Measure distance and area in a PDF using JavaScript

Nutrient Web SDK enables you to accurately measure distance and area in a PDF using various measuring tools, ensuring efficient measurement of PDF documents. You can use a known or calibrated page-to-real-world scale.

What is a PDF measuring tool?

A PDF measuring tool is a specialized software application designed to measure distances, lengths, and areas within a PDF document. These tools are indispensable in industries like architecture, engineering, design, and construction, where precision is paramount. By using a PDF measuring tool, professionals can easily extract accurate measurements from PDF files, eliminating the need for manual calculations or printing out documents. This not only saves time but also enhances accuracy, making PDF measuring tools a vital asset in any workflow that involves detailed measurements.

Key capabilities of Measurement Tools

  • Measure distance — Measure the distance between two or more points on a PDF page.

  • Measure area — Measure the area inside a custom-drawn polygon, rectangle, or ellipse.

  • Calibrate scale — Calibrate the scale of a page using a known distance.

PDF measurement tools also allow for customizing and optimizing the functionality of measurement lines, including appearance customization, saving multiple settings, and toggling between settings for various needs.

How to use a PDF measuring tool with Nutrient

Using a PDF measuring tool in Nutrient enhances your workflow by providing accurate and customizable measurement options. To start, load your PDF document into the Nutrient viewer. From there, you can access the measurement tools in the toolbar.

Available measurement tools

Nutrient offers a variety of measurement tools, including:

  • Distance tool — Measures the distance between two points.

  • Perimeter tool — Measures the total length around a connected set of points.

  • Polygon area tool — Measures the area of a custom-drawn polygon.

  • Ellipse area tool — Measures the area of an ellipse.

  • Rectangle area tool — Measures the area of a rectangular shape.

These tools are fully customizable, allowing you to define the scale and precision for your measurements, ensuring they meet the specific needs of your project.

Guides for measurements

Measure distance
Measure the length of a straight line or multiple connected lines programmatically or using the built-in UI

Measure area
Measure the surface of an area programmatically or using the built-in UI

Configure measurements
Configure the scale and precision of measurements programmatically or using the built-in UI

Common use cases for PDF measuring tools

PDF measuring tools have a wide range of applications across various industries. Some common use cases include:

  • Architecture and engineering — Measuring distances and lengths in architectural and engineering drawings.

  • Construction and design — Calculating areas and perimeters in construction and design projects.

  • Research and development — Analyzing PDF drawings and documents for research purposes.

  • Form and template creation— Creating and editing PDF forms and templates.

  • File conversion — Converting PDF files to other formats, such as CAD or image files.

By incorporating a PDF measuring tool into their workflows, users can streamline processes, improve accuracy, and boost productivity. These tools are essential for anyone who regularly works with PDF drawings and documents, providing a reliable and efficient way to handle measurements.

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