1.2 release notes

Document Engine 1.2 introduces some potentially breaking changes. To determine if you need to take action, check your implementation and refer to the information below.

PostgreSQL database TLS certificate verification

This release introduces new options to control PostgreSQL connection encryption (in case PGSSL is set to "true"). By default, the certificates installed in the container are used to verify the server certificate. If you need to use a custom CA certificate, you can provide the path to the CA certificate file using the PGSSL_CA_CERT_PATH or PGSSL_CA_CERTS options.

All new options:

  • PGSSL_CA_CERT_PATH — Optional path to the CA certificate file used to verify the server certificate. Mutually exclusive with PGSSL_CA_CERTS.

  • PGSSL_CA_CERTS — Optional CA certificate used to verify the server certificate. Mutually exclusive with PGSSL_CA_CERT_PATH.

  • PGSSL_CERT_COMMON_NAME — Common name of the server certificate. Defaults to the value of PGHOST.

  • PGSSL_DISABLE_HOSTNAME_VERIFY — A Boolean string that can be used to disable verification of the server certificate’s hostname. Defaults to "false".

  • PGSSL_DISABLE_VERIFY — A Boolean string that can be used to disable verification of the server certificate. Defaults to "false".

Database migrations

This release doesn’t include any database migration.