PSPDFKit 9.2 Migration Guide

This guide covers updating an iOS or Mac Catalyst project from PSPDFKit 9 for iOS to PSPDFKit 9.2 for iOS. We encourage you to update as soon as possible, in order to take advantage of future new features and fixes.

PSPDFKit 9.2 for iOS fully supports iOS 11, 12, and 13. iOS 11 support will be removed later during the PSPDFKit 9 lifecycle. Xcode 11.3 or later is required to use this version of the SDK. Learn more in our version support guide.

Third-Party Styluses No Longer Supported

PSPDFKit for iOS added support for third-party styluses in 2014 with the release of PSPDFKit 3.7 for iOS. Today, that comes to an end as PSPDFKit 9.2 for iOS removes support for third-party styluses to favor the much more prevalent option in 2020: Apple Pencil.

With this, we’re also simplifying our stylus-selection UI, as well as redesigning the API you can use to get notified about the status of the Apple Pencil that might be connected to the device.

The APIs that have been affected by this are listed below.

  • Removed

    Use PSPDFApplePencilManager instead.

  • Removed

    -[PSPDFKitGlobal stylusManager]
    Use -[PSPDFKitGlobal applePencilManager] instead.

  • Removed

    Use PSPDFApplePencilController instead.

  • Removed

    This is no longer supported.

  • Removed

    This is no longer supported.

  • Removed

    This is no longer supported.

  • Removed

    This is no longer supported.

  • Removed

    This is no longer supported.

  • Removed

    This is no longer supported.

  • Removed

    This driver’s functionality is now handled by PSPDFApplePencilManager.

  • Removed

    This is no longer supported.

  • Removed

    Use PSPDFApplePencilEnabledChangedNotification to get notified when Apple Pencil is enabled/disabled.

  • Removed

    Use PSPDFApplePencilStatusButton instead.

  • Removed

    Use -PSPDFAnnotationToolbar.showsApplePencilButtonAutomatically instead.

  • Removed

    Use PSPDFAnnotationToolbar.showingApplePencilButton instead.

  • Removed

    -[PSPDFAnnotationToolbar setShowingStylusButton:animated:]
    Use -[PSPDFAnnotationToolbar setShowingApplePencilButton:animated:] instead.

  • Removed

    Use -PSPDFAnnotationToolbar.applePencilButton instead.

Apple Pencil (first and second generation) continues to be fully supported by PSPDFKit for iOS out of the box.

Localized String Key Changes

The localized string keys for annotation types and tools have been simplified. If you’re providing a custom localization, check your use of any of the string keys below and ensure you’re using the correct keys in the correct contexts.


Key English Text Use
Redact Redact Accessibility label for text selection menu item.
Redaction Redaction Type of an annotation for redaction.
Note Note Type of an annotation for adding notes/comments.
Text Text This was not used.
FreeText Text Type of an annotation that shows text on the page.
File File This was not used.
Squiggle Squiggle This was not used.
Squiggly Squiggly Type of an annotation that shows a squiggly underline.

The new localized string keys always use the annotation type names from the PDF specification. Entries for other keys listed above have been removed. You can obtain all of these keys using constants like PSPDFAnnotationStringRedaction and PSPDFAnnotationStringNote etc.


Key English Text Use
Redact Redaction Type of an annotation for redaction. Now also used as the accessibility label for the text selection menu.
Text Note Type of an annotation for adding notes/comments.
FreeText Text Type of an annotation that shows text on the page.
FileAttachment File Type of an annotation that contains an embedded file.
Squiggly Squiggle Type of an annotation that shows a squiggly underline.