Annotation events and notifications

Nutrient Flutter SDK lets you listen to various events that occur when the end user interacts with annotations in a document. The following events are supported:

Listener Description
annotationsCreated Event triggered when annotations are created.
annotationsDeselected Event triggered when annotations are deselected.
annotationsUpdated Event triggered when annotations are updated.
annotationsDeleted Event triggered when annotations are deleted.
annotationsSelected Event triggered when annotations are focused.

Most use cases should be covered by these listeners, and they can be used as such:

PspdfkitWidgetController.addEventListener(NutrientEvent.annotationsCreated, (event) {
  print('Annotations created: $event');

For more advanced use cases, consider exploring the Nutrient native and web SDKs for customization. Refer to the Nutrient Flutter SDK customization guide and the following documentation links for more information: