Validating a Digital Signature on iOS

PSPDFKit supports validating digital signatures embedded in PDF documents. The digital signature validation process consists of two steps.

  • In the first step, it checks if the signature certificate embedded during signing can be trusted. To do this, the trusted certificate from the authority that issued it, a root CA certificate, or an intermediate CA certificate is necessary. For your convenience, PSPDFKit already provides the Adobe Root CA. This CA is also typically loaded by third-party readers.

  • In the second step, it verifies the signature. This process essentially applies the public key (from the certificate embedded in the PDF file) to the digital signature and compares the result with the message digest built from the PDF file, excluding the signature itself. If the result is the same, the signature is valid.

Here’s an example of how to provide the trusted certificate:

do {
    // Load a certificate (with a public key) from a `p7` archive.
    let certificateData = try Data(contentsOf: p7URL)
    let certificates = try X509.certificatesFromPKCS7Data(certificateData)

    for certificate in certificates {
} catch {
    // Don't forget to check for errors here.
// Load a certificate (with a public key) from a `p7` archive.
NSData *certificateData = [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:p7URL];

NSError *error = nil;
NSArray *certificates = [PSPDFX509 certificatesFromPKCS7Data:certData error:&err];

// Don't forget to check for errors here.

for (PSPDFX509 *certificate in certificates) {
	[signatureManager addTrustedCertificate:certificate];

PDFSignatureValidator can then validate the signature in the SignatureFormElement with verifySignature(withTrustedCertificates:) or verifySignatureAndCheckRevocationStatus(withTrustedCertificates:).

The difference between these methods is that verifySignatureAndCheckRevocationStatus(withTrustedCertificates:) does a revocation status check if the certificate chain used for signing includes OCSP information. A revocation status check performs an HTTP request to contact the OCSP server to check whether the certificate chain is still valid or if it has been revoked, which could lead to the signature being invalid.

If the certificate chain used for signing doesn’t include OCSP information, then these two methods are equivalent.

Here’s an example showing how to validate a signature and get its status:

// Validate the signed document.
let validator = PDFSignatureValidator(signatureFormElement: signatureFormElement)
do {
	let status = try validator.verifySignature(withTrustedCertificates: certificates)
	// Decide what to do with the status.
} catch {
	// Handle errors.
// Validate the signed document.
PSPDFSignatureValidator *validator = [[PSPDFSignatureValidator alloc] initWithSignatureFormElement:signatureFormElement];
PSPDFSignatureStatus *status = [validator verifySignatureWithTrustedCertificates:certificates error:error];

This can be very useful for the topic that comes next.

Validation Statuses

If you validate a digital signature with PSPDFKit, either programmatically or using our UI, there can be several possible statuses for the signature. Programmatically, the PDFSignatureStatus class contains a property, signatureIntegrityStatus, that can be queried to determine if the document was altered in some way after it was digitally signed. Additionally, the coversEntireDocument Boolean property is useful if the document has many digital signatures. If coversEntireDocument returns false, it means the digital signature only covers a particular revision of the document — that is, there may be subsequent revisions covered by digital signatures that were applied later on.

The UI, which is implemented by SignedFormElementViewController, is shown, and it displays whether a signature is valid or has warnings or errors. Additionally, it shows information related to how the signature was signed. The validation UI also checks for certificate revocation status by contacting the revocation server.

The image below shows the validation UI when the document is signed with a self-signed certificate.

In this sample case, the first paragraph informs you of the general status of the digital signature. Next, the signer name and signing date is shown. This information always comes from the certificate itself, so you don’t have programmatic access to modify it. Following that paragraph, the integrity status of the document is displayed. In this case, the document hasn’t been modified since it was signed, which is a good sign. Finally, the UI lets you know that the certificate used for signing was a self-signed certificate. This isn’t necessarily bad, but you find out about this situation with a severity level of “warning.”

Below, you can see what happens if you try to validate a signature with an expired certificate.

In this case, you’re informed that the certificate isn’t valid because it has expired. To prevent confusing our users, our default UI doesn’t show the integrity status of a document if the certificate validation failed (that is, if the general signature status is “error”).

Below is the validation UI that’s shown when the certificate isn’t self-signed or hasn’t expired but isn’t yet trusted by PSPDFKit.

Validation in Adobe Acrobat

Once you’ve signed a PDF document using PSPDFKit, you’ll notice that after opening it in Adobe Acrobat, you might get the following validation status.

This warning is informing you that the reader application has verified that the document hasn’t been modified since the last time it was signed, but that the certificate isn’t yet trusted. You can configure the certificate as a trusted anchor in Adobe Acrobat by following the instructions provided by Adobe.

Alternatively, if the PDF is opened in a Windows environment, you can configure Adobe Acrobat to automatically trust every certificate in the Windows Certificate Store by clicking Edit > Preferences > Security > Advanced Preferences and then checking Enable searching the Windows Certificate Store for the following operations. Use this option with caution, as it might pose a security risk.

Adobe Acrobat 9 introduced a new program to make the validation process more user-friendly: the Adobe Approved Trust List (AATL). Businesses that provide certificates to their users can apply to this program by submitting application materials and their root certificates. Once approved, Adobe Acrobat will automatically download and trust every certificate that is part of this program.


How can I validate digital signatures in an iOS app using PSPDFKit?

To validate digital signatures, PSPDFKit checks the certificate’s trustworthiness and verifies the signature using the public key. It involves loading the trusted certificates, validating the signature, and optionally checking revocation status.

What are the key components of a digital signature in iOS?

A digital signature includes a cryptographic hash, a signer’s certificate, and metadata. PSPDFKit verifies these components to ensure that the document has not been altered since signing.

Why is digital signature validation important for iOS applications?

Validation ensures document authenticity and integrity, providing security and trustworthiness for legal, financial, and business documents.

Can PSPDFKit handle multiple signatures in a single document?

Yes, PSPDFKit can handle and validate multiple signatures within a single document, ensuring the integrity of each signature and the document as a whole.

What are common issues with digital signature validation on iOS?

Common issues include expired certificates, untrusted certificate authorities, and document modifications. Ensure certificates are valid, and consult PSPDFKit logs for detailed validation errors.

How does PSPDFKit handle certificate revocation status in digital signature validation?

PSPDFKit can perform certificate revocation checks if the certificate chain includes OCSP information. It makes an HTTP request to verify whether the certificate has been revoked.