Convert PDFs and images to PDF/A in MAUI

Nutrient MAUI SDK enables you to convert PDFs, Office documents, and images to PDF/A client-side. For more information on the supported source file formats, see the list of supported file types.

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Nutrient MAUI SDK supports converting source files into all PDF/A versions and conformance levels:

  • PDF/A-1a, PDF/A-1b

  • PDF/A-2a, PDF/A-2u, PDF/A-2b

  • PDF/A-3a, PDF/A-3u, PDF/A-3b

  • PDF/A-4, PDF/A-4e, PDF/A-4f

For more information on the long-term preservation of documents, check out our demo video below, or have a look at our complete guide to PDF/A.

Converting documents to PDF/A

To convert a PDF, an Office file, or an image to PDF/A, follow these steps:

  1. Load the source file.

  2. Use the ExportDocumentAsync method to convert the source file to PDF/A. This method takes an object as its parameter, which configures the conversion. For conversion to PDF/A, set the PDFAConformance property of the configuration object that you pass to the ExportDocumentAsync method to one of the values of the PDFAConformance enum.

  3. Save the output document. The ExportDocumentAsync method returns a Task that resolves to a byte[] that contains the output PDF/A document. You can use the resulting byte[] to save or persist the output PDF/A in storage. For more information on downloading or persisting the exported byte[], see the guides on saving a document.

The example below loads a PDF document and exports it to a PDF with conformance level PDF/A-4f:

var documentFromLocalStorage =
    await PSPDFKitController.LoadDocument(docxFilePath, PSPDFKitController.CreateViewerConfiguration());

var exportConfiguration = documentFromLocalStorage.CreateExportConfiguration();
exportConfiguration.PDFAConformance = PDFAConformance.PDFA_4F;
var exportedDocumentAsPDF =
   await documentFromLocalStorage.ExportDocumentAsync(exportConfiguration);

For more control over exporting documents, use IExportConfiguration. If you pass null instead, the default configuration will be used:

var exportOptions = _document.CreateExportConfiguration();
    ExcludeAnnotations = true,
    ExportForPrinting = true,
    ExportIncrementally = false,
    Flatten = true,

var exportedDocumentContent = await _document.ExportDocumentAsync(exportConfiguration);