Create PDF Fillable Forms in Linux


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PDF Generation supports the conversion of HTML forms into interactive PDF forms.

Conversion is handled completely internally, so there’s no need to pass any extra information to the [generation payload][generation-schema].

Because not all HTML form fields map directly to PDF forms, a subset of form fields is supported. The following table shows how the HTML input element types map to PDF form types.

input type PDF form field
text Text box
password Text box where all characters are replaced with *
radio Radio button
checkbox Checkbox
select Combo box

All other input types aren’t supported and won’t be converted to PDF form fields.

Form values

All form values and radio buttons/checkboxes that are checked in HTML will be carried over to the form field values in the generated PDF.

Form field names

The name of the form field in the generated PDF is determined based on the id and name attributes of the HTML form field. They’re both concatenated with an _ in between. What follows are some concrete examples.

Only ID set

Given this HTML:

<input type="text" id="textInput" />

The form field name would be:


Both ID and name set

Given this HTML:

<input type="text" id="textInput" name="cool" />

The form field name would be:


Only name set

Given this HTML:

<input type="text" name="cool" />

The form field name would be:
