by Document Engine. (Note that it takes a while until the agent sends the collected metrics upstream). Use this link to go straight to the PSPDFKitDocumentEngine namespace in the metrics browser: https://console.aws.amazon.com/cloudwatch/home#metricsV2:graph=~();namespace=~'PSPDFKitDocumentEngine’.

As an example, to view the HTTP response time metric, search for http_server_req_end in the search box and tick all the checkboxes. You’ll see a graph of HTTP timing metrics grouped by the HTTP method and response status code.

AWS CloudWatch dashboard

The data points you’ll see will most likely be different than what’s shown in the screenshot above.


If no data is shown in the dashboard, open the Document Engine dashboard at /dashboard, upload a couple documents, and perform some operations on them.

You can use the CloudWatch console to browse the available metrics. For more advanced use, see the CloudWatch search expressions and metric math guides. Check out the complete list of metrics exported by Document Engine on the metrics reference page.

Google Cloud Monitoring

Google Cloud Monitoring (formerly known as Stackdriver) is a monitoring service provided by the Google Cloud Platform. It’s a great choice when you deploy your services on the Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) stack, since it provides metrics for all the Kubernetes resources out of the box. To forward metrics from Document Engine to Google Cloud Monitoring, you’ll use Telegraf.

Google Cloud Monitoring integration


To follow this section, make sure you’ve deployed Document Engine to GKE as outlined in our deployment guide.

Setting Up

To get started, first you need to expose the Telegraf agent configuration as a ConfigMap in the GKE cluster. Save the following ConfigMap definition in the telegraf-config.yml file:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: telegraf-config
  telegraf.conf: |
      interval = "90s"
      flush_interval = "90s"

      service_address = ":8125"

      metric_separator = "."
      datadog_extensions = true

      templates = [
          "*.* measurement.field",
          "*.*.* measurement.measurement.field",

      project = "<GCP PROJECT ID>"
      namespace = "pspdfkit"

This ConfigMap embeds the Telegraf configuration file directly. Let’s go through the options defined here:

  • interval and flush_interval specify how often the metrics are aggregated and how often they’re pushed to Google Cloud. Make sure flush_interval isn’t less than the interval, and that interval is set to at least 60 seconds. This is because the Google Cloud Monitoring API allows you to create, at most, one data point per minute.

  • inputs.statsd.service_address defines the address of the UDP listener. Use the port number defined here when creating a Service for the Telegraf agents.

  • inputs.statsd.metric_separator needs to be set to . when used with Document Engine.

  • inputs.statsd.datadog_extensions needs to be set to true so that metric tags sent by Document Engine are parsed correctly.

  • inputs.statsd.templates defines how names of metrics sent by Document Engine are mapped to Telegraf’s metric representation. This needs to be set to the exact value shown in the configuration file above.

  • outputs.stackdriver is a configuration of the Google Cloud Monitoring output plugin. Make sure to put your actual GCP project name here.

The above is just an example configuration file, and it’s by no means a complete configuration suitable for production deployments; please refer to the Telegraf documentation for all the available options.

You can create the ConfigMap in the cluster by running:

kubectl apply -f telegraf-config.yml

Now that the configuration is available, deploy Telegraf itself:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: DaemonSet
  name: telegraf
        app: telegraf
        - name: telegraf
          image: telegraf
            - name: telegraf-config
              mountPath: /etc/telegraf/
              readOnly: true
        - name: telegraf-config
            name: telegraf-config
              - key: telegraf.conf
                path: telegraf.conf
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: telegraf
  clusterIP: None
    app: telegraf
    - protocol: UDP
      port: 8125
      targetPort: 8125

This YAML file defines the Telegraf DaemonSet, which deploys a single Telegraf agent to every node in the GKE cluster, along with a headless Service that allows Document Engine to reach Telegraf using a domain name. Notice that you’re mounting the previously defined Telegraf configuration as a file in the Telegraf container. Save that definition in telegraf.yml and run:

kubectl apply -f telegraf.yml

The last thing you need to do is configure Document Engine to send metrics to Telegraf. Modify the Document Engine resource definition file by adding these two environment variables:

  - name: STATSD_HOST
    value: telegraf
  - name: STATSD_PORT
    value: "8125"

Make sure to recreate the Document Engine deployment by running kubectl apply -f on the file where it’s defined.

Viewing Metrics

To view metrics, head over to Monitoring in the Google Cloud console. If you follow that link, you’ll land on the Metrics Explorer page, where you can search for all the Document Engine metrics. Note that the Document Engine metrics are available under the Global resource.

For example, search for pspdfkit/http_server/req_end_mean to view the average HTTP response time of Document Engine. Apply a filter to only view metrics with a standard group, and group them by the HTTP method.

Google Cloud Monitoring dashboard

The data points you’ll see will most likely be different than what’s shown in the screenshot above.


If no data is shown in the dashboard, open the Document Engine dashboard at /dashboard, upload a couple documents, and perform some operations on them.

You can now add the chart to the dashboard, or continue exploring available metrics. Learn more about how to build an advanced monitoring solution on top of Google Cloud Monitoring by following the relevant guides.

Azure Monitor

If you’re already using tools from the Microsoft ecosystem and deploying your software to Azure, you should consider sending metrics to Azure Monitor. As with other metrics aggregation services available natively on cloud platforms, it provides a wide range of metrics for resources on the platform, and it can also be used to store and visualize custom metrics from any application, including Document Engine. You’ll use Telegraf to export metrics from Document Engine to Azure Monitor.

Azure Monitor integration


To follow this section, make sure you’ve deployed Document Engine to AKS.

Setting Up

Sending metrics to Azure Monitor requires authentication — any service that wants to publish metrics needs to have specific permissions. The easiest way to do this is to assign a built-in Monitoring Metrics Publisher role to the managed identity sending metrics. However, at the moment of writing, Azure doesn’t provide a native way to assign managed identities to Kubernetes Pods running on AKS. To assign required permissions to pods running Telegraf agent, you’ll deploy the AAD Pod Identity operator (an open source project built by the Azure team) to bind managed identities to relevant pods.

Deploying the AAD Pod Identity Operator

As a first step, you must grant the service principal or managed identity that runs your AKS cluster nodes permission to assign identities to those nodes. Follow this document to find out if you’re running AKS nodes with service principal or managed identity, and if so, to learn how to obtain the service principal or managed identity client ID.

After you get the ID, make sure to save it in the CLUSTER_IDENTITY_CLIENT_ID environment variable.

Now, run the following commands:

SUBSCRIPTION_ID=$(az account show --query id -o tsv)
CLUSTER_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME=$(az aks show --resource-group pspdfkitresourcegroup --name pspdfkitAKScluster --query nodeResourceGroup -otsv)
# Assign permission to modify properties of the node VMs in the cluster.
az role assignment create --role "Virtual Machine Contributor" --assignee ${CLUSTER_IDENTITY_CLIENT_ID} --scope ${CLUSTER_RESOURCE_GROUP}
# Assign permission to assign identities created in the cluster resource group.
az role assignment create --role "Managed Identity Operator" --assignee ${CLUSTER_IDENTITY_CLIENT_ID} --scope  ${CLUSTER_RESOURCE_GROUP}

If you get an error that says you have insufficient permissions, contact your Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) administrator.

After the permissions have been assigned, you can deploy the operator. Run the following in the shell:

kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure/aad-pod-identity/master/deploy/infra/deployment-rbac.yaml
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure/aad-pod-identity/master/deploy/infra/mic-exception.yaml

When you run kubectl get deployments.apps, you should see mic deployment up and running:

mic        1/1     1            1           3h56m
pspdfkit   1/1     1            1           93m

Creating Identity with Permissions to Publish Metrics

Now you’re going to create an identity with permissions to write metrics to Azure Monitor. You’ll later assign this to the pod running Telegraf agent.

First, create a new identity:

az identity create --name telegraf --resource-group ${CLUSTER_RESOURCE_GROUP}
TELEGRAF_IDENTITY_ID=$(az identity show --resource-group ${CLUSTER_RESOURCE_GROUP} --name telegraf --query id -otsv)
TELEGRAF_IDENTITY_CLIENT_ID=$(az identity show --resource-group ${CLUSTER_RESOURCE_GROUP} --name telegraf --query clientId -otsv)

Then assign it a Monitoring Metrics Publisher role:

CLUSTER_ID=$(az aks show --resource-group pspdfkitresourcegroup --name pspdfkitAKScluster --query id -otsv)
az role assignment create --role 'Monitoring Metrics Publisher' --assignee $TELEGRAF_IDENTITY_ID --scope ${CLUSTER_ID}

Note that the identity only has permission to write metrics in the scope of the AKS cluster.

Now that the identity is created, you need to let the AAD Pod Identity operator know that you want to assign that identity to specific nodes in the cluster. You can do this by creating AzureIdentity and AzureIdentityBinding custom resources:

apiVersion: aadpodidentity.k8s.io/v1
kind: AzureIdentity
  name: telegraf
  type: 0
apiVersion: aadpodidentity.k8s.io/v1
kind: AzureIdentityBinding
  name: telegraf-binding
  azureIdentity: telegraf
  selector: telegraf

Copy the YAML definition above, and replace <TELEGRAF_IDENTITY_ID> and <TELEGRAF_IDENTITY_CLIENT_ID> with the values of $TELEGRAF_IDENTITY_ID and $TELEGRAF_IDENTITY_CLIENT_ID environment variables, respectively. This definition means that the telegraf identity you created (azureIdentity: telegraf) should be assigned to any pod whose aadpodidbinding label matches the value of telegraf (selector: telegraf).

Create the resource in the cluster by running kubectl apply -f telegraf-identity.yml.

Configuring Telegraf

Since the identity for Telegraf is ready, you can prepare its configuration. You’ll provision the configuration file in Kubernetes’ ConfigMap:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: telegraf-config
  telegraf.conf: |
      interval = "60s"
      flush_interval = "60s"

      service_address = ":8125"

      percentiles = [90]

      metric_separator = "."
      datadog_extensions = true

      templates = [
          "*.* measurement.field",
          "*.*.* measurement.measurement.field",

      namespace_prefix = "pspdfkit/"
      resource_id = <CLUSTER_ID>

Replace the <CLUSTER_ID> placeholder with the value of the $CLUSTER_ID environment variable and save the configuration in the telegraf-config.yml file.

Let’s quickly discuss the configuration options:

  • interval and flush_interval specify how often the metrics are collected and how often they’re written to Azure Monitor. Make sure flush_interval isn’t less than the interval.

  • inputs.statsd.service_address defines the address of the UDP listener. Use the port number defined here when creating a Service for the Telegraf agents.

  • inputs.statsd.metric_separator needs to be set to . when used with Document Engine.

  • inputs.statsd.datadog_extensions needs to be set to true so that metric tags sent by Document Engine are parsed correctly.

  • inputs.statsd.templates defines how names of metrics sent by Document Engine are mapped to Telegraf’s metric representation. This needs to be set to the exact value shown in the configuration file above.

  • outputs.azure_monitor is a configuration for the Azure Monitor exporter. The resource_id is the cluster ID you used when granting metric publishing privileges to the Telegraf identity.

The above is just an example configuration file, and it’s by no means a complete configuration suitable for production deployments; please refer to the Telegraf documentation for all the available options.

Create the ConfigMap in the cluster by running:

kubectl apply -f telegraf-config.yml

Deploying Telegraf and Configuring Document Engine

You can now deploy Telegraf to the cluster, instructing it to use the provisioned configuration. The following file defines a DaemonSet and a headless Service for the Telegraf agents:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: DaemonSet
  name: telegraf
      app: telegraf
        app: telegraf
        aadpodidbinding: telegraf
        - name: telegraf
          image: telegraf
            - name: telegraf-config
              mountPath: /etc/telegraf/
              readOnly: true
        - name: telegraf-config
            name: telegraf-config
              - key: telegraf.conf
                path: telegraf.conf
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: telegraf
  clusterIP: None
    app: telegraf
    - protocol: UDP
      port: 8125
      targetPort: 8125

The DaemonSet will make sure there’s a single Telegraf agent available on each node in the cluster, and the headless service allows communication with the agent using a domain name. Notice that aadpodidbinding is set to telegraf, so that the identity binding you created before gets applied and the Telegraf agent will be granted permission to write metrics to Azure Monitor. Save the specification above in the telegraf.yml file and run kubectl apply -f telegraf.yml to trigger deployment.

Finally, the last part is to configure Document Engine to start sending metrics to the Telegraf agent. Edit the Document Engine deployment file and add these two environment variables:

  - name: STATSD_HOST
    value: telegraf
  - name: STATSD_PORT
    value: "8125"

Update the Document Engine deployment by running kubectl apply -f on the deployment definition file.

Viewing Metrics

To view metrics, go to Azure Monitor service in Azure portal and navigate to Metrics in the sidebar. You’ll be prompted to select a monitored resource — since you used the AKS cluster as the resource for which the metrics are written, you need to find the cluster by typing its name in the search field, select the checkbox, and click Apply.

Azure Monitor metrics search tab

In the Metric Namespace selection box, find pspdfkit/http_server and choose req_end_90_percentile for the metrics. Pick Max as the aggregation. Now click Add filter at the top and keep only those metrics for which the group dimension is set to Standard. Finally, click Apply splitting and choose the Method field. The chart you see now shows the 90th percentile of Document Engine’s HTTP response time, and it’s grouped by the HTTP method.

Azure Monitor Dashboard

The data points you’ll see will most likely be different than what’s shown in the screenshot above.


If no data is shown in the dashboard, open the Document Engine dashboard at /dashboard, upload a couple documents, and perform some operations on them.

Now you can explore more Document Engine metrics. When you’re satisfied with how the chart looks, add it to the dashboard so that you can get back to it. You can learn more about building advanced charts by following the Advanced features of Azure Metrics Explorer guide.