Match and Identify Image Templates in C#
The code below categorizes a document in the following ways:
It creates two templates.
It identifies the template whose content most closely matches the content of the document.
It renames the document file using the name of the template.
It deletes the templates.
// C# // We assume GdPicture has been correctly installed and unlocked. using (GdPictureImaging gdpictureImaging = new GdPictureImaging()) { // Create template A. int templateID = gdpictureImaging.ADRCreateTemplateFromFile(@"templateA.tif"); gdpictureImaging.ADRSetTemplateTag(templateID, "TemplateA"); // Create template B. templateID = gdpictureImaging.ADRCreateTemplateFromFile(@"templateB.tif"); gdpictureImaging.ADRSetTemplateTag(templateID, "TemplateB"); // Identify the template that has the best similar content and change the file name accordingly. templateID = gdpictureImaging.ADRGetCloserTemplateForFile("image.tif"); string templateName = gdpictureImaging.ADRGetTemplateTag(templateID); File.Move("image.tif", templateName + "_image.tif"); // Deletes all document identifier templates. int templateCount = gdpictureImaging.ADRGetTemplateCount(); for (int i = 1; i <= templateCount; i++) { templateID = gdpictureImaging.ADRGetTemplateID(1); gdpictureImaging.ADRDeleteTemplate(templateID); } }