Explore new features in PSPDFKit 2018.5

PSPDFKit for Web 2018.5 adds image annotations to place arbitrary images on a PDF page, along with two new sidebar modes — one to show the table of contents (document outlines) of a PDF, and one that lists all annotations. It also includes a new option to create annotation variants with the new ink highlighter and arrow tools enabled by default, plus a whole lot more!

If you’re maintaining a Server installation, be sure to check out the 2018.5 Server Migration Guide.

API Changes

  • Adds Configuration#enableServiceWorkerSupport to not bypass service workers when loading stylesheets inside PSPDFKit for Web.

  • Adds defaultAnnotationPresets for annotation presets. You can read more about customizing annotation presets in our Customizing the Toolbar guide.

  • Removes InteractionMode.LAYOUT_CONFIGURATION. The state of the layout configurator will be no longer be exposed.

Notable Changes

  • The order of defaultToolbarItems was changed.

  • New toolbar items for document outline, document annotation sidebar, the highlighter variant, and the arrow variant were added to the defaultToolbarItems.

  • We fixed an issue with exported and imported XFDF files on rotated pages.

  • The placement logic of dropdowns has changed, and CSS rules that rely on the HTML structure of the dropdowns might need to be updated.

For a full list of changes, check out the changelog.