Open PDFs from an ArrayBuffer using JavaScript

Nutrient Web SDK in standalone mode accepts different input data types for a document: either as the document URL string, or as an ArrayBuffer containing the document file. Set it in the document property of the PSPDFKit.Configuration object passed to PSPDFKit.load():

	document: myDocumentArrayBuffer

The ArrayBuffer can be constructed from a file in any of the different supported input formats.

It’s also possible to set the initial conditions of the viewer in the same configuration object by setting the initialViewState property. For example, if you want to open a document on page 8 with the thumbnails sidebar open, you can do it like this:

	document: myDocumentArrayBuffer,
	initialViewState: new PSPDFKit.ViewState({
		pageIndex: 8,
		sidebarMode: PSPDFKit.SidebarMode.THUMBNAILS

Loading options

You can open files in any of the supported file formats.

PSPDFKit.load() also accepts different configuration options:


  document: documentUrl,
  toolbarItems: PSPDFKit.defaultToolbarItems.filter(item => item.type !== "print"),
  initialViewState: new PSPDFKit.ViewState({
    sidebarMode: PSPDFKit.SidebarMode.THUMBNAILS

Nutrient Web SDK in standalone mode accepts different input data types for a document: either as the document URL string, or as an ArrayBuffer containing the document file. Set it in the document property of the PSPDFKit.Configuration object passed to PSPDFKit.load():

	document: myDocumentArrayBuffer

The ArrayBuffer can be constructed from a file in any of the different supported input formats.

It’s also possible to set the initial conditions of the viewer in the same configuration object by setting the initialViewState property. For example, if you want to open a document on page 8 with the thumbnails sidebar open, you can do it like this:

	document: myDocumentArrayBuffer,
	initialViewState: new PSPDFKit.ViewState({
		pageIndex: 8,
		sidebarMode: PSPDFKit.SidebarMode.THUMBNAILS

Loading options

You can open files in any of the supported file formats.

PSPDFKit.load() also accepts different configuration options:


  document: documentUrl,
  toolbarItems: PSPDFKit.defaultToolbarItems.filter(item => item.type !== "print"),
  initialViewState: new PSPDFKit.ViewState({
    sidebarMode: PSPDFKit.SidebarMode.THUMBNAILS

Nutrient Web SDK in standalone mode accepts different input data types for a document: either as the document URL string, or as an ArrayBuffer containing the document file. Set it in the document property of the PSPDFKit.Configuration object passed to PSPDFKit.load():

	document: myDocumentArrayBuffer

The ArrayBuffer can be constructed from a file in any of the different supported input formats.

It’s also possible to set the initial conditions of the viewer in the same configuration object by setting the initialViewState property. For example, if you want to open a document on page 8 with the thumbnails sidebar open, you can do it like this:

	document: myDocumentArrayBuffer,
	initialViewState: new PSPDFKit.ViewState({
		pageIndex: 8,
		sidebarMode: PSPDFKit.SidebarMode.THUMBNAILS

Loading options

You can open files in any of the supported file formats.

PSPDFKit.load() also accepts different configuration options:


  document: documentUrl,
  toolbarItems: PSPDFKit.defaultToolbarItems.filter(item => item.type !== "print"),
  initialViewState: new PSPDFKit.ViewState({
    sidebarMode: PSPDFKit.SidebarMode.THUMBNAILS