Web Guides Knowledge base Our knowledge base shows quick solutions to many common customization questions: Add a listener to a default toolbar item Add a listener while editing a text or note annotation Add a watermark only when printing Add comment annotations programmatically Add custom keyboard shortcuts Add signature initials Change the default line width for ink annotations Check if a document contains annotations Check if a document is password protected Control the appearance of the delete button with CSS Create text highlight annotations from text extraction Creating link annotations with text Customize the page indicator Delete all annotations Deselect the current text selection Detecting when the Nutrient UI has loaded in the Web SDK Determine the current layout mode Disable resizing of annotations Disable the context menu in Nutrient Disable the movement of text annotations but allow editing the text Download an exported document Export an ink annotation as an image Extract text from annotations and retrieve the current cursor position in the text Find an ink annotation for a signature form field Focus on a widget annotation Focus on the PDF viewer when it loads Focus the delete button in a confirm dialog Get the entered document password Get the visible annotations on the current page Handling clicks on custom overlays Highlight custom search results Highlight required form fields How can I create a bookmark from an outline element? How do I disable changing the page when tapping the page edges? How do I highlight text without an annotation? How do I limit the number of annotations in a PDF? How do I prevent printing annotations? How do I resize a multiline text form field in height when it’s overflown? How do I rotate a page? How do I toggle between themes? How do I zoom to a specific value? How to default to using a cloudy border How to load multiple files in a single viewer instance Implement an automatic annotation and field tab ordering Iterate over all form fields and widgets in a document License registered for a different bundle identifier Listen to an annotation’s hover event Load a PDF as an array buffer in the Web SDK Load a PDF from a stream Load a minimal PDF stub from a string Manual Instant sync Observe Document Editor visibility Optimize Nutrient size for web applications Override the ink signature dialog Override the user agent Persist the currently edited note annotation text Persist ink signatures across instances Preserve attachments used for stamp annotation templates Prevent editing the content of a text annotation Prevent printing with Control-P Print output appears blurry compared to exported version Process the currently rendered pages Programmatically navigate to a page Read-only forms Render a document at full height Render a document in night mode Render a page in black and white Render a page to an image without annotations Render an annotation’s properties as a tooltip Render the visible area of the current page Restore the last seen page when reopening a document Rotate an ink annotation Save a modified PDF to Document Engine Showing the focus ring around read-only annotations Submit ink signatures with a form Wait for a specific element to appear Zoom to a specific annotation when a PDF loads