Digital signature lifecycle for PDFs in MAUI

This section will guide you through the process of implementing a digital signature lifecycle for signing a PDF document. By utilizing digital signatures, you can ensure the integrity and authenticity of your PDF files, establishing a secure and reliable method for verifying their content. We’ll outline the essential steps and provide code examples to assist you in comprehending and implementing the digital signature lifecycle efficiently.

For organizations seeking a hassle-free digital signing solution, leveraging cloud services is an ideal choice. Nutrient’s advanced eSignatures API is a robust, cloud-based alternative that eliminates the need to implement most parts of the signing workflow. This service uses Adobe Approved Trust List (AATL) certificates, ensuring the highest level of trust and compliance.

  1. Prepare the certificates for signing
    To sign a document, you need self-signed certificates or certificates from trusted authorities

  2. Add a signature field
    How to add a signature field, visible or invisible

  3. Sign a PDF document
    How to sign a PDF document using basic or CAdES signature types

  4. Configure digital signature appearance
    How to configure digital signatures appearance, encompassing both visible and invisible signatures

  5. View and validate a digital signature
    How to verify and ensure the integrity of a digital signature

Use the guides above in conjunction with the advanced access to APIs guide, which explains how to access Nutrient Web SDK APIs from your MAUI application, enabling you to adapt the code examples to your MAUI environment. Because the underlying APIs are identical, the core concepts and workflows described in the guides above remain relevant.