Open PDF files in SharePoint on-premises

Nutrient SharePoint SDK supports directly opening and rendering documents inside your SharePoint on-premises application from a file handler. For more information, see our guide on how to get started with file handlers.

File handlers

File handlers are simple XML files that instruct SharePoint to redirect to your URL of choice whenever a file with a particular extension is clicked. By using a file handler, you override SharePoint’s default behavior so that PDF files stored in SharePoint are opened directly inside your application. Any edits to the opened files using your application can then be directly saved back to SharePoint.

Here’s an example of the .xml file handler used in our getting started guide:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
  <!-- Redirect any links to PDF files to the PDF Editor application page -->
  <Mapping FileExtension="pdf" RedirectUrlTemplate="/_layouts/15/OpenPDFSharePoint/ViewPDF.aspx?fileURL=|0" NoGetRedirect="TRUE"/>

Nutrient SharePoint SDK supports directly opening and rendering documents inside your SharePoint on-premises application from a file handler. For more information, see our guide on how to get started with file handlers.

File handlers

File handlers are simple XML files that instruct SharePoint to redirect to your URL of choice whenever a file with a particular extension is clicked. By using a file handler, you override SharePoint’s default behavior so that PDF files stored in SharePoint are opened directly inside your application. Any edits to the opened files using your application can then be directly saved back to SharePoint.

Here’s an example of the .xml file handler used in our getting started guide:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
  <!-- Redirect any links to PDF files to the PDF Editor application page -->
  <Mapping FileExtension="pdf" RedirectUrlTemplate="/_layouts/15/OpenPDFSharePoint/ViewPDF.aspx?fileURL=|0" NoGetRedirect="TRUE"/>

Nutrient SharePoint SDK supports directly opening and rendering documents inside your SharePoint on-premises application from a file handler. For more information, see our guide on how to get started with file handlers.

File handlers

File handlers are simple XML files that instruct SharePoint to redirect to your URL of choice whenever a file with a particular extension is clicked. By using a file handler, you override SharePoint’s default behavior so that PDF files stored in SharePoint are opened directly inside your application. Any edits to the opened files using your application can then be directly saved back to SharePoint.

Here’s an example of the .xml file handler used in our getting started guide:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
  <!-- Redirect any links to PDF files to the PDF Editor application page -->
  <Mapping FileExtension="pdf" RedirectUrlTemplate="/_layouts/15/OpenPDFSharePoint/ViewPDF.aspx?fileURL=|0" NoGetRedirect="TRUE"/>